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Results 13741-13750 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Understanding that there will be soon a meeting of the Trustees of the Central College , I beg leave to acquaint you; that in the event of the Trustees not having procured a mathematical Professor , that I should be happy to have the professorship. I regret extremely that I was not more explicit in my answer to your letter last summer on the subject of the classical Professorship. My...
I have recieved here your favor of the 13 th . I had seen on my way here Col o Nicholas who told me he had advised the suspension of my note until his return which was to be the last of that week, and of course I presume he is now in Richmond . I write by the mail to Charlottesville to desire my grandson to send you a proper order for the reciept of the money, the propriety of it’s going from...
I take the opportunity by Judge Holmes of sending my first Instalment for the Central College, which I beg the favor of you to have put into the proper hands. The only subscription to the lists I distributed is the inclosed one from Gen A. T. Mason. Is it worth while to avail ourselves of his solitary liberality in that distant quarter, which connects him so little with an institution as yet a...
The enclosed Publication which I have the honour to present to you I received very Lately from the Author, now in England , a very near acquaintance and intimate Friend of many Years standing. Permit me to observe Sir, that this is the only one of a series of numbers which commenced some Years ago and are published annually in England , which has appeared in Amer i ca . Having published some...
I know that you must be very much plagued with Letters & communications of all descriptions: it is a Tax upon your celebrity; which makes most of your fellow Citizens solicitous of your approbation. This accompanies a little production that appeared to me adapted to the present posture of affairs: but I do not solicit of you an answer to this, unless both leisure and inclination should render...
I had dated and prepared to put in your note on Wednesday the 22 nd but by the advice of Col l Nicholas did not offer it until yesterday, when it was discounted, I cannot however make use of the proceeds, not having yet received the necessary check from M r T. J. Randolph , it will fall due on the 21 /24 th June . Our flour market continues to decline, the present prices are 8
Being empowered by the above Gentlemen to collect all sums due to them, I beg leave to annex your Small acc t , which I shall thank you to send me the am t of to the care of Doctor May of this City. your sending the amount by Return of Post will oblige Sir Tho s Jefferson Esq r & c To Kimber & Richardson Philadelphia
I take the opportunity by Judge Holmes of sending my first Instalment for the Central College , which I beg the favor of you to have pai put into the proper hands. The only subscription to the lists I distributed is the inclosed one from Gen A. T. Mason . Is it worth while to avail ourselves of his solitary liberality in that distant quarter , which connects him so little with an institution...
As there is now no likelihood of the resurrection of the American Register, & as I am about to return with my family to Philadelphia , I think it proper to restore to you at once the valuable manuscript of M r de Tracy . It certainly deserves to be well translated, & published among us; but I doubt the sale would defray the expence of printing. The taste for Such profound speculations is...
Mr John Edwards Holbrook the bearer, is a Gentleman recommended to me, as of a highly respectable character, nephew of George Edwards Esqr. of Charleston, South Carolina—He is going to Scotland, and afterwards to London, with the intention of completing a medical education, and other views of liberal improvement and curiosity. I beg leave to recommend him to your kind attentions, and if...