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Results 13751-13800 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
M r Randolph has communicated to me your propositions of compromise which he committed to writing...
The points on which Th: Jefferson insists with mr Alexander are the following, & he will,...
When I saw you at court I requested you would not meddle with any grounds without the 8. fields...
Mr. Higginbotham presses me for the paiment of which your rent was to make a part. as soon...
Our lease witheld the right of clearing within the limits of Shadwell for a reason, well...
Being extremely pressed by mr Higginbotham I must again urge you on the subject of the arrearages...
10 July 1809, Washington. Appoints John Quincy Adams U.S. minister plenipotentiary to Russia. “He...
25 February 1811, Washington. “John Quincy Adams who has for some time resided near your Majesty...
John Quincy Adams Esqr., who for several years past has resided with you as the Minister...
Desirous of promoting useful intercourse & good understanding between Your Majesty’s subjects and...
to be ? in quality ? of Minister plenipotentiary. The bearer to you of assurances of the sincere...
I owe an acknowledgement to Your Imperial Majesty of the great satisfaction I have recieved from...
to be illegible in quality illegible of Minister plenipotentiary. The bearer to you of assurances...
I have received, my young friends, your letter inviting me, in behalf of the Whig Society of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I return you herewith your Draughts, with a Copy of one of...
Printed in Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity (London, 1769), pp....
Copy: New-York Historical Society; also transcript: Library of Congress The Pennsylvania...
Your letter of the 1st: instant has been received. The arrangements designed by the President,...
Not knowing who is Agent for the United States at Bayonne, or whether there be one, I take the...
Mr. W. C. Williams of Frederickburg has proposed, that if this Department will pay him the money...
Copies: Department of Lands and Forests, Halifax, Nova Scotia In the spring of 1764 Franklin’s...
Having, on recommendations from the Senators & Delegates of your state made two appointments of...
Fifteen months ago I informed you in as explicit language as I was master of, of my want of the...
I have waited, as I think you must do me the justice to acknowledge, with a good deal of...
Having been informed by a Letter of the 14th Instt from Captn Sill of the unspeakable loss Your...
By His Excellys. command I am to request you will be pleased to put General Hands brigade under...
Copy: Library of Congress This letter is interesting both for its sidelight on past history, the...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society I am much oblig’d by the Confidence you place in me...
AL (draft): Library of Congress I thank you for informing me of your intended Journey. You know...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I received your obliging Letter some Days since at Philada. but...
The large and constant remittances of cash which I am obliged to make to Philadelphia for nailrod...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress On my Return to Town I found your Favour, with the...
I communicated your Lordship’s letter to his Excellency. He has desired me to send Capt Scott’s...
According to the desire expressed in your note by Dr. Currie I have now lodged at Colo. Bell’s in...
Since the giving my evidence at the Court Martial, I have been endeavouring to recollect more...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] June 2, 1779 . Orders Stirling to Pompton. Asks Stirling to keep...
I am favored with your Lordships Letter of the 6th inclosing a Copy of General Sullivans to you....
I have the pleasure of Your Lordships favor of the 13th. If the accounts which General Schuyler...
I have received your Favours of the 7th and 14th instant. However desirable the Plan you mention...
I have been honored with your Lordships Letters of the 23d & 26th instant with their...
While I am with the detachment of the Army below, you will remain in command here. Your principal...
I am directed by the Commander in Chief, who returned last evening from Philadelphia, to present...
I have had the pleasure to receive your Lordships Favor of the 20th inclosing your Correspondence...
I have been favd with yours of the 2d and 8th instants—Colo. Dearborns Regiment have all arrived...
I have had the pleasure to receive your favors of the 18th & 21st Inst. with the several...
I thank you for naming a Gentleman for the office of Comy of Prisoners, but would not wish to...
Agreeably to the Orders of this day, your Lordship will be pleased to repair to Albany, as soon...
To the General Officers of the Army. assembled in Council at the New Building April 17th 1783...
The Commander in Chief States to the General Officers— That—From the best Information he has been...
I have recd your favor of the 18th—and take the liberty to trouble you with a Line for Col....