13801Thomas Barclay to the American Commissioners, 2 October 1786 (Jefferson Papers)
By the Bearer Colonel Franks I do myself the honor to send you in a small Box the following Articles. These matters have been detained a considerable time from you by various Accidents, among which contrary Winds and stormy Weather were a Part. But I hope as all such impediments are removed you will receive them with the utmost Expedition. The Original of the Declaration made by Mr. Fennish...
13802The Conde de Aranda to the American Commissioners, with a Contemporary Translation, 27 September 1784 (Adams Papers)
Antes de ayer recibi la carta de V. S as. del 22 por mano del S r. Humphreys Secretarío de la comission, en la qual me comunican la íntencion de los Estados unidos de America de establecer con el Rey Catolico una correspondencia conveniente ã los dos Dominíos, y fundada en los principios de igualdad, reciprocidad, y amistad, que mutuamente sea ventajosa ã las dos Naciones. Que para este efecto...
13803Thomas Barclay to the American Commissioners, 13 September 1786 (Jefferson Papers)
Though in a letter written at this place, dated the 10th. instant, I gave you a long answer to the questions with which you charged me, I will now add some farther particulars on the Subject of this Country, which you will possibly be inclined to know. The Emperor is on the most cordial and friendly footing with Spain. The presents, made him from that Court, have been uncommonly great; and...
13804John Jay to the American Commissioners, 11 March 1785 (Adams Papers)
On the 7 th of May 1784 Congress were pleased to resolve “that Treaties of Amity and Commerce be entered into with Morocco, and the Regencies of Tunis, Algiers and Tripoli, to continue for the term of ten years or for a term as much longer as can be procured” They also resolved “that their Ministers to be commissioned for treating with foreign nations, make known to the Emperor of Morocco the...
13805De Scarnafis to the American Commissioners, 26 September 1784 (Jefferson Papers)
J’ai reçu, Messieurs, la lettre, que Vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire en date du 22. de Septembre, par la quelle vous m’informez, que Les Etats Unis d’Amerique assemblés en Congrès vous ont autorisés de pouvoir former un Traité d’Amitié et de commerce avec Sa Majesté le Roi de Sardaigne, je viens d’en faire part à ma Cour, et si l’on me mande quelque chose de particulier à ce sujet, je...
13806William Carmichael to the American Commissioners, 3 February 1786 (Jefferson Papers)
On the 4th of December last Mr. Lamb delivered me the Letter which Your Excellencies did me the honor to address me dated from London the 1st. and from Paris the 11th of October. At the same time that Gentleman communicated to me his Instructions and I all the Intelligence I had been able to procure relative to the negociation between this Country and the Regency of Algiers. The Ct. d’Expilly...
13807Thulemeier to the American Commissioners: Résumé, 24 January 1785 (Franklin Papers)
LS and copy: National Archives ⟨The Hague, January 24, 1785, in French: The king has authorized me to transmit to you some observations on the counterproject of the treaty of commerce, which you sent me on November 10 and which a Dutch courier delivered on the twenty-sixth. An express courier charged with dispatches for the Dutch ambassador at Paris provides me today with a safe and swift...
13808Baron Staël von Holstein to the American Commissioners: Résumé, 5 October 1784 (Franklin Papers)
LS and copy: National Archives ⟨Paris, October 5, 1784, in French: When I received your letter from Mr. Humphreys, secretary of the Commission for Treaties of the United States of America, which I will forward to the king, I suggested that in order to save time, I also communicate some notion of what additions are being proposed by the United States. If you agree, I will send the dispatches...
13809Michael Hillegas to the American Commissioner or Commissioners, 13 November 1781 (Franklin Papers)
Two ALS : American Philosophical Society In Pursuance of the resolve of Congress (hereunto annexed) I have signed, fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth of Two Setts of Loan Office Bills of Exchange of the numbers, and denominations following viz No. 73 November 10th 1778 for Twenty-four Dollars 76 November 10th. 1778 for Thirty Dollars Both in favour of Mr John Loring Amounting to fifty-four...
13810Delfino to the American Commissioners, 27 September 1784 (Jefferson Papers)
C’est avec la plus grande satisfaction, que je viens de recevoir La Lettre, que vous m’avez fait L’honneur de m’ecrire. Je ne manquerai pas, Messieurs, de transmettre au Senat votre information, et aussitôt que j’en aurai reçu Les reponses, je me ferai un devoir de vous Les communiquer. J’ai L’honneur en attendant d’être avec toute La consideration, et L’attachement possible: Messieurs Votre...
13811Thomas Barclay to the American Commissioners, 26 June 1786 (Adams Papers)
This day week we arrived here, since which I have had two audiences from His Majesty, the first a public one & the second a private one of yesterday. It is but a few minutes since I heard that a Courrier will depart this Evening for Daralbeyda, & I have not time to enter into particulars. It will be agreable however for you to know, that the last draught of the Treaty is made, & will probably...
13812William Carmichael to the American Commissioners, 5 April 1786 (Adams Papers)
I this day rec d. from the Secretary of States Department a letter from the Count D Expilly inclosin one from M r Lamb, copies of which I have the honor to transmit for Your Excellencies Information. Mess rs. Lamb and Randall left Barcelona the 11 th. Ult o. After their Departure I procured a letter in their favor from his Exc y. the C t. de Florida Blanca to the C t. D Expilly which I...
13813Francesco Favi to the American Commissioners, 26 April 1785 (Adams Papers)
Le projet du Traité, que vous m’avéz fait l’honneur de m’adresser dans le mois de Decembre dernier, et que vous avéz proposé à Son Altesse Royale Msgr̃ L’Archiduc Grand Duc de Toscane mon Maitre etoit trop conformé à Ses principes pourqu’il ne fût pas agrée. Ce Prince après L’avoir pris en consideration est venu dans la determination d’y adherer, et c’est par son ordre, que j’ai L’honneur de...
13814Thomas Barclay to the American Commissioners, 7 November 1786 (Jefferson Papers)
I wrote to you from Cadiz the 2d. of last Month a Copy of which goes under the Cover of this and the Original with the Papers mentioned therein will I hope be very soon delivered to you by Colonel Franks. On my arrival here I had the pleasure of receiving Mr. Jefferson’s Letter of the 26th . of Septr. informing me that for the present any further attempts to arrange Matters with the Barbary...
13815Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais to the American Commissioners, 13 February 1789 [i.e., 1779] (Franklin Papers)
Copy: American Philosophical Society M. Peltier duDoyer mon Correspondant de Nantes m’a fait signiffier une assignation à lui donnée en votre nom, aux fins de delivrer à votre Procureur, la foible cargaison de ris et d’indigo venue pour moi de Charlestown, sur le Navire la Thérese que Mr. Peltier a vendue par mon ordre et dont il m’a fait passer les fonds. Surpris de cette attaque, j’ai chargé...
13816Intelligence from Amsterdam and Other Places, 1 March 1779 (Franklin Papers)
D : National Archives The man who seems to have coordinated Franklin’s receipt of maritime intelligence, the chevalier de Kéralio, was kept busy during the four months of this volume. Franklin received from him more than one hundred items of port news, generally arranged in chronological order by an unknown copyist; eventually Franklin forwarded this material to Congress. The flow of...
13817George Anderson to the American Commissioners, 16 February 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Harvard University Library I had the honour of addressing You the 20th October last, the purport of which was to inform You of my situation at that time, and the treatment of a Certain Gentleman, to the Americans that are brought here— At present I beg leave to give You an exact relation of what has transpired in this place, respecting the said...
13818Intelligence from Bilbao and Other Places, 3 July 1779 (Franklin Papers)
D : National Archives During the months covered by the present volume there was a considerable decline in the volume of intelligence collected by the chevalier de Kéralio and given to Franklin for eventual forwarding to Congress. Kéralio was absent from Paris for much of the period and made arrangements to provide such information during his absence, but from late August until the end of...
13819Francis Hopkinson to the American Commissioner or Commissioners, 24 July 1780 (Franklin Papers)
Three ALS : American Philosophical Society Since my last of the 27th. of June the following Sets of Exchange have issued from my office vizt. To the State of Maryland dlr Dolr 7 Sets 100 each No. 1–7 700 5 200 1–5 1000
13820Dumas to the American Commissioners, 23 February 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Ma derniere étoit du 16e Jeudi, 18e l’Agent de L. h. p. porta à Mr. l’Ambassadeur de France une réponse, qui lui fut rendue tout de suite, comme non satisfaisante. Le lendemain Mr. l’Ambassadr. remit au Président de semaine une note sur ce sujet. Il y a une Lettre d’un grand personnage aux Etats de la province de Frise,...
13821Francis Hopkinson to the American Commissioner or Commissioners, 6 March 1780 (Franklin Papers)
Two ALS : American Philosophical Society Since my last of the 14th. of Jany. the following Setts of Exchange have issued from my Office Viz To Pennsylvania Dolls 150 setts 36 Dolls. No. 2218–2367 = 5,400 To New Jersey Dolls 50 setts 30 Dols. No. 2026–2075 = 1,500
13822William Bingham to the American Commissioners, 14 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS and AL : American Philosophical Society I have been prevented from having the honor of writing to you for some considerable time past, as an Embargo has been laid upon all Shipping bound to Europe, in Consequence of some Dispatches, which the General received from France. I vainly hoped that it would be a Forerunner to a Commencement of Hostilities, but it is now taken off; and there seems...
13823Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners, 7 May 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Virginia Library; letterbook copy: Yale University Library I recvd. your favour per Courier with the several packets mentioned in the List. I thank you for the honour you do me in committing your dispatches to my Care and I will do my best endeavour to execute the Business to your satisfaction. Had the Wind been fair Capt. Adams would have sailed immediately but it has been...
13824Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners, 16 October 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The present serves to inform you that Capt. Brown who has the Dolphin wishes to be excused from taking her as his owners have directed his return in the Mars which belongs to them; Capt. Brown hopes you will not misinterpret his Desire, and says that if you choose he will continue, but if the change will not displease you he wishes she may be given to some...
13825The Secret Committee to the American Commissioners, 18 February 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Virginia Library You will receive herewith a Copy of our Letter of Yesterday by the Lexington, with its enclosures. This goes to Boston for a Passage from thence. An armed Vessel belonging to that State will carry the dispatches and will be governed by your directions respecting her Load back, and the Time of her return. Should you have failed in obtaining the Loan, or of...
13826Joshua Johnson to the American Commissioners, 2 October 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I propose to fit out two or three Vessells on my return to England and send to Lisbon, to Load with Salt which I purpose to send from thence to some one of the United Colonies in America. I therefore humbly solicit your Pasports to protect the said Vessells from being Captured by the American Cruizers and to enable me with more security to throw in supplies...
13827Thomas Morris to the American Commissioners, 19 March 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the pleasure to address you last on the 11th. Instant by Captain Hammond, who I understand arrived safe at Paris on Thursday Evening last, and make no doubt duely delivered the sundry dispatches he brought with him from America for you. Any intelligence they contain, and that you may think proper to communicate, shall be greatly Obliged to you for....
13828Barbeu-Dubourg: Memorandum for the American Commissioners, [before 9 January? 1777] (Franklin Papers)
AD : American Philosophical Society This memorandum is the first account of the negotiations over tobacco that had been going on before Franklin’s arrival, and that were expected to play a crucial part in financing the war. No other American export was in such demand in France; if military supplies were to be traded for commodities, the only commodity available was tobacco. The committee of...
13829Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners, 2 April 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Yale University Library I had the pleasure of writing to you yesterday since which Capt. Adams is arrived express for [from] Boston and now setts off with his packets for Paris. If I did not think myself absolutely obliged to stay here untill I have orders to return I should be tempted to set off with him, as a few hours Conversation might...
13830Louis Lebègue de Presle Duportail to the American Commissioners, [29 December 1776] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society This is the first appearance of one of the important French volunteers. The American army suffered from a dearth of engineers, and the commissioners had been instructed to obtain four competent ones. Duportail (1743–1802) had graduated from the military school at Mézières and joined the corps of engineers at the age of eighteen. In 1776 he completed a new...