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Results 13701-13750 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Your favor of the 5 th has been duly received, covering my two letters to you of Oct. 7. 1809....
I have received from Mr Curtis your valuable present of American Wine; whether it is made from...
Your favors of Feb. 15. & Mar. 13. were recieved in due time, but were not acknoleged because I...
I recd some days ago the 2 Copies of your Memoir on the cultivation of the vine, with a bottle of...
I have received your letter of the 15th. inst. You will direct the Officers to make out returns...
I have written to Captains Irvine and Shoemaker directing the first to put himself in readiness...
I do not think it advisable to grant your request for a furlough without previously consulting...
I enclose to you a letter to Lieutenant Boote which you will please to have delivered. Should Mr....
Upon the receipt of this you will be pleased to send William Millard, Sergeant Lang, Francis...
I recieved successively the two bottles of wine you were so kind as to send me. the first, called...
ALS (two drafts): Library of Congress It would be a pleasure to me if I could comply with your...
M r Jay is ^ I am ^ exceedingly mortified by the at having been Yesterday ^ being ^ obliged to...
Accept my thanks my Lady! for the friendly Letter which you did me the Honor to write on the 14...
Extract: printed in Pierre-Joseph-André Roubaud, Histoire générale de l’Asie, de l’Afrique et de...
I received Colo. Wuibert’s letter and power of attorney on the 16th. of February 1786.I wrote...
[ Paris, 31 Dec. 1787 . An entry in SJL under this date reads: “Agents circular.” No copy of such...
The government having at my request called on the farmers general for a state of their purchases...
The Agents of the State of New York } for managing the controversy with the Commonwealth of...
Philadelphia, 6 Dec. 1780. Announces that, by the new arrangement of the purchasing department,...
I see with pleasure, fellow-citizens, in your address of Feb. 15. a sound recurrence to the first...
Having fully experienced the obstacles to my attendance at the meetings of the Society, and aware...
I thank you for your Address presented to me by Mr. Freeman your Representative in Congress. Your...
It was my earnest desire to have obtaind an Audience of Leave of the Queen that I might have had...
9 May 1805, Department of State . “The recommendations, under which you were formerly engaged in...
Copy: New York Public Library <Philadelphia, August 10, 1775: You will receive herewith 2400...
Present roads Proposed roads from the Mainstreet of Charlottesville Miles po   miles to  Moore’s...
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society At the Request of Dr. Hawkesworth I am to...
I impart to you in confidence that I intend to execute an enterprise against Staten Island to...
[ Totowa, New Jersey ] November 24, 1780 . Asks Alden to send enclosed letter to Lieutenant...
If you have in the Office the laws of North Carolina, I will thank you for the perusal of them....
I receive this moment your favor of to-day. Tho’ I shall ever be pleased with every event which...
The mark of esteem, on the part of fellow Citizens, to whom I am attached by so many ties, which...
I have recd. the Resolution of the Trustees of Alleghany College with the printed copy of its...
I am very sensible of the kind attention of the trustees of Allegany college, in sending me a...
Inclosed is an Answer to your Questions, to the best of my Knowledge of a Subject to which I have...
You have been kind enough to send me five Numbers of your Allegany Magazine, for which I can only...
I have your favour of 1st Feb with your 5 volumes. The dedication needs no apology. In your...
Your favour of May 26 . was recieved by our last post only, it having [unduly] loitered probably...
Your favor of the 22d. did not come to hand till yesterday. I am extremely sensible and thankful...
[Your] favor of Dec. 27. is duly recieved. I am sorry that mr Short’s instructions do not permit...
AL (draft): Library of Congress I am not at all displeas’d that the Thesis and Dedication with...
I inclose you the attorney general’s opinion on the subject of importations from Maryland. We...
M r Randolph will ride with you any day you please to the lands on Lego , & confer on the...
A debt which has been contracted with mr Higgenbotham in my absence, has obliged me to assign to...
Being much pressed by mr Higginbotham for a debt I owe him, and towards the discharge of which I...
Articles of compromise and agreement between Thomas Jefferson of the one part & Eli Alexander on...
Having some heavy sums to pay at our March & April courts I should be glad if in the disposal of...
When I met with you on Lego the other day I had not been on the lands before for 9. years, and...
M r Bacon had to buy 60. barrels of corn for me, and he understood that you had agreed at court...
Having been obliged to purchase corn this year to the amount of 1200.D and great engagements on...