Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to John McKinney, 15 June 1818

To John McKinney

Monticello June 15. 18


Your letter of May 21. is just now recieved; and I have to thank you for the elks you have been so good as to offer me: but the advance of years has taught me to wind up old cares rather than engage in new ones, and I have lost all interest in things of this kind. for the same reason I will pray you to take no further trouble about the Panther’s skin as mentioned in your letter, as the object of that also is among those I have laid aside.

with my thanks for your attention accept the assurance of my respects.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MoSHi: TJC-BC); on verso of reused address cover of Jerman Baker to TJ, 24 Mar. 1818; at foot of text (faint): “[M]r John McKinney”; endorsed by TJ.

Index Entries

  • elk search
  • McKinney, John; and panther skin for TJ search
  • McKinney, John; letter to search
  • McKinney, John; offers to sell deer and elk to TJ search
  • panthers; skins of search