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Results 13751-13800 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
13751 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 September 1763] 1763-09-19 19. Began getting fodder at Do.
13752 Washington, George Wadsworth, Jeremiah From George Washington to Jeremiah Wadsworth, 16 … 1778-11-16 In your letter of the 14th instant in answer to my enquiries, I do not know whether you clearly...
13753 Washington, John Augustine Washington, George To George Washington from John Augustine Washington, 24 … 1777-01-24 Letter not found: from John Augustine Washington, 24 Jan. 1777. In a letter to John Augustine...
13754 Washington, George Officers of the Virginia Regiment of 1754 From George Washington to the Officers of the Virginia … 1771-01-20 As there has happend several very considerable, & not less surprizing changes respecting the...
13755 Heath, John D. Madison, James To James Madison from John D. Heath, 29 January 1814 1814-01-29 I acknowlege the receipt of your letter of the 16th Inst., complying with my request; for which I...
13756 Jefferson, Thomas Rodney, Caesar Augustus From Thomas Jefferson to Caesar Augustus Rodney, 17 … 1808-02-17 Th: Jefferson asks the favor of a consultation with the heads of departments at mr Madison’s...
13757 Virginia Delegates Randolph, Edmund Virginia Delegates to Edmund Randolph, 4 October 1788 1788-10-04 We have the Honor to acknowledge the Rect. of your Excellencies letter of the 23d. Ult. inclosing...
13758 Aerts, Thérèse Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Thérèse Aerts, August 1783 1783-08-01 ALS : American Philosophical Society La confience que vous inspire à toutes les personnes qui ont...
13759 Dearborn, Henry A. S. Madison, James To James Madison from Henry A. S. Dearborn, 14 October … 1811-10-14 At the request of my friend N. Bowditch Esqr. I have enclosed you one of his papers containing...
13760 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 11 March 1819 1819-03-11 I recd. yesterday morning yours of the 8th. and return the several copies of letters inclosed in...
13761 “Camillus” The Defence No. XI, [28 August 1795] 1795-08-28 The foregoing analysis of the third article, by fixing its true meaning, enables us to detect...
13762 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, February 1814 to 3 … 1814-02-01 I was nibbling my pen and brushing my Faculties, to write a polite Letter of Thanks to Mr...
13763 Franklin, Benjamin Torris, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Torris, 28 September … 1779-09-28 Copy: Library of Congress I received yours of the 23 Instant, and having examined the Procès...
13764 Jefferson, Thomas Lyle, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Lyle, 5 February 1790 1790-02-05 In the account of Kippen & co. against my father’s estate which you rendered to Mr. Nicholas...
13765 Hamilton, Elizabeth Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Elizabeth Hamilton, 3 August … 1791-08-03 [ Albany, August 3, 1791. On August 10, 1791, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton : “I received...
13766 Huntington, Samuel Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Huntington, 1 November … 1780-11-01 Your Excellency will be informed by the enclosed Copy of an Act of Congress of the 30. Ulto, that...
13767 Madison, James Chapman, Reynolds James Madison to Reynolds Chapman, 23 October 1831 1831-10-23 I return the papers accompanying yours of yesterday. I have run over tho’ very hastily, the...
13768 Jefferson, Thomas Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … From Thomas Jefferson to Lafayette, 2 June 1781 1781-06-02 The House of Delegates and so many of the Senate as were here having reason to believe that Genl....
13769 Washington, George [Diary entry: 24 February 1772] 1772-02-24 24. Raining in the Morning & Cloudy and lowering all day. In the Evening misting which afterwards...
13770 Tallmadge, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Benjamin Tallmadge, 27 April … 1782-04-27 I have this morning return’d from Long Island to which Place I have been on an appointed...
13771 Wood, James Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel James Wood, 17 … 1779-01-17 Before I left Williamsburg I did myself the Honor of Inclosing your Excellency a Copy of the Act...
13772 Lincoln, Benjamin Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Benjamin Lincoln … 1789-11-01 At our last interview you expressed a wish that I would make such remarks on the impost laws as...
13773 Trumbull, Jonathan Sr. Washington, George To George Washington from Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 5 May … 1780-05-05 This moment received your Excellency’s Letter of the 26th March last, why so long in coming I...
13774 Eden, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Eden, 9 June 1778 1778-06-09 Doctor Ferguson whose Eminence in the literary World wd alone entitle Him to a favourable...
13775 Lear, Tobias Jefferson, Thomas Tobias Lear to Thomas Jefferson, 13 June 1793 1793-06-13 The President sends to the Secretary of State the Counter part of An Agreement with the Bank of...
13776 Woodward, Augustus Elias Brevoort Madison, James To James Madison from Augustus Elias Brevoort Woodward … 1807-07-18 It will be a satisfaction to the department of State to learn that the laws of this Territory...
13777 Washington, George [Diary entry: 13 September 1770] 1770-09-13 13. Still Cloudy with some Shows for Rain but none fell.
13778 Mercer, Hugh Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Hugh … 1776-07-27 General Heard, Genl Roberdeau have considered with me the Plan proposed for Attacking the Posts...
13779 McHenry, James Washington, George To George Washington from James McHenry, 28 June 1789 1789-06-28 Your late indisposition which has alarmed me not a little makes me more desirous than ever that...
13780 Washington, George Rumsey, James From George Washington to James Rumsey, 8 August 1785 1785-08-08 As you have attended the President & Directors in their View and Examination of the River from...
13781 Maury, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Maury, 16 May 1812 1812-05-16 Mr Joy requests me to forward the inclosed. The Murder of Mr Purceval has occasiond much...
13782 Mackay, Robert Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Mackay, 23 February 1821 1821-02-23 Yr favour 20th. is before me. I regret exceedingly that the Saw does not meet your expectations....
13783 Dana, Francis M. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Francis Dana, 2/12 September … 1782-09-12 Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society Mr: Livingston in a letter of the 22d. of May last, which...
13784 Van Rensselaer, Stephen Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Stephen Van Rensselaer, 7 … 1791-12-07 At the request of several officers of our late Army, I transmit you the enclosed Memorandum. If...
13785 Bell, Thomas American Commissioners Thomas Bell to the American Commissioners, 11 November … 1778-11-11 ALS : American Philosophical Society I sailed from Philad. the 6 of Sept. I Recd. no Letters from...
13786 Jefferson, Thomas Gibson, Patrick Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Gibson, 7 February 1816 1816-02-07 I inclose you an order on D r Thornton for 150. Dollars which he informed me he was ready to pay...
13787 Lear, Tobias Madison, James To James Madison from Tobias Lear, 29 March 1802 … 1802-03-29 29 March 1802, Cap Français. No. 23. Transmits copies of his dispatches of 28 Feb. and 22 Mar.,...
13788 Randolph, Edmund Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Edmund Randolph, 18 April … 1794-04-18 Philadelphia, April 18, 1794. “The contingent account of the Department of State, from the last...
13789 Franklin, Benjamin Jennings, Susannah From Benjamin Franklin to [Susannah?] Jennings, 21 … 1771-03-21 AL (draft): American Philosophical Society Immediately on receiving Miss Jennings’ Commands, Dr....
13790 Church, Angelica Schuyler Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Angelica Schuyler Church, 21 … 1788-07-21 I send my dear Sir the little urn so long promissed and so long delayed, and hope you will accept...
13791 Hamilton, Alexander Report on the Memorial of Baron von Steuben, 29 March … 1790-03-29 [To the Speaker of the House of Representatives] The Secretary of the Treasury, on the Memorial...
13792 Bentley, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Bentley, 11 May 1810 1810-05-11 I could not refuse myself the pleasure of sending the inclosed view of the Tree in the Endicot...
13793 Adams, John July 24. 1786. Monday. 1786-07-24 Went with Mr. Bridgen, Col. Smith, Mrs. Smith, to The Hide in Essex, the Country Seat of Brand...
13794 Franklin, Benjamin Galloway, Joseph From Benjamin Franklin to Joseph Galloway, 10 June 1758 1758-06-10 ALS : Yale University Library I have been so full lately in my Letters to the Committee, which...
13795 Fabbroni, Giovanni Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Giovanni Fabbroni, 20 December … 1779-12-20 Ho avuto già L’onore di congratularmi coll’ Eccellenza Vostra, per La giustizia resa al vostro...
13796 Moylan, Stephen Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Stephen Moylan, 29 … 1778-07-29 I had the honor to inform your Excellency by Mr Lott, that I intended coming with the Cavalry to...
13797 Washington, George De Kalb, Baron George Washington to Baron de Kalb, 6 January 1780 1780-01-06 Morristown [ New Jersey ] January 6, 1780 . Asks De Kalb to deliver enclosed orders. Df , in...
13798 Washington, George Howe, Robert From George Washington to Major General Robert Howe, 14 … 1779-10-14 I recd your favr of this date with the two prisoners of War. I shall put them into the hands of...
13799 Washington, George Pickering, Timothy From George Washington to Timothy Pickering, 8 July … 1796-07-08 (Confidential) My letters to the Secretary of the Treasury of the 4th & 6th Instant, with the...
13800 Wertenbaker, William Madison, James William Wertenbaker to James Madison, 13 March 1829 1829-03-13 By order of the Faculty, I have the honor of sending you the enclosed resolution of that body. I...