Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Roger Alden, [21 January 1790]

To Roger Alden1

[New York, January 21, 1790]


If you have in the Office the laws of North Carolina, I will thank you for the perusal of them. As I want them in haste, I shall be glad they may be sent by the bearer.

I am, Sir Yr Obed serv

A Hamilton
S of the Treasy

Roger Alden Esq

ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1Alden, a deputy secretary of the Continental Congress from 1785 to 1789, accepted a clerkship in 1789 in the new Department of State under the temporary Secretary, John Jay. Alden headed what Jefferson called the “home office” (that is, domestic affairs) until July or August, 1790.

2H mistakenly dated this letter 1789.

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