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Results 13801-13830 of 184,264 sorted by relevance
13801[Diary entry: 10 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
10. About 1 Oclock it began to thunder & Lighten & contind. to do so incessantly till abt. 8 Oclock with constant hard Rain which lasted till about 11 and then ceasd but contd. cloudy & very warm the remaining part of the day.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I flatter myself an explanation of the Inclos’d paper, with you will be a sufficient excuse for the Liberty I have taken; to Sollicit you in favor of an Orphan; whose Father I belive had the Honor of a place in your esteem, which was the late Mr. Huske M:P: for Malden in Essex; who unfortunately Died in this Town in very Indigent Curcumstances, in...
As we have no complete return from the collectors of the vessels which sailed under permission, I have written this day a circular asking for one, & cannot until answers shall have been received, comply with the Senate’s resolution. No alteration seems necessary in the answer to Armstrong the indian chief, unless some be suggested by the expressions used in the provision making the reservation...
J’ai l’honneur de vous adresser par le Courrier d’Aujourd’hui un petit paquet contenant “le traite élementaire de la Morale & du Bonheur.” S’il arrivait que ce ne fut l’ouvrage que vous attendez, je vous prie d’ avoir la bonté de me le renvoyer. Aussitôt que l’ “American brewer & Malster” paraîtra je m’empresserai de vous le faire parvi parvenir . By today’s mail I have the honor of sending...
Gentlemen of the Senate and of the House of Representatives I send herewith, for the information of Congress, the treaty concluded between the United States and the Dey and Regency of Algiers. LS , DNA : RG 46, entry 47; copy, DNA : RG 59, Reports of the Secretary of State to the President and Congress; copy, DNA : RG 233, entry 28, Journals. The enclosed copy of the treaty of 5 Sept. 1795,...
Circular letter to the state executives enclosing a copy of a resolve of Congress of 25 Oct. “recommending to the respective States, to exert their utmost Endeavors to furnish their Troops with Cloathing, on the Terms formerly mentioned.” FC ( DLC : PCC , No. 15). Enclosure missing; printed in JCC Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789 , ed. W. C. Ford and others, Washington,...
[ 25 Dec. 1786. Recorded in SJL as received 3 May 1787. Not found.]
Your two favors the one advising me of the Beautrice and the other Covering letters from my Children in Europe I have had the pleasure to receive. Mrs. Schuyler has been much indisposed since my last. We began to be very apprehensive of her situation but our fears are vanished with the untoward Symptoms which occasioned them. She is now so well as to go abroad and we have well grounded hopes...
I beg leave to acquaint your Excellency, that the want of Subsistence obliged several Officers in my Department long since to leave the service, the duty and expences of those who remain, increasing with a rapid progress, they notified me in September last they could not continue in service any longer, as no adequate provision was made for their subsistanc⟨e,⟩ But having received information...
You will proceed with the letter herewith delivered you to Windsor in the State of Vermont where you will deliver it yourself to Lt Leonard and put yourself under his command till his arrival with his detachment in this City. It is an instruction to him previous to his march from Windsor to muster his men with your aid, the Muster Roll to be certified by you jointly. With consideration I am...
Your letter of the 11th Instant has been duly received. The altered One to Messrs Wilhem, and Jan Willink has been forwarded to its address, and the former is herewith returned. Your application to the Bank of the United States for the loan of money, having failed (as I presume the Secretary of the Treasury has informed you, and as I had always supposed would be the case) I have executed the...
In your last Letter you requested copies of my Letters to Dr. Price. They are inclosed— These letters and many others, and other writings and conversations to the same affect destroyed my popularity with mankind.—The Turgotests, the Condorcetians, the Rochefaucaultians the Brissotians the Jacobins and the Sans Cullotts—France took offence and pronounced me an aristocrat Rochefoucauldians; and...
The Memorial of the Officers of Artillery now in Service at the Park of Artillery Humbly Sheweth—That it is with pain we address your Excellency upon the disagreeable Subject before us; Your Excellency’s Ears have been so often wounded of late With Complaints that we wou’d rather sooth & Suppress our present Uneasiness than to trouble you with them at this time: But to remain silent We...
After suffering the privations of three campaigns two hard winters on the frozen lines of Canada and cripled by wounds at taking York I am left out of the peace arraignment to make way for Frenchmen Irishmen & Englishmen who have done no fighting nor suffered either by wounds or privation of a camp men retained and offices given them for Support. These are facts for I know the three men...
We have received a letter you did us the honor of addressing us of the 10th. April & take note of your instructions in the event of our receiving from our Government the money payable here for American Claimants, not to pay without a special authority from you any claim that may be made upon us by any person for the whole or part of the Sum of £3043..13..10 receivable in the case of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je prie votre Excellence d’agreer mon compliment de felicitation sur les grands avantages qu’ont eus recemment les Etats unis: cette maniere de vaincre est d’autant plus glorieuse qu’elle est peu destructive, sans etre moins desastreuse pour l’ennemi. De retour a Paris depuis deux jours apres trois mois d’absence, j’espere que votre Excellence me permettra...
My last was to Maria of the 12th. of Feb. I have been discouraged from writing under the apprehension that my letters did not get to you. I therefore inclosed that to mr Jefferson. since this I have recieved yours of Feb. 7. 10. 16. & 20. by which I have had acknolege ments of the receipt of all mine except of Dec. 21. & my last of Feb. 12. this I shall hear of in due time. the former was sent...
for many years past I have been in the habit of Cultivating the Grape Vine & with various Sucess, owing to some cause or other they verry generally Rotted, and which has allmost allways happened Just at the moment as it were when they have attained their full Size, they then take a drab Coloured spot on One side which spreads in a few days over the Grape & has the appearance of being scalded &...
After a delay rendered unavoidable by the pressure of other business, I now acknowledge the receipt of the letter of the 31st December which by order of His Excely the Bey of Tunis, you addressed to the President of the United States, on the topics which have been brought into discussion. The determination of the Bey to observe a strict impartiality during the late war between the UStates and...
To the Quarter Master General, or Deputy Qr Mr with the Army. In all cases on the present march, where the Draught Horses or Cattle of the Army shall fail, or where an addi ti onal number shall be absolutely necessary, & cannot be procured by hire, or in any other way except by Military Force; you are hereby authorised & directed to impress such numbers of Horses or Oxen as shall be required...
It is Colonel Washington’s orders, that you Deliver to Captain Woodward Clothes, for the Detachment of men under his command; taking his Receipt for the number he receives. LB , DLC:GW .
The idea suggested by you last evening, that you may possibly think it expedient to appoint a Secretary of Legation to the embassy to Paris, induces me to say that if upon reflection such a measure should finally be adopted, and no person occurs to you as likely to accept the appointment whose experience and qualifications should not give him superior pretensions; I should be glad of it, if it...
The inclosed paper came to my hand for communication to the Philosophical society as you will percieve by it’s contents. this I beg leave to do thro’ you, and to avail myself of this as of every occasion of assuring you of my friendship & respect. RC ( PPAmP : Thomas Jefferson Papers); addressed: “Doct r Robert Patterson Philadelphia”; franked; postmarked Milton , 30 June. PoC ( MHi ); with...
17 April 1801, Paris. Has received from Cathalan copy of enclosed circular letter brought by ship Anna Maria , which left Tunis on 24 Mar. Cathalan has forwarded by Bordeaux two large packets for State Department, one from Tripoli and the other from Tunis. Mountflorence is transmitting copies of the circular to North Sea ports and Great Britain. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Paris, vol....
I had the honour of receiving at Aix your letter of Feb. 9. and immediately wrote to the Count de Montmorin, explaining the delay of the answer of Congress to the king’s letter, and desired Mr. Short to deliver that answer with my letter to Monsieur de Montmorin , which he accordingly informs me he has done. My absence prevented my noting to you in the first moment the revolution which has...
I have received your several Letters of the 9th 10th & 11th Instant. It will be proper upon the general principle & practice, to Order an enquiry to be made into the conduct of the Commanding Officer of the Guard, which escorted the Prisoners to Easton. The discriptive Lists of the Recruits may be lodged with the Commanding Officers of Brigades, or the Dep. Adjt Genl as you shall think best....
Being quite unwell when your obliging letter of the 23d Ultimo & its enclosures reached me, I embrace the first moment of convalescence to thank you for them. Your letters to me while in france, with one exception, intercepted by means as I have reason to believe, as unjustifiable as dishonourable, would have afforded me much satisfaction, had I have duly recd. them; but left as I was without...
Your Letter of the 19th which came to hand by the last Post gives a melancholy acct of your prospects for a Crop—& a still more melancholy one of the decay of public spirit, & virtue—The first I submit to with the most perfect resignation and chearfulness—I look upon every dispensation of Providence as designed to answer some valuable purpose, and hope I shall always possess a sufficient...
Le départ de mon Beau-Frére Govert-Jean van Persyn pour l’Amérique-Unie me met enfin dans le cas de remplir un devoir, que les circonstances du tems, ma vie extrémement occupée, & l’effet que cet ensemble a produit sur mon esprit, m’ont trop longtems fait negliger. Il y a deux ans sur-tout, que, placé à mon tour à la tête de notre Université, & ce tour tombant au milieu des tems de la plus...
I take the liberty to forward to you, six copies of Novanglus, &c. as a small token of the respect which I entertain for your exalted character, and of the gratitude, which I feel for your condescension, in furnishing such invaluable materials for this publication. That you may continue many years, in health and prosperity, to behold the rising glory, and receive the grateful approbation of...