Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Eli Alexander, 22 July 1809

To Eli Alexander

Monticello July 22. 09


Being extremely pressed by mr Higginbotham I must again urge you on the subject of the arrearages of your rent. this has been rendered the more necessary by a total disappointment of mr Shoemaker to pay the order on him in favor of mr Higginbotham who had a right to expect a large sum from these two resources. your answering your balance to him therefore will oblige Sir

Your humble servt

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); at foot of text: “Mr Eli Alexander”; endorsed by TJ.

Missing letters of 18 July and 1 Aug. 1809 from David higginbotham are recorded in SJL as received from Milton on 20 July and 2 Aug. 1809. A letter from TJ to Higginbotham of 22 Oct. 1809, not found, is also recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • Alexander, Eli; and rent search
  • Alexander, Eli; letters to search
  • Higginbotham, David; TJ’s debt to search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; debt to D. Higginbotham search
  • rent; due from E. Alexander search
  • rent; due from Shoemakers search
  • Shoemaker, Jonathan; rent due from search