James Madison Papers

Robert Miller to James Madison, 8 December 1829

Glasgow Kenty. Decr. 8th. 1829.


I take the Libberty of this Confidential Communication on a Subject Pregnant with Good or Evil to the Human family, and of vital importance to this Union. Lucretius calls it (truly) the origin of things; it being that Science by which the Ancients invented, and yet concealed the Machinery, this Airy Camœra Contains the patterns of all things, its value but one Talent, here numbers, Letters and Languages were made, Sciences and Arts found Parents, hence Every Government, Law, Religion or building on Record are but so many Commemorators of one or more of those Hieroglifick Scenes. Theology, Mythology, Chronology, Cosmography, Astronomy with all their numerous Offsprings were born here; therefore we Easily Retrace the Gods, Kings, Heroes and priests to their Legitimate Source, and distinguish the purity of bloods, this Heralds office Opened All Mysteries Cease, for the tools and Materials by which they were done, remain whole and Entire, not an atom of the Original Models Lost, but Least I am speaking to an initiated Member, I will with our priestess on Portlands urn, Lay the finger on the Mouth, and if not, in the name of posterity I ask the favour of your Examining a few Sheets, in which I will Endeavour to portray the Chief Laws and proofs, and to Guard against Miscarriage, I will use the Mathematical Signs, and Greek Character, Spelled as English (if agreeable to you). for Example:συρνρνεγσετ, λανσαστεγ.[ ] γυχ αηδ γιενρ< >υονδ X τενεστεδ [division symbol] by ωνιδσγ __ νυγτσαγ = τνε μγστισκ γομον ινδιστιον. αλσο, τνε ωεαγχσιτε ελεστ σσν οφ λυνα ανδ σσλ σγονζε; ωιτν τνε νυριεσ ανδ νομσεγσ οφ ωγτεοσ γομαλ τενυτσ τνε προγρεσσιον oφ τνε Eqυινοχεσ, ανδ περιοδσ oφ Ѕολ ανδ λυνι<.> &c &c.

With the Highest Esteem I am Sir

Robert Miller

NB after Examination your advice will Guide my future steps.

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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