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Results 13771-13800 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Tho s Jefferson Esq r In Acc t /curr t with Patrick Gibson D r 1818 Jan 5 To cash  p d
Since I was gratified with your favour of march the 10, another of my intimate acquaintances—whom...
I have Sent the Shoe & Shall have a pr by Saturday—it is a folly to keep the Boots I Send—charles...
I fear the impertinent intrusion of a stranger will not be verry acceptable to one, who no doubt,...
Reflections on the Western Country . No. 1. To a superficial observer, or one too indolent for...
Permit me to enclose you a paper containing my remarks on the navigation bill which you will...
Yours of Mar. 29. came duly to hand, but I put off answering it because I expected to have...
I thank you, Sir, for the comparative statement of the climate s of the several states, as...
1. the greatest & least height of the thermometer every day. 2. the greatest, least, & mean...
I thank you for the copy of your Mathematical papers which you have been so kind as to send me. I...
Having just rec d some copies of the small Bible ordered by you, some time since, we now forward...
I wrote to you yesterday , since which it has occurred to me that you can render us a great...
C’est le 13 9 bre dernier que M r Lyman m’a remis la très aimable lettre que vous m’aviez fait...
Yours of Mar. 29. came to duly to hand, but I put off answering it because I expected to have...
The unlucky displacement of your letter of Mar. 3 . has been the cause of delay in my answer....
I have returned you the pamphlet which you had the goodness to send me, & for which I am much...
Our legislature has appropriated 15,000 D. a year for an University, & taken measures for fixing...
I set out tomorrow for Bedford , to return the first week in May. I note this to you because I...
As i shall most probably very soon take a northern direction, which is pointed to me by what i...
Yours of the 6 th is rec e ived. I set out the day after tomorrow for Poplar Forest , and shall...
I must ask the favor of you to send my acc t for Jan. Feb. Mar. with as little delay as...
I thank you for the letter of mr Ticknor which I have thought myself justified in communicating...
Your esteemed favor of the 5 th Ins t came to hand yesterday, its contents shall not fail to have...
Permit a plain stranger to thank you sincerely for lending your name in countenance of the...
Your favor of Mar. 29 . is recieved with the first numbers of the Academician. at an earlier...
On 31 st March 1818 , I was drawn to Monticello by my duties as a Visitor of the Central College...
I avail myself as usual of the protection of your cover for my letters. that to Cathalan need...
1818. Apr. 9.   ✓ V. Staphorsts 2083 .20  + 302. Int. to May 30. ✓ Desbures 120 } 1000. ✓...
Your favor of Sep. 29. came safely to hand, as did also the Case of books from Mess rs De Bure...
I thank you, Sir, for the excellent Eulogium you have been so kind as to send me . the subject is...