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Results 1361-1410 of 184,431 sorted by author
Will you be kind as to see mr Frothingham and tell him that I wish him to have the Coachee cased,...
I have to congratulate you upon the safe arrival of your Little daughter, whom I have only a few...
Give me leave to congratulate you & mrs Smith upon the Birth of a Daughter. I hope both the Mamma...
Since the date of my last July 11 th I have received an Authentic account of Your appointment as...
I have been hoping every day since I received your obliging favour to get time to thank you for...
In my late visit to Holland I was present at the Grand ceremony of Swearing their New Elected...
Since I wrote you last I have made two excursions one to Holland, and one of a Week to the Hyde...
I hope this days post will bring me a Letter from you at Philadelphia, and that I shall hear you...
Your Letter of Feb ry 12 th reachd me on the last of April, and gave me Sincere pleasure and...
Can my dear sister realize that tis near eleven Months since I left her. To me it seems...
Your Letter last evening received from Bilboa relieved me from much anxiety, for having a day or...
Mrs Hay call’d, and left me your Letter. tho I have not written to you before I have had you...
The weather from an unhealthy warmth has changed to an insufferable cold. I had little...
I yesterday about 11 oclock went into the Presidents Room to see if John had returnd from the...
Mr Adams being absent I replie to your Letter this day received, that mr Adams has written to you...
This is the third attempt I have made, to write to You; since my Eyes have been attackd with an...
Not a word have I heard of, or from you Since you left me this day week. I am anxious to know how...
I write you, not from the Noisy Buisy Town, but from my humble Cottage in Braintree, where I...
Your Last Letter was dated in july No 45, near Six Months since. the secretary of state has one,...
No, my dear Madam, not affronted I hope; you did not say so with a good grace, the only time I...
Captain Lyde arrived a week ago, and yesterday, he and mr Jenks dinned with us. By the latter we...
Mr. and Mrs. Adams present their Compliments to Dr. Franklin and hope to have the Honour of his...
I received Your Letter of 9th. with respect to the Carriage I believe I did not stipulate for a...
The vessel is not yet gone, and I find I have a towns man going in her. He came this evening to...
Mr. Etter was so good as to come this morning and inform me that his Sons would go to Salem...
I Congratulate you upon the fine weather we have had since your absence; if it has been as...
I wish you would ever write me a Letter half as long as I write you; and tell me if you may where...
I cannot omit by this opportunity acquainting you that on sunday the August packet arrived in...
This is the Anniversary of a very melancholy Day to me, it rose upon me this morning with the...
I thank you my dear Lucy, for writing by mr Jenks tho only a few Lines, but that was very...
Never mind it, my dear Sir, if I write four Letters to your one: your one is worth more than my...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr and Mrs Adams present their Compliments to Dr Franklin and...
Your kind Letters of Nov. 2. and Dec r 20 are before me. You will Soon learn the meaning of the...
I have received your Letters Numbers 1. 2. 3. 4. and 5. but not in the order, in which they were...
I have enjoyed very good Health ever since I came to London, untill ten days past. I had about a...
Two Days ago, I was favoured with your polite and elegant Letter of January 22. I have received...
After a very pleasant Journey, here We are. We came very leisurely, dined the first day at...
I received your letter on Thursday and was delighted to find it so long, for you do not know how...
I received yesterday your letter and package by Capt. White, and have received the account of the...
I have now before me your two last Letters by my Dear Eliza received by Capt Calliham which I...
I have not heard a word from B— since Wedensday last. I want much to know how you all do. I wrote...
My Dear Eliza will be one of the first to inquire after the welfare of her friend. Nor shall she...
Herewith you receive your letters and miniature with my desire that you would return mine to my...
Yesterday my Dear Eliza I returned from G ermantown and this morning, it being our usual post...
Your wishes for my happiness, my Dear Eliza, demand my thanks. Wishing, this power of the mind,...
By a Letter to my Mother from you, I Learnt that you had in your Possession the Letters and...
And are you really determined my Dear Brother not to condescend to write to your Sister again...
Yesterday my Dear Lucy I received your kind favour of the 9th of April, and it was the only...
This day I was Dining with Mamma at Mrs. Atkinsons in hourly expectation of receiving letters...
My mamma has so often reminded me of a deficiency in politeness in not replying to your letter...