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Results 13761-13790 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I HAVE received your obliging favour of the 8th, but cannot consent to your resolution to ask no...
My correspondence has been much interrupted the last fortnight Susan has been So feeble and weak,...
IN resigning my office as Surveyor of the Capitol , I publickly assigned those reasons whi c h...
I have the pleasure of depositing with the Historical committee , the papers & books which...
I thank you, for giving the necessary Bonds for the entrance of my Son George at the University...
Grandpapa has been taking such a long nap, my dear Mother that I began to despair of getting ink...
I have the Satisfaction to inform you that the Historical Committee has received from M r Biddle...
Since my retirement from the public service I no longer here hear from You, in answer to the...
I have received your favor of the 10 th Ins t inclosing a letter for M r Vaughan and your dft on...
Sales of Flour made on acc t Tho s Jefferson Esq r 1818 Feb y 6 th to A & J Otis 60 d /– 50
Tho s Jefferson Esq r In Acc t /curr t with Patrick Gibson D r 1818 Jan 5 To cash  p d
Since I was gratified with your favour of march the 10, another of my intimate acquaintances—whom...
I have Sent the Shoe & Shall have a pr by Saturday—it is a folly to keep the Boots I Send—charles...
I fear the impertinent intrusion of a stranger will not be verry acceptable to one, who no doubt,...
Reflections on the Western Country . No. 1. To a superficial observer, or one too indolent for...
Permit me to enclose you a paper containing my remarks on the navigation bill which you will...
Yours of Mar. 29. came duly to hand, but I put off answering it because I expected to have...
I thank you, Sir, for the comparative statement of the climate s of the several states, as...
1. the greatest & least height of the thermometer every day. 2. the greatest, least, & mean...
I thank you for the copy of your Mathematical papers which you have been so kind as to send me. I...
Having just rec d some copies of the small Bible ordered by you, some time since, we now forward...
I wrote to you yesterday , since which it has occurred to me that you can render us a great...
C’est le 13 9 bre dernier que M r Lyman m’a remis la très aimable lettre que vous m’aviez fait...
Yours of Mar. 29. came to duly to hand, but I put off answering it because I expected to have...
The unlucky displacement of your letter of Mar. 3 . has been the cause of delay in my answer....
I have returned you the pamphlet which you had the goodness to send me, & for which I am much...
Our legislature has appropriated 15,000 D. a year for an University, & taken measures for fixing...
I set out tomorrow for Bedford , to return the first week in May. I note this to you because I...
As i shall most probably very soon take a northern direction, which is pointed to me by what i...
Yours of the 6 th is rec e ived. I set out the day after tomorrow for Poplar Forest , and shall...