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Results 1371-1380 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have rec d yours of January 22 d. I know not the reason you had not rec d Letters for a Week— There has not been a Week since I arrived in Philadelphia that I have not written you twice or thrice I agree with you that Something must be done for my Mother to make her Condition comfortable and respectable. A Horse and Chaise must be at her Command and I like your other Plan very well if she...
Mr. Thaxter is getting better and Mr. Charles Storer is now with me, and We may be all now said to be pretty well. Our northern Friends are well too. You will hear a great deal about Peace, but dont trust to it. Remember what I have often said “We shall not be able to obtain Peace, while our Ennemies have New York and Charlestown or either of them.” I know the Character and Sentiments of the...
I have had a Curiosity to examine what could have been the Cause of Parson Lymans Affection to the Tories. I find that in some former Years, while Hutchinson was Chief Justice, that Arch Corrupter and Deceiver lodged at the House of Dr. Lyman the Parson’s Brother, and professed great Friendship for him as well as the Parson, made the Doctor a Justice of the Peace &c. The Office of a Justice of...
I have to thank you for two Letters which lay by me unanswer’d, I have had My hands full of business & my Head of care—& one of my hoarse colds to trouble me besides. mr Cranch is still confin’d with his, but I hope will not be quite Sick, on the ordination day I could not speak loud enough to be heard & was very much oppress’d at my Lungs—but I could not spare myself. I had the House full of...
Your favor of the 5th gave me sensible pain. Had I had the least doubt that you was not so happy as to have heard from Mr. Adams by the Mars, I should before this communicated part of the contents of mine from Mr. D ana dated Amsterdam Nov. 7th when all friends were well. Mr. D was to leave Holland for Paris the next week but whither in company with Mr. Adams he did not write. He writes that...
We have Seen Magnificence, Elegance and Taste enough to excite an Inclination to see more. We conclude to go to Birmingham, per­ haps to the Leasowes, and in that Case shall not have the Pleasure to see you, till Sunday or Monday. Love to my dear Nabby, and to Coll Smith. He will be so good as to give this account of Us, if any Questions are asked. Yours forever RC ( NhD .) JA and Thomas...
Your favour of Nov. 30, I received this morning. As every Thing conspires to keep me poor, I may as well give Way as not: so I will even agree to purchase Pratts Pew: But when I can send you Money to pay for it I know not— The Appropriation Bill is not passed and when it will be brought forward is uncertain, I will Send to the Treasury however and see if I can get a quarter without it. If I...
I hope you have health enough to bear to share with me some of my Griefs. I have determined to do a Thing this day, which puts my Phylosophy to a Tryal. The Lt Gen. and Major Generals have recommened Col Smith to the Command of a Regiment. This is a Degradation of him to which I would not consent, without his Consent. I have written to him hoping that he would forbid the nomination. But his...
It is a long time since I wrote you last, but I am perfectly weary of making apologies. I have no doubt but my friends will forgive me, when they recollect the causes which have prevented me from informing them frequently of those trivial events, which the partiality of friendship alone can render interesting. When I was last in Boston, which was about two months ago, I wrote a few hasty lines...
You will percieve by the date of this that I am at H——: last thursday I arrived here. My Visit is to Miss White. She has spent the Summer in Boston, and has been attempting to learn Musick, like myself. She has brought her instrument to H—— and sent me an invitation to come and pass a few months with her, and learn of her Master, who is a Man acquaintd with Musick, but not with much beside. He...