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Results 13771-13820 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
13771 Washington, George [Diary entry: 9 September 1773] 1773-09-09 9. The Company that came Yesterday went away after breakfast except Nancy McCarty. Mrs. Stewart...
13772 Washington, George [Diary entry: 9 September 1773] 1773-09-09 9. Clear, Calm and still again also warm.
13773 Jefferson, Thomas Further Notice of Sale of Wayles Properties, 9 … 1773-09-09 Five Hundred and fifty Acres of land in the County of Charles City , with a convenient...
13774 Washington, George [Diary entry: 10 September 1773] 1773-09-10 10. Mr. Brown, as also Mr. Magowan went away after Breakfast. I continued at home all day.
13775 Washington, George [Diary entry: 10 September 1773] 1773-09-10 10. Much such a day as the one preceeding there being very little Wind & Warm.
13776 Washington, George Anderson, Edward From George Washington to Edward Anderson, 10 September … 1773-09-10 Your favour of the 13th of last Month came to my hands a few days ago. you will be pleas’d Sir,...
13777 Franklin, Benjamin Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small … 1773-09-11 Printed in The Public Advertiser , September 11, 1773; incomplete draft and notes: American...
13778 Washington, George [Diary entry: 11 September 1773] 1773-09-11 11. At home all day alone.
13779 Washington, George [Diary entry: 11 September 1773] 1773-09-11 11. Clear and Warm with but little Wind, and that Southerly.
13780 Harrison, Robert Hanson Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Hanson Harrison, 11 … 1773-09-11 The Lease which you have & which I immagine you Intended to have sent, instead of an Inventory of...
13781 Franklin, Benjamin Cushing, Thomas From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Cushing, 12 September … 1773-09-12 Reprinted from William Duane, ed., The Works of Benjamin Franklin … (6 vols., Philadelphia,...
13782 Washington, George [Diary entry: 12 September 1773] 1773-09-12 12. Govr. Eden, Captn. Ellis, Mr. Dulany, Mr. Lee & Mr. Fendal came to Dinner & stayd all Night...
13783 Washington, George [Diary entry: 12 September 1773] 1773-09-12 12. Very Warm without any Wind all day.
13784 Washington, George Dunmore, John Murray, fourth earl of From George Washington to Lord Dunmore, 12 September … 1773-09-12 By the time this Letter can reach Williamsburg, I hope I may be permitted to congratulate your...
13785 Wilcox, Charles Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Charles Wilcox, 13 September … 1773-09-13 ALS : American Philosophical Society You was so kind as to assure Me in Your Letter to Me of the...
13786 Washington, George [Diary entry: 13 September 1773] 1773-09-13 13. All the Gentlemen except Mr. Fendal & Mr. Lee went away after breakfast. Mr. Herbert & Mr....
13787 Washington, George [Diary entry: 13 September 1773] 1773-09-13 13. Misty kind of a Morning with the Wind at No. East but no rain all day—in the Night a sml. Showr.
13788 Lamar, Hill, Bisset, & Company Washington, George To George Washington from Lamar, 13 September 1773 … 1773-09-13 Letter not found: from Lamar, Hill, Bisset, & Co., 13 Sept. 1773. On 22 Feb. 1774 Lamar, Hill,...
13789 Franklin, Benjamin ’Tis Never Too Late to Mend, 14 September 1773 1773-09-14 Printed in The Public Advertiser , September 14, 1773 Although Franklin was delighted with his...
13790 Washington, George [Diary entry: 14 September 1773] 1773-09-14 14. All the Gentlemen went away after breakfast.
13791 Washington, George [Diary entry: 14 September 1773] 1773-09-14 14. Another Misty Morning, with great appearances of Rain all day—only a little fell however.
13792 Rush, Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Benjamin Rush, [after 15 … 1773-09-15 AL (incomplete): American Philosophical Society I acknowledge myself much indebted to you for the...
13793 Washington, George [Diary entry: 15 September 1773] 1773-09-15 15. I rid to Muddy hole Doeg Run & Mill Plantations.
13794 Washington, George [Diary entry: 15 September 1773] 1773-09-15 15. Clear and Cool Wind still at No. East & fresh.
13795 Willis, Francis Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Francis Willis, Jr., 15 … 1773-09-15 Possible you may not readily ackount for my paying an Overseer Seven pounds—and allow him his...
13796 Washington, George [Diary entry: 16 September 1773] 1773-09-16 16. Rid into the Neck to the Plantations there. In the Aftern. Mr. Robt. Harrison came here.
13797 Washington, George [Diary entry: 16 September 1773] 1773-09-16 16. Clear and warmer. With but little wind and that East.
13798 Adam, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Adam, 16 September … 1773-09-16 The Pall or Black Cloath that was sent down to you on a late Occation Mr Carlyle Informs me was...
13799 Franklin, Benjamin On Governor Bernard’s Testimony to the Loyalty of … 1773-09-17 Printed in The Public Advertiser , September 17, 1773 As I gather from a very sensible Piece,...
13800 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 September 1773] 1773-09-17 17. At home all day. In the Afternoon Mr. Harrison went away. GW paid Harrison on this day £5 for...
13801 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 September 1773] 1773-09-17 17. Quite Calm, clear, & warm Morning being foggey.
13802 Cushing, Thomas Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Cushing, 18 September … 1773-09-18 ALS and LS (copy): Library of Congress The foregoing is Copy of my last since which I have not...
13803 Washington, George [Diary entry: 18 September 1773] 1773-09-18 18. Went to a Barbicue of my own giving at Accotinck. Mr. Robt. Alexander & his Bror. George came...
13804 Washington, George [Diary entry: 18 September 1773] 1773-09-18 18. Again Foggy; & somewhat Cloudy. Day very close & Warm.
13805 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 September 1773] 1773-09-19 19. The two Mr. Alexanders went away after breakfast. My Brother Sam—his Wife & Two children came...
13806 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 September 1773] 1773-09-19 19. Some, but not much, Rain fell in the Night. Day for the most part Cloudy with the wind at East.
13807 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 September 1773] 1773-09-20 20. I went up to Court, & returnd in the Afternoon. Colo. Mason, & Mr. Fendal came with me. The...
13808 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 September 1773] 1773-09-20 20. Clear and warm with the Wind Southerly.
13809 Cooper, Myles Washington, George To George Washington from Myles Cooper, 20 September … 1773-09-20 Dr Cooper presents his most respectful Comps. to Coll Washington; & returns him his Son in Law,...
13810 Vardill, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Vardill, 20 September … 1773-09-20 I have taken the Liberty of addressing a Letter to you, on a Subject extremely agreeable to me, &...
13811 Wilson, Thomas Adams, John Adams Elected to Membership in Supporters of the Bill … 1773-09-21 In pursuance of a Resolution of this Society, I am to signify to you that you have this Day been...
13812 Franklin, Benjamin Baskerville, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Baskerville, 21 … 1773-09-21 ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society I duly received your Favour of the 24th past, and...
13813 Washington, George [Diary entry: 21 September 1773] 1773-09-21 21. Colo. Mason & Mr. Fendal went away after Breakfast. I contind. at home all day. Mr. Robt....
13814 Washington, George [Diary entry: 21 September 1773] 1773-09-21 21. Also clear and warm—wind in the same place.
13815 Franklin, Benjamin An Edict by the King of Prussia, 22 September 1773 1773-09-22 Printed in The Public Advertiser , September 22, 1773. When this famous hoax first appeared,...
13816 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 September 1773] 1773-09-22 22. My Brother and my self rid to my Mill & returnd to Dinner.
13817 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 September 1773] 1773-09-22 22d. Warm—Wind blowing pretty fresh from the So. West.
13818 Washington, George Thompson, Richard From George Washington to Richard Thompson, 22 … 1773-09-22 Letter not found: to Richard Thompson, 22 Sept. 1773. On 30 Sept. Thompson wrote : “In Answer to...
13819 Franklin, Benjamin Cushing, Thomas From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Cushing, 23 September … 1773-09-23 ALS : Public Record Office Nothing of Importance has occurr’d here since my last. This serves...
13820 Washington, George [Diary entry: 23 September 1773] 1773-09-23 23. At home all day.