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Results 13561-13570 of 184,431 sorted by author
We have an interesting question whether by the “middle of the week” which in your Journal of last Saturday you mentioned as the time when you expected to reach home, you intended the middle of this week or of the next—If of the present it is already here; but then your last Journal which is of Tuesday, was written in expectation of hearing from one, which you doubtless did the next Morning. I...
135629th. (Adams Papers)
Dr. Witherspoon visited the President in the morning. I went with Mr. Söderström out of town about a mile, to Mr. Bayard’s, who has two fine Daughters, the eldest, to whom I was introduced last evening by Miss Livingston, was gone to Town; the other was there. I see with much pain that the connections of almost all the finest girls in and about N. York, were of the british party during the...
1356310th. (Adams Papers)
Attended meeting all day. Mr. Burr, preach’d two very good sermons. Dined at Mr. Dana’s, in Company with Mr. Parsons of Newbury-Port: a man of great wit, as well as of sound judgment and deep learning. I was at Mr. Wiggles worth’s in the evening with Beale; but Peggy was not at home. The weather has been very warm this day. The thermometer was at 83. After graduation, JQA studied law with...
Your kind Letters of 20 May and 4 June have been received together with others to my wife and the children which they have answered and will answer for themselves. Hitherto since our arrival in London, I have been obliged to rely upon their punctuality in answering your Letters, as an apology for the temporary deficiency of mine. Besides the multitude of trifling but indispensable avocations...
1356516th. (Adams Papers)
We had this morning, a forensic dispute, upon the Question, Whether the immortality of the human Soul be probable from natural Reason. My Inclination coincided, with my duty, and I read the following piece in the affirmative. “That there is in Man, an interior Power, far different, and vastly superior, to that possess’d by any other being, of the animal Creation, no one I believe will deny to...
1356613th. (Adams Papers)
This morning, immediately after prayers, the president informed us that the vacation would begin at present, and be for 8 weeks, and hinted that the spring vacation, might on that account be omitted. As I thought I should be able to study much more conveniently here than any where else; I obtained leave to remain in town. Bridge proposes staying likewise, and we shall live together. In the...
1356725th. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. D took a ride in the forenoon. Finished the second and last volume of Watson’s history of Phillip the II. 437. pages. Cloudy weather.
I have just received your Letter from Ballston, with the greater pleasure, as it gives a better account of your health, than that of the 7th. instt. from Cedar Grove. I am also glad to perceive that you had met Dr Hurtt, and no doubt received from him the Letter which I wrote you by him, from Boston—I have since written twice to you, and once to Charles, and addressed the Letters to Lebanon,...
1356930th. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Hilliard all day upon Acts. VII. 9. And the patriarchs moved with envy sold Joseph into Egypt: but God was with him. The Sermons were good, but there is such, a sameness in almost all the Sermons, I hear preach’d, that they are Seldom very entertaining to me. Dined at Mr. Dana’s, with his brother in Law Mr. Hastings, Captn. Hobby, and two Seniors, Dwight, and Harris. Mrs. Dana,...
1357013th. (Adams Papers)
This morning the President intended to take a sail down to Sandy-Hook, for the recovery of his Health, but found himself so unwell, that he could not go; the Virginia Delegates went, and Mr. Harrison went down also with his uncle, who came from England in the last British Packet, but finding his Estate here confiscated, sails for England this day. I went early in the morning to Mr. de...