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Results 1361-1370 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
When we where last togeather you then would wis to know my Determination what I would do and. you exspess a wish to do any thing that was in your power to Serve me, its true its in your power to do a great deal for me, but its out of your power to do any thing that will Restore me to my Happiness again for if you should give me all you possess would not do it. god knowes I love the woman and...
Your favor of the 3rd with a poscript dated the 4th at 7. OClock A.M. by Major Fishbourn came to hand last evening, the manner in which your Excellency has been pleased to Approve of the Conduct of the Officers in General, and ours in particular, Affords a Sensation which words can not express. It would have afforded us Infinate pleasure, had fortune put it into our power to Inform you that...
I do myself the honor of inclosing to you some very afflicting letters from M. de la Fayette to his intimate friends in Europe. They are accompanied by a letter from Tollendal, addressed to you, which shews the reason of their being sent. Many of them are in French; and I will have them translated, if you should not think, that those, which are in English, and in the same unhappy strain, would...
Confident, that, after Such a long Silence, a few Letters of an old friend, who allways revered you, and will continue to do So till his last breath, Shall not be unacceptable, I once more take up my pen I can not—after approaching my 73th foster the hope, that I Shall be permitted to do it often—But I will not delay it longer—as I hear neither from you or my N. England frends a word—except...
1365November 5th. 1762. (Adams Papers)
The Cause of Jeffries Town Treasurer of Boston and Sewal and Edwards and several others being suits for the Penalties arising by the Law of the Province for building and covering those Building s not with slate nor Tile but with shingles. Mr. Gridley made a Motion that those Actions should be dismissed because the Judges were all Interested in the Event of them. Two of the Judges vizt. Wells...
Your favour of the 24. May is before me. To presume defend the Seperation of the Legislative Executive and Judicial Powers, from each other, and the Division of the Legislature into three branches, from the attacks of County Committees, riotous assemblies, and uninformed Philosophers and Statesmen, will be the Burthen of my Song and I am very glad to find that the Attempt, has met with your...
General Howe having proposed that some mode should be fixed for the future exchange of prisoners, their subsistances &c.—and appointed Lt Colo. Walcot of the Army under his command to negotiate respecting the same, you are to repair to the House of Mrs Feild on the Road leading from Brunswic to Bound Brook on Monday the 17th Instt to meet Colo. Walcot—confer with him & receive such...
I yesterday recd the inclosed from Capt. Von Heer. As I do not know how he has been supplied heretofore with the Articles he now calls for, I cannot determine upon the propriety of the present application. I can only say, if it appears that they are necessary, he ought to be furnished with them—If The Quarter Master supplied him in the first instance with Horses he can I suppose remember...
Virginia Berkeley County } Honorable Sir July 20th 1790 As nothing extraordinary happened Since I saw you last I did not think it necessary To trouble you with a Letter. k[n]owing the fatigue You had to go through I thought it Improper to be troublesome. The suit against Robin Scott is not yet determined about the Land on Gooscreek. The Gentlemen who were appointed Could never be got togather....
The Representatives of the people of Tennessee concieve it to be their duty to express their entire approbation of the Measures pursued by the Federal Government since the commencement of your administration and a full and complete confidence that such measures will be adopted as will maintain the respectability of the United States abroad—and promote the interest and harmony of our fellow...