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Results 13591-13620 of 184,431 sorted by author
Yours of the 14th: came to hand Saturday Evening—24th: I suppose you were not inconsolable at the...
1359216. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Norton. He dined with us.
13593Wednesday [18th.] (Adams Papers)
Coll. Humphreys arrived. David Humphreys , a former aide-decamp to Washington, was appointed on...
13594[June 1781] (Adams Papers)
Got up in the morning at about 6 o’clock, and set myself to work; breakfasted at half past seven...
1359530. (Adams Papers)
Mr. A. went to Boston. Charles to Cambridge.
135969th. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Pickman and Thompson, at Mr. Parsons’s upon Salmon, which begin now to be caught in...
Receiving on Sunday your rebuke for the blank covers I had forwarded to you, I should have it...
List of Keys, left at Quincy by J. Q. Adams—with T. B. A. 1. Padlock large French trunk— marked...
135996. (Adams Papers)
Went to Milton with Wm. Cranch. He dined with us.
1360023d. (Adams Papers)
Pickman had agreed to go with me, and hear Parson Tucker preach this forenoon; but some...
1360120. (Adams Papers)
Went to Mr. Cranch’s. Mrs. C. gone to Boston.
13602Saturday 5th of August 1780 (Adams Papers)
This morning Pappa brother Charles and myself went to see a Gentleman for whom Pappa had Letters:...
1360313th. (Adams Papers)
Attended meeting all day. Dined at Mr. Thaxter’s with Mr. J. Duncan. And in the afternoon, after...
1360410. (Adams Papers)
Got to Newbury-Port. Ordination. Dancing. John Andrews, JQA ’s frequent companion, was ordained...
1360519th. (Adams Papers)
The troops from this Town, went this afternoon to Waltham, from whence, they are to proceed...
Your Letter of the 20 th: of last month, which I received a few days ago has taken from my bosom...
136073d. (Adams Papers)
I this day got through the 4th. volume of Blackstone’s Commentaries a second time, and I imagine...
I am sorry that we are again obliged to postpone our visit to you at Quincy, as George is this...
13609Sunday. Novr. 30th. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Bingham’s.
I have received from President Kirkland, his answer to my enquires respecting your standing as a...
Since my last Letter (15.) nothing very material has occurred. The newspapers enclosed will shew...
136129th. (Adams Papers)
Return’d to the library the books I had taken out, and took the second volume of the Idler. After...
The bearer of this letter, Mr. Pickman, is a Gentleman with whom for many years I have had the...
136146th. (Adams Papers)
I alter’d my plans of study, and determined to copy forms in the day time because, I can do it...
13615Friday 26th. (Adams Papers)
This Morning a very fresh breeze from the N.W. 7 o clock. We now go 12 knots an hour; every face...
1361623d. (Adams Papers)
Miss Ellery pass’d the day at the professor’s, and was very agreeable; I am more and more pleased...
136179th. (Adams Papers)
Was all day at home, and in the evening, closed my Letter to my Sister, as the Post goes for...
13618Sun. 5th. (Adams Papers)
A middling breeze from the S.W. We replaced our guns. We took in the Main, and forsails in order...
I wrote you this day week, last Sunday that I intended to return to Boston the next morning—But,...
1362013th. (Adams Papers)
At nine o’clock this morning, the Class read a forensic disputation: I had written in the course...