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Results 13591-13620 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
13591[Diary entry: 24 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
24th. Warm with but little wind, & that Northwest[er]ly.
having dispos’d of Three bbls of flour as pr Sales Furnishd, the neet proceeds of which I have...
I shall pass over in silence the Complementary introduction to your Letter, not because these...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I wrote to you per Capt. Osborne, and have little to...
LS : British Museum; ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I wrote to you on the 7th...
ALS : Public Record Office; letterbook draft: Library of Congress I am favour’d with yours of...
ALS (letterbook draft) and copy: Library of Congress It gave me great Pleasure to receive so...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I wrote to you pretty fully per Osborne, since which...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I received your Favours of March 4 and April 19. Mr....
13600[Diary entry: 25 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
25. Went up to Alexandria Church & returnd to Dinner.
13601[Diary entry: 25 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
25. Very warm with some appearances of Rain but none fell.
13602[Diary entry: 26 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
26. At home all day.
13603[Diary entry: 26 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
26. More appearances of Rain but none fell here. Weather Warm.
Since writing my Invoice of the 10th Instt my Gardiner has furnish’d me with a compleat list of...
In December 1771 I took the liberty to write to you requesting the Favour of you to Enquire After...
13606[Diary entry: 27 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
27. Ditto—Ditto.
13607[Diary entry: 27 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
27. Still very warm with Clouds & thunder but no Rain here.
Letter not found: to William Crawford, 27 July 1773. On 12 Nov. 1773 Crawford wrote GW : “I...
13609[Diary entry: 28 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
28. Ditto—Ditto—Mr. Tilghman came here in the forenoon—as did Miss Sally Carlyle & Sister.
13610[Diary entry: 28 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
28. Appearances of Rain but none fell here. Weather Warm & Wind southerly.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I was desired to send Mrs. Stevenson 6 Boxes of Sperma Ceti...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I arrived here on Monday Evening last when I had the...
13613[Diary entry: 29 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
29. Colo. Carlyle & Son & Mr. Piper dind here & went away again in the afternoon with his...
13614[Diary entry: 29 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
29. Great appearances of Rain again but none fell here. Weather warm.
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Time elapsed since I had the pleasure of seeing you at...
13616[Diary entry: 30 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
30th. Mr. Tilghman returnd home. Mrs. Washington Miss Nelly Calvert & myself went to Mount Airy...
13617[Diary entry: 30 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
30. Morning very warm, close & still—but somewhat cooler afterwards. Wind freshing up.
It is with great concern we have heard from Mr. Evans of the Death of our worthy Friend Mr....
We wrote you fully by the Virginia since which we have none of your favors. We did intend sending...
13620[Diary entry: 31 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
31. At Mount Airy all day.