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Results 13561-13590 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr. Crawford and his thanks for his Observations on Quarentines which he has read with great pleasure. not himself a friend to Quarentines, nor having confidence in their efficacy even if they are necessary, he sees with pleasure every effort to lessen their credit. but the theory which denies all infection, and ascribes to unseen animals the effects...
The bearer Mr. John G. Chapman is the young American artist, of whom you have probably heard, and who has spent some years at Rome & other parts of Italy, perfecting his taste & Execution by the study of the most celebrated paintings. His professional reputation is high, and I have Every reason to think deservedly so; and he is, besides, a young gentleman of great personal worth &...
ALS : Yale University Library As you have been so good as to forgive my long Delay of writing to you and answering your always agreable Letters, I shall not now trouble you with the Apology I had written on that head in one of my Pieces of Letters never finish’d. Supposing the Fact, that the Water of the Well at Bristol is warmer after some time pumping, I think your manner of accounting for...
I am offered the $4000 for your land payable $1000 on the first day of april next an three annual payments for the balancee I have full confidence in the punctuality of the purchaser who can give me any Security I demand I darsay their will be no danger, but the whole will be paid to the day he prefers pursonal security he will give such as is unexception i a ble,— please say immediatily if I...
Mr: Samuel Adams was called a Maltster because he kept a Malt-house; but he was a Gentleman of liberal Education; a Legislator and a Magistrate. He was the father of the late Governor Adams and the Son of John Adams, a Merchant in Boston, who was brother of my Grandfather. Mrs: Elizabeth Adams, Widow of the late Governor Adams still lives in Boston. The Governor left but one child, a daughter,...
It gives me the most sensible Pleasure to convey to you by order of Congress the only Tribute which a free People will ever consent to pay, the Tribute of Thanks & Gratitude to their Friends & Benefactors. The disinterested and patriotic Principles which led you to the Field, have also led you to Glory, and it affords no little Consolation to your Countrymen to reflect, that as a peculiar...
The vacancy produced in the Treasury department by the death of the Comptroller has occasioned me to take the liberty of making this communication to you. It will not appear unnatural, that a person in my situation should be led, by the relation the offices of the Treasury bear to each other, to entertain a wish for the appointment, and I should, at as early a moment as decorum permitted, have...
I have the honor to submit two letters from Brigr Genl Wilkinson with their enclosures. These were received by express, who left Fort Washington the 1st of Decr. I have the honor to be respectfully Your obedient Servant ALS , DLC:GW ; LB , DLC:GW . The letters from James Wilkinson have not been identified, but they are probably those mentioned by Knox in his letter to Gen. Anthony Wayne of 28...
I forgot this was post day till the moment of the mail’s being made up. I have only time therefore to say Congress rises tomorrow. mr Milledge & mr Clarke will probably set out in the evening, be at Orange courthouse on Wednesday evening & go thence to dine with you on Thursday. I shall be two or three days after them. tender love to my dear Martha & the young people & affectionate attachment...
Letter not found. 18 June 1800. Calendared by JM in his list of letters to Jefferson (DLC: Rives Collection, Madison Papers) as concerning: “Hessian fly, its first appearance in Orange.” Listed in Jefferson’s Epistolary Record (DLC: Jefferson Papers) as received 24 June.
It is much to be regretted that most subscribers to newspapers are negligent in remitting the small sums which, although comparatively nothing to individual subscribers, form, when multiplied by thousands, as in my case, an amount of great moment. Struggling under many difficulties, I have been compelled to contract heavy debts, under the hope that those who have taken my paper will furnish...
Mr Rawlins has this momt presented me with your favor of the 1st instt, enclosing a counterpart of the agreement with him; for your trouble in this business I pray you to accept my thanks. Your advances to him shall be reimbursed at any moment. It was with concern I learnt from him that you were much indisposed (tho’ he could not tell with what) when he left Baltimore. I hope the cause, ere...
I have had the Honor to receive your Excellency’s two several Letters, of the twenty seventh of September, and first, Instant. The latter did not come to Hand untill nine oClock last Evening. I have this Morning directed the Purchase of a quantity of Rum, and lament that I cannot possibly arrive as soon as you will stand in Need of it. This must be attributed to the Delay of your Letter, which...
Your Letter of advice dated the 19th of Last month by Major Willis I received by that Gentleman with three Counter Part of Leases—I shall attend to your Instruction and act in all Cases To the Best of my Knowledge and as tho for my Self. the Laws and Costoms of this Country must be on another Footing to Compel Tenants or others To fulfill their Engagement than they are in at this Time, I do...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous ecrire la presente laquelle vous Sera remise par le Sieur Thomas Connoly Americain Lequel a eu le malheur d’Etre pris dans le navire Le Blear Mc Clanaghan a Son Passage de L’orient a Philadelphie par un corsaire de Guernsey auquel endroit il a été conduit prisonnier. Il a trouvé le moyen de S’echaper & de Se rendre ici, & Comme il...
Mr. Jones promised to communicate to you a statement of the subscriptions to the Bank of the United States. The deficit will not be great, and will be immediately subscribed, at Philadelphia. Mr. Jones’s prospect brightens. He is opposed, however, by Major Butler, whose appointment produces all the inconveniences, that I apprehended. The Treasury Circular seems to be approved by all, but the...
Pursuant to Your Excellency’s Direction I have directed the Commanding Officers of the Companies under my Command to Ascertain the Number of Officers & Soldiers in their respective Companies who are willing to extend the Term of their Inlistment to the first Day of Jany next: by their Returns I find there are Two Hundred & Twenty Noncommissiond Officers & Soldiers who are willing to Serve till...
Mr. Latrobe has informed me that you wished to have the Encyclopedie sent to your house with the bill. I now send them by the Bearer of this. I take the liberty at the same time to offer you some other books, of which I enclose a notice. Your very obt. Mr. Madison bo’t of J. Barlow The french encyclopedie methodique—incomplete, consisting as follows 93 vol. bound & 14 half vol. unbd. letter...
East Chester [ New York ] May 3, 1799 . “I have been honoured with your Letter of the first of may; having always understood that Capt Church tho’ honoured by the appointment of being your Aid De Camp, intended, with your permission to recruit his Company; I mentioned to him, when in Town last, that the money & recruiting instructions, were ready for him, when it was convenient for you to...
The Secretary of the Treasury, to whom was referred by the House of Representatives, the petition of Hugh Cunningham, submits the following report thereupon. Respectfully referring the House of Representatives, to his report of the 17th Instant, on the subject of depreciation generally; The Secretary begs leave to add, That the claim of the petitioner is in the capacity of an Officer of the...
In a letter hastily written to you on the 30th ulto, I approved the plan of applying to the Legislature of Maryland for a loan of money, agreeably to the suggestion of Genl Forest, for the purposes of the Federal city—Provided “upon more mature consideration and enquiry, you should concur with him in opinion that it certainly could be obtained.” I am in the same sentiment still; but let me...
[ August 1, 1782. On August 27, 1782, Hamilton wrote to Meade : “I thank you my dear Meade for your letter of the first of this month.” Letter not found. ]
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. John Sullivan, 28 Oct. 1779 . GW wrote Sullivan on 31 Oct. : “I have your favr of the 28th.”
I lay before you copies of the following Acts, which have been transmitted to me during the recess of Congress viz. An Act passed by the Legislature of New Hampshire, for ceding to the United States, the Fort and Light House belonging to said State. An Act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, ratifying on behalf of said State, the first article of Amendment to the Constitution of the United...
13585[Diary entry: 17 March 1790] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 17th. Gave Mr. Few Notice that I would receive the Address of the Legislature of Georgia tomorrow at half after ten oclock. Sent to both House[s] of Congress the Ratification of the State of Pennsylvania of the amendments proposed by Congress to the Constitution of the Union.
When Mr Ludlow was Navy Agent I received a letter from the wife of Danl Baldwin exhibiting him to our view as an Object of Charity, and soliciting some employment for him at the Navy Yard of New-York. Not knowing his pretensions or qualifications I referred him to the Navy Agent and at the same time authorised mr Ludlow in his discretion to assign him some suitable station. Mr Ludlow in his...
The Congress, after her very long detention at Norfolk, I have reason to hope will be ready to sail on the 15 ins.—to cruise a little while in those latitudes where the French Privateers have lately done most mischief—and then proceed to St. Domingo. The Insurgent too, will be ready to leave Baltimore about the same time, to cruise on the coast, & between the Coast and the Islands—The...
Being appointed by Colo. Sheldon to procure Cloathing and Accoutrements for the Regiment agt the ensuing Campaign, you are to repair immediately to Boston as the most probable place of furnishing yourself. Upon your arrival there, you are, thro’ General Heath, (to whom I have written) to apply to the persons purchasing Cloathing for continental use, for as much as will be sufficient, and as...
I have the honor to enclose a statement of the monies collected on account of the marine hospitals from when the law began to operate to the 31st of March 1801, showing also the disbursements made for the relief of sick seamen during the same period by the Agents appointed for that purpose, & the unexpended balances remaining on the last mentioned day in hands of said Agents or of the...
13590General Orders, 9 January 1776 (Washington Papers)
The General thanks Major Knolton, and the Officers and Soldiers, who were under his command last night; for the Spirit, Conduct and Secrecy, with which they burnt the Houses, near the Enemy’s works, upon Bunkers-hill—The General was in a more particular manner pleased, with the resolution the party discover’d in not firing a Shot; as nothing betrays greater signs of fear, and less of the...