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Results 13801-13830 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
13801[Diary entry: 17 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
17. Quite Calm, clear, & warm Morning being foggey.
ALS and LS (copy): Library of Congress The foregoing is Copy of my last since which I have not...
13803[Diary entry: 18 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
18. Went to a Barbicue of my own giving at Accotinck. Mr. Robt. Alexander & his Bror. George came...
13804[Diary entry: 18 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
18. Again Foggy; & somewhat Cloudy. Day very close & Warm.
13805[Diary entry: 19 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
19. The two Mr. Alexanders went away after breakfast. My Brother Sam—his Wife & Two children came...
13806[Diary entry: 19 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
19. Some, but not much, Rain fell in the Night. Day for the most part Cloudy with the wind at East.
13807[Diary entry: 20 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
20. I went up to Court, & returnd in the Afternoon. Colo. Mason, & Mr. Fendal came with me. The...
13808[Diary entry: 20 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
20. Clear and warm with the Wind Southerly.
Dr Cooper presents his most respectful Comps. to Coll Washington; & returns him his Son in Law,...
I have taken the Liberty of addressing a Letter to you, on a Subject extremely agreeable to me, &...
In pursuance of a Resolution of this Society, I am to signify to you that you have this Day been...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society I duly received your Favour of the 24th past, and...
13813[Diary entry: 21 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
21. Colo. Mason & Mr. Fendal went away after Breakfast. I contind. at home all day. Mr. Robt....
13814[Diary entry: 21 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
21. Also clear and warm—wind in the same place.
Printed in The Public Advertiser , September 22, 1773. When this famous hoax first appeared,...
13816[Diary entry: 22 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
22. My Brother and my self rid to my Mill & returnd to Dinner.
13817[Diary entry: 22 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
22d. Warm—Wind blowing pretty fresh from the So. West.
Letter not found: to Richard Thompson, 22 Sept. 1773. On 30 Sept. Thompson wrote : “In Answer to...
ALS : Public Record Office Nothing of Importance has occurr’d here since my last. This serves...
13820[Diary entry: 23 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
23. At home all day.
13821[Diary entry: 23 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
23. Still Warm & Clear—Wind Blowing very fresh from the So. West.
We wrote you the 30th. July and are now to advise you of the safe arrival of the Virginian Capt....
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society At the Request of Dr. Hawkesworth I am to...
13824[Diary entry: 24 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
24. Ditto. Ditto.
13825[Diary entry: 24 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
24. Foggy Morning & a little Wind from the East. Forenoon Raining but clear afterwards.
I last Post received yours of the 12 instant wherein you beg to be informed whether I propose...
I was on the point of expostulating with you for you[r] long silence when I receiv’d your[s] of...
13828[Diary entry: 25 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
25. Still at home all day writing.
13829[Diary entry: 25 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
25. Clear with a little Wind from the Eastward—a little in the Night.
Your Letter of the 30th of March to Colo. Fairfax, never came to my hands (as his Attorney in...