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Results 13761-13770 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
to be ? in quality ? of Minister plenipotentiary. The bearer to you of assurances of the sincere friendship of the U. S. and of their desire to maintain with your Majesty & your subjects the strictest the relations of amity and commerce. He will explain also to Your Majesty the peculiar position of these States separated by a wide Ocean from European powers, with interests & pursuits distinct...
I owe an acknowledgement to Your Imperial Majesty of the great satisfaction I have recieved from your letter of Aug. 20. 1805. and sincere expressions of the respect and veneration I entertain for your character. it will be among the latest & most soothing comforts of my life to have seen advanced to the government of so extensive a portion of the earth & at so early a period of his life, a...
to be illegible in quality illegible of Minister plenipotentiary. The bearer to you of assurances of the sincere friendship of the U. S. and of their desire to maintain with your Majesty & your subjects the strictest relations of amity and commerce. He will explain also to Your Majesty the peculiar position of these States separated by a wide Ocean from European powers, with interests &...
I have received, my young friends, your letter inviting me, in behalf of the Whig Society of Nassau Hall, to deliver the annual address in September next on the day preceding the commencement. I value too much the source from which the invitation comes, and respect too much the occasion which is the Subject of it, not to be flattered by the choice made of me for such a service. I am duly...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I return you herewith your Draughts, with a Copy of one of them per Mr. Evans and a few Lines relating to it from him. I wrote to Mr. Parker last Post that they might be got done in Boston by one Turner who is said to be a good Engraver. Our only tolerable Engraver here will not undertake the Jobb. And for my own Part I would rather chuse you should get...
Printed in Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity (London, 1769), pp. 282–3. Suppose a tube of any length open at both ends, and containing a moveable wire of just the same length, that fills its bore. If I attempt to introduce the end of another wire into the same tube, it must be done by pushing forward the wire it already contains; and the instant I press and move...
Copy: New-York Historical Society; also transcript: Library of Congress The Pennsylvania commissioners to the Albany Congress left Philadelphia on Monday morning, June 3, and arrived at New York on the afternoon of Wednesday, the 5th. Some of them, especially Richard Peters, were active during the next three days buying various goods for the Pennsylvania present to the Indians, apparently...
Your letter of the 1st: instant has been received. The arrangements designed by the President, relative to the Consulate at Rotterdam, do not permit me to authorize you to return to that place in your former capacity. Nor can I offer you the dispatches to our Ministers in Europe, as provision had been made for their conveyance before your letter reached me. I am &c. DNA : RG 59—DL—Domestic...
Not knowing who is Agent for the United States at Bayonne, or whether there be one, I take the liberty of inclosing to you a copy of a regulation lately made by government here on the subject of tobacco. As it is highly interesting to all persons concerned in the commerce of that article, I must beg of you to take the trouble of making the most immediate and general publication of it possible...
Mr. W. C. Williams of Frederickburg has proposed, that if this Department will pay him the money due on account of the Schooner Friendship & Cargo, he will give bond & security to indemnify the United States from any consequence that may arise from it. Should you have any objection to this measure be pleased to sidnify it with as little delay as possible, in order that it may meet with the...