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Results 13551-13600 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
13551 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 November 1770] 1770-11-20 20. Our Horses arriving about One Oclock at 2 we set out for Fort Pitt & got about 10 Miles.
13552 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Adams, John C. W. F. Dumas to John Adams: A Translation, 3 June … 1781-06-03 I received your orders of the day before yesterday, and I will not fail in executing them next...
13553 Franklin, Benjamin Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de The Commissioners to Gabriel de Sartine, 5 November … 1778-11-05 We have the Honour of your Excellencys Letter of the 5th. of this Month, but as the Memoire, of...
13554 Hamilton, Alexander Williamson, Benjamin From Alexander Hamilton to Benjamin Williamson, 19 … 1800-01-19 I send you the inclosed letter from Major Buell by which you will see that he is anxious the pay...
13555 Jefferson, Thomas Sayre, Stephen From Thomas Jefferson to Stephen Sayre, 17 July 1793 1793-07-17 I have duly received your favor of the 13th. on the same subject with one written to the...
13556 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Boylston John Quincy Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 24 March … 1796-03-24 M r: Clagett has this moment delivered me your favour of the 29 th: ult o: and informs me that he...
13557 Rodney, Caesar A. Madison, James To James Madison from Caesar A. Rodney, 5 December 1811 1811-12-05 I do hereby resign the office of Attorney General of the United States. RC ( DNA : RG 59,...
13558 Ramsey, David Madison, James To James Madison from David Ramsey, 7 December 1802 1802-12-07 Letter not found. 7 December 1802. Acknowledged in Wagner to Ramsey, 11 Dec. 1802 (DNA: RG 59,...
13559 Alexander, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Alexander, 30 June … 1772-06-30 ALS : American Philosophical Society It is not perhaps unknown to you that soon after my Arrival...
13560 Jefferson, Thomas Garrett, Alexander Thomas Jefferson to Alexander Garrett, 5 October 1817 1817-10-05 As I was from home when y your’s and mr Southall ’s letter came, it was not opened, and the...
13561 Jefferson, Thomas Crawford, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Crawford, 8 September … 1807-09-08 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr. Crawford and his thanks for his Observations on...
13562 Jones, Walter Jr. Madison, James W[alter] Jones, [Jr.], to James Madison, 19 August 1833 1833-08-19 The bearer Mr. John G. Chapman is the young American artist, of whom you have probably heard, and...
13563 Franklin, Benjamin Hewson, Mary (Polly) Stevenson From Benjamin Franklin to Mary Stevenson, 30 March 1761 1761-03-30 ALS : Yale University Library As you have been so good as to forgive my long Delay of writing to...
13564 Martin, James Jefferson, Thomas James Martin to Thomas Jefferson, 2 December 1809 1809-12-02 I am offered the $4000 for your land payable $1000 on the first day of april next an three annual...
13565 Adams, John Sawyer, Abel From John Adams to Abel Sawyer, 8 February 1807 1807-02-08 Mr: Samuel Adams was called a Maltster because he kept a Malt-house; but he was a Gentleman of...
13566 Jay, John Washington, George John Jay’s Draft of a Letter from the Continental … 1776-04-02 It gives me the most sensible Pleasure to convey to you by order of Congress the only Tribute...
13567 Coxe, Tench Jefferson, Thomas I. Tench Coxe to Thomas Jefferson, 16 April 1791 1791-04-16 The vacancy produced in the Treasury department by the death of the Comptroller has occasioned me...
13568 Knox, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Knox, 26 December 1792 1792-12-26 I have the honor to submit two letters from Brigr Genl Wilkinson with their enclosures. These...
13569 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Thomas Mann From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Mann Randolph, 2 May … 1802-05-02 I forgot this was post day till the moment of the mail’s being made up. I have only time...
13570 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 18 June 1800 1800-06-18 Letter not found. 18 June 1800. Calendared by JM in his list of letters to Jefferson (DLC: Rives...
13571 Green, Duff Madison, James Duff Green to James Madison, 11 April 1828 1828-04-11 It is much to be regretted that most subscribers to newspapers are negligent in remitting the...
13572 Washington, George Tilghman, Tench From George Washington to Tench Tilghman, 10 March 1786 1786-03-10 Mr Rawlins has this momt presented me with your favor of the 1st instt, enclosing a counterpart...
13573 Morris, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Morris, 17 October … 1781-10-17 I have had the Honor to receive your Excellency’s two several Letters, of the twenty seventh of...
13574 Muse, Battaile Washington, George To George Washington from Battaile Muse, 21 March 1789 1789-03-21 Your Letter of advice dated the 19th of Last month by Major Willis I received by that Gentleman...
13575 Coffyn, Francis Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Francis Coffyn, 9 January … 1783-01-09 ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous ecrire la presente laquelle vous Sera...
13576 Dallas, Alexander James Madison, James To James Madison from Alexander J. Dallas, 3 August … 1816-08-03 Mr. Jones promised to communicate to you a statement of the subscriptions to the Bank of the...
13577 Parsons, Samuel Holden Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Samuel Holden … 1775-10-23 Pursuant to Your Excellency’s Direction I have directed the Commanding Officers of the Companies...
13578 Barlow, Joel Madison, James To James Madison from Joel Barlow, 9 June 1809 1809-06-09 Mr. Latrobe has informed me that you wished to have the Encyclopedie sent to your house with the...
13579 Smith, William Stephens Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William S. Smith, 3 May 1799 1799-05-03 East Chester [ New York ] May 3, 1799 . “I have been honoured with your Letter of the first of...
13580 Treasury Department Speaker of the House of Representatives Report on the Petition of Hugh Cunningham, [21 November … 1792-11-21 The Secretary of the Treasury, to whom was referred by the House of Representatives, the petition...
13581 Washington, George Commissioners for the District of Columbia, the From George Washington to the Commissioners for the … 1795-11-04 In a letter hastily written to you on the 30th ulto, I approved the plan of applying to the...
13582 Meade, Richard Kidder Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Richard Kidder Meade, 1 … 1782-08-01 [ August 1, 1782. On August 27, 1782, Hamilton wrote to Meade : “I thank you my dear Meade for...
13583 Sullivan, John Washington, George To George Washington from Maj. Gen. John Sullivan, 28 … 1779-10-28 Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. John Sullivan, 28 Oct. 1779 . GW wrote Sullivan on 31 Oct. : “I...
13584 Washington, George United States Senate and House of Representatives From George Washington to the United States Senate and … 1791-10-26 I lay before you copies of the following Acts, which have been transmitted to me during the...
13585 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 March 1790] 1790-03-17 Wednesday 17th. Gave Mr. Few Notice that I would receive the Address of the Legislature of...
13586 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 25 October 1804 1804-10-25 When Mr Ludlow was Navy Agent I received a letter from the wife of Danl Baldwin exhibiting him to...
13587 Stoddert, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Stoddert, 12 July 1800 1800-07-12 The Congress, after her very long detention at Norfolk, I have reason to hope will be ready to...
13588 Washington, George Blackden, Samuel From George Washington to Major Samuel Blackden, 30 … 1777-12-30 Being appointed by Colo. Sheldon to procure Cloathing and Accoutrements for the Regiment agt the...
13589 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 29 July 1801 1801-07-29 I have the honor to enclose a statement of the monies collected on account of the marine...
13590 Washington, George General Orders, 9 January 1776 1776-01-09 The General thanks Major Knolton, and the Officers and Soldiers, who were under his command last...
13591 Church, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Church, 24 December 1805 … 1805-12-24 § From John Church. 24 December 1805, Cork. “I have the Honor to acknowledge Receipt of your...
13592 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Washington, George To George Washington from … 1781-07-20 This letter is not By Any Means directed to the Commander in chief, But to My Most Intimate and...
13593 Jefferson, Thomas Meigs, Return Jonathan, Jr. From Thomas Jefferson to Return Jonathan Meigs, Jr., 30 … 1808-12-30 The President of the United States to Return J. Meigs, Senator for the State of Ohio. Certain...
13594 Hamilton, Alexander Cooper, William From Alexander Hamilton to William Cooper, [16 December … 1796-12-16 I have received your letter with a Post note of a thousand dollars on account of the Mortgage of...
13595 Jay, John Grenville, William Wyndham From John Jay to Grenville, 13 October 1794 1794-10-13 I rec d . last Evening, by a Vessel in 21 Days from New York, Dispatches from the Secretary of...
13596 Franklin, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Franklin, 14 August … 1775-08-14 LS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you by the Stage on Thursday last since which I...
13597 Trumbull, Jonathan Sr. Washington, George To George Washington from Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 31 … 1781-01-31 With much Anxiety I give you an An[s]wer to your late Letters respectg the Supply of the Army....
13598 Peters, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Peters, 16 July 1794 1794-07-16 The Accounts given to the British Board of Agriculture are in general drawn up in a masterly...
13599 Peters, Richard Adams, John To John Adams from Richard Peters, 10 April 1789 1789-04-10 I should be wanting in those Evidences of my very sincere Respect & Esteem for you which I shall...
13600 Franklin, Benjamin Dick, Sir Alexander From Benjamin Franklin to Sir Alexander Dick, 2 June … 1765-06-02 ALS : New York Public Library I received your kind Congratulations on my Return to Britain, by...