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Results 13761-13810 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
13761 Adams, John Tudor, William, Sr. From John Adams to William Tudor, Sr., 15 April 1818 1818-04-15 I HAVE received your obliging favour of the 8th, but cannot consent to your resolution to ask no...
13762 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Abigail Smith Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1818-04-15 My correspondence has been much interrupted the last fortnight Susan has been So feeble and weak,...
13763 Latrobe, Benjamin Henry Enclosure: Circular from Benjamin Henry Latrobe, 30 … 1818-03-30 IN resigning my office as Surveyor of the Capitol , I publickly assigned those reasons whi c h...
13764 Biddle, Nicholas Tilghman, William Enclosure: Nicholas Biddle to William Tilghman, 6 April … 1818-04-06 I have the pleasure of depositing with the Historical committee , the papers & books which...
13765 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Boylston From John Quincy Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 14 … 1818-04-14 I thank you, for giving the necessary Bonds for the entrance of my Son George at the University...
13766 Coolidge, Ellen Wayles Randolph Randolph, Martha Jefferson Extract of Ellen W. Randolph (Coolidge) to Martha … 1818-04-14 Grandpapa has been taking such a long nap, my dear Mother that I began to despair of getting ink...
13767 Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen Jefferson, Thomas Peter S. Du Ponceau to Thomas Jefferson, 14 April 1818 1818-04-14 I have the Satisfaction to inform you that the Historical Committee has received from M r Biddle...
13768 Latrobe, Benjamin Henry Jefferson, Thomas Benjamin Henry Latrobe to Thomas Jefferson, 14 April … 1818-04-14 Since my retirement from the public service I no longer here hear from You, in answer to the...
13769 Gibson, Patrick Jefferson, Thomas Patrick Gibson to Thomas Jefferson, 13 April 1818 1818-04-13 I have received your favor of the 10 th Ins t inclosing a letter for M r Vaughan and your dft on...
13770 Gibson, Patrick Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Patrick … 1818-04-13 Sales of Flour made on acc t Tho s Jefferson Esq r 1818 Feb y 6 th to A & J Otis 60 d /– 50
13771 Gibson, Patrick Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Patrick … 1818-04-13 Tho s Jefferson Esq r In Acc t /curr t with Patrick Gibson D r 1818 Jan 5 To cash  p d
13772 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 12 … 1818-04-12 Since I was gratified with your favour of march the 10, another of my intimate acquaintances—whom...
13773 Adams, Abigail Smith Welsh, Harriet From Abigail Smith Adams to Harriet Welsh, 12 April … 1818-04-12 I have Sent the Shoe & Shall have a pr by Saturday—it is a folly to keep the Boots I Send—charles...
13774 Steel, Hugh Jefferson, Thomas Hugh Steel to Thomas Jefferson, 12 April 1818 1818-04-12 I fear the impertinent intrusion of a stranger will not be verry acceptable to one, who no doubt,...
13775 Steel, Hugh Enclosure: Hugh Steel’s Reflections on the Western … 1818-04-12 Reflections on the Western Country . No. 1. To a superficial observer, or one too indolent for...
13776 Barbour, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Barbour, 11 April 1818 1818-04-11 Permit me to enclose you a paper containing my remarks on the navigation bill which you will...
13777 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 11 April 1818 1818-04-11 Yours of Mar. 29. came duly to hand, but I put off answering it because I expected to have...
13778 Jefferson, Thomas Bigelow, Jacob Thomas Jefferson to Jacob Bigelow, 11 April 1818 1818-04-11 I thank you, Sir, for the comparative statement of the climate s of the several states, as...
13779 Jefferson, Thomas Bigelow, Jacob Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Summary of Weather … 1818-04-11 1. the greatest & least height of the thermometer every day. 2. the greatest, least, & mean...
13780 Jefferson, Thomas Bowditch, Nathaniel Thomas Jefferson to Nathaniel Bowditch, 11 April 1818 1818-04-11 I thank you for the copy of your Mathematical papers which you have been so kind as to send me. I...
13781 Mathew Carey & Son Jefferson, Thomas Mathew Carey & Son to Thomas Jefferson, 11 April 1818 1818-04-11 Having just rec d some copies of the small Bible ordered by you, some time since, we now forward...
13782 Jefferson, Thomas Cooper, Thomas Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, 11 April 1818 1818-04-11 I wrote to you yesterday , since which it has occurred to me that you can render us a great...
13783 Destutt de Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude Jefferson, Thomas Destutt de Tracy to Thomas Jefferson, 11 April 1818 1818-04-11 C’est le 13 9 bre dernier que M r Lyman m’a remis la très aimable lettre que vous m’aviez fait...
13784 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 11 April 1818 1818-04-11 Yours of Mar. 29. came to duly to hand, but I put off answering it because I expected to have...
13785 Jefferson, Thomas Silliman, Benjamin Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Silliman, 11 April 1818 1818-04-11 The unlucky displacement of your letter of Mar. 3 . has been the cause of delay in my answer....
13786 Bache, Richard Madison, James To James Madison from Richard Bache, 10 April 1818 1818-04-10 I have returned you the pamphlet which you had the goodness to send me, & for which I am much...
13787 Jefferson, Thomas Cooper, Thomas Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, 10 April 1818 1818-04-10 Our legislature has appropriated 15,000 D. a year for an University, & taken measures for fixing...
13788 Jefferson, Thomas Corrêa da Serra, José Thomas Jefferson to José Corrêa da Serra, 10 April 1818 1818-04-10 I set out tomorrow for Bedford , to return the first week in May. I note this to you because I...
13789 Corrêa da Serra, José Jefferson, Thomas José Corrêa da Serra to Thomas Jefferson, 10 April 1818 1818-04-10 As i shall most probably very soon take a northern direction, which is pointed to me by what i...
13790 Jefferson, Thomas Eppes, John Wayles Thomas Jefferson to John Wayles Eppes, 10 April 1818 1818-04-10 Yours of the 6 th is rec e ived. I set out the day after tomorrow for Poplar Forest , and shall...
13791 Jefferson, Thomas Gibson, Patrick Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Gibson, 10 April 1818 1818-04-10 I must ask the favor of you to send my acc t for Jan. Feb. Mar. with as little delay as...
13792 Jefferson, Thomas Gilmer, Francis Walker Thomas Jefferson to Francis W. Gilmer, 10 April 1818 1818-04-10 I thank you for the letter of mr Ticknor which I have thought myself justified in communicating...
13793 Hollins, John Jefferson, Thomas John Hollins to Thomas Jefferson, 10 April 1818 1818-04-10 Your esteemed favor of the 5 th Ins t came to hand yesterday, its contents shall not fail to have...
13794 Peck, William Jefferson, Thomas William Peck to Thomas Jefferson, 10 April 1818 1818-04-10 Permit a plain stranger to thank you sincerely for lending your name in countenance of the...
13795 Jefferson, Thomas Picket, Albert & John W. (New York firm) Thomas Jefferson to Albert & John W. Picket, 10 April … 1818-04-10 Your favor of Mar. 29 . is recieved with the first numbers of the Academician. at an earlier...
13796 Cabell, Joseph Carrington Joseph C. Cabell’s Memorandum on the Introduction to … 1818-02-04 On 31 st March 1818 , I was drawn to Monticello by my duties as a Visitor of the Central College...
13797 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 9 April 1818 1818-04-09 I avail myself as usual of the protection of your cover for my letters. that to Cathalan need...
13798 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on Payments, Debts, and … 1818-04-09 1818. Apr. 9.   ✓ V. Staphorsts 2083 .20  + 302. Int. to May 30. ✓ Desbures 120 } 1000. ✓...
13799 Jefferson, Thomas Beasley, Reuben G. Thomas Jefferson to Reuben G. Beasley, 8 April 1818 1818-04-08 Your favor of Sep. 29. came safely to hand, as did also the Case of books from Mess rs De Bure...
13800 Jefferson, Thomas Tilghman, William Thomas Jefferson to William Tilghman, 8 April 1818 1818-04-08 I thank you, Sir, for the excellent Eulogium you have been so kind as to send me . the subject is...
13801 Jefferson, Thomas Vaughan, John Thomas Jefferson to John Vaughan, 8 April 1818 1818-04-08 I now renew to you my annual trob trouble for supplies of books and wines from Paris , Marseilles...
13802 Adams, Abigail Smith Welsh, Harriet From Abigail Smith Adams to Harriet Welsh, 7 April 1818 1818-04-07 My last Note went to you by mr Marston, with two Letters enclosed—I did not write on Saturday as...
13803 Rivanna Company, Directors of the Jefferson, Thomas Answer of President and Directors of Rivanna Company to … 1818-04-07 The Answer of the President & Directors of the Rivanna Company to the Bill of Complaint exhibited...
13804 Eppes, John Wayles Jefferson, Thomas John Wayles Eppes to Thomas Jefferson, 6 April 1818 1818-04-06 I have been unwell during the last eight or ten days and part of the time confined to my...
13805 Adams, John Tudor, William, Sr. From John Adams to William Tudor, Sr., 5 April 1818 1818-04-05 In Mr Wirts elegant and eloquent Panegyrick on Mr Henry.—I beg your attention to page 56 to page...
13806 Tudor, William, Sr. Adams, John To John Adams from William Tudor, Sr., 5 April 1818 1818-04-05 Since my last short Conversation with you, I have read Mr. Wirt’s Biographical Romance, a...
13807 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, Charles Francis From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to Charles Francis … 1818-04-05 The observations which you make in your Letter to me of the 29 March on the Books you have been...
13808 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Adams, 5 … 1818-04-05 You have at last much to my satisfaction, renewed a correspondence which ought never to have been...
13809 Jefferson, Thomas Cathalan, Stephen (Etienne) Thomas Jefferson to Stephen Cathalan, 5 April 1818 1818-04-05 I will suppose you to possess my letter of Jan. 18. because I sent it by duplicates, and...
13810 Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure: List of Wine and Food Ordered from Stephen … 1818-04-05 64. gallons of Rivesalte 300. bottles of Nice wine. 5. gallons of the best olive oil of Aix 12....