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Results 13571-13580 of 184,431 sorted by author
135716th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Williams gave us another Lecture upon heat; and introduced a new System of his own. But the heat being increased in the Chamber, by a small fire, which was necessary for making the experiments, and by the breath of an hundred Persons, as­ sembled in it, became almost insupportable, Thompson fainted completely, and was carried away to his chamber.
1357215th. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon Mr. D. went and took a walk. In the afternoon he rode out. Walked in the garden in the evening. Cloudy weather.
1357320th. (Adams Papers)
Cranch went to Boston this day, and brought me back, another large packet from my Sister, inclosing a Poem written, by Coll. Humphreys, on the happiness of America, addressed to the Citizens of the States. There is a great brilliancy of Imagination, I think display’d in it, and he is somewhat poetical, in describing the happiness, that reigns in this Country; but the poem I take to be a very...
1357414th. (Adams Papers)
Paris. At the post; paid 235. livres for a parcel of packets. Walk’d in the Palais Royal. Large Company. Few Ladies.
135753d. (Adams Papers)
Visited the Consul in the morning, and spent an hour with him. At about noon I left Boston, and went before dinner as far as Milton. When I got there, I found Mrs. Warren had just left it with her son Charles for Boston where he is now gone to embark; the vessel is to sail on monday or Tuesday. I dined with the genl., and his three remaining sons, James, Harry, and George. The genl. bought...
Your Journal of 31st. July and 1st. instt. is received. I enclose you another Check for 100 Dollars, that you may be payable want of funds, if you should finally conclude to go on to Quincy—But besides the doubts which are mentioned in your Letter, arising from the situation of your brother, I have others since I have this day learnt that the yellow fever is in New-York—my fathers invitation...
135775th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
Stay’d at home all day. Mr. D. walk’d out in the forenoon. Changeable weather.
1357810th. (Adams Papers)
The Course of Philosophical Lectures was closed, with one, giving an explanation of the Orrery, and as an Introduction, to the astronomical Course, which we shall have next Quarter. I went also, and heard a Lecture from Dr. Waterhouse, upon digestion. I have nearly Lost this day; strol’d about with White in the afternoon. Cranch went to Boston. After Tea, we walk’d, half, an hour and then...
1357928th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Read set out in the afternoon to return to Cambridge. In the Evening Mr. Cranch returned from Boston, and Lucy and her brother from Haverhill.
1358020th. (Adams Papers)
Mlle: Remaldi, appeared last night at the Italian Comedy, for the first time, in the part of Lyse , in le jugement de Midas , and succeeded very well. By Thomas Hales, known as d’Hèle, Paris, 1778, with music by André Grétry ( Brenner, Bibliographical List Clarence Dietz Brenner, A Bibliographical List of plays in the French Language, 1700-1789 , Berkeley, 1947. ).