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Results 13551-13600 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The miniature Bible came safely, and Bridgman and M c Mahon are arrived at Richmond and are now on their way here. the Viri Romae came also safely but was lost by an accident soon after it’s arrival, wherefore I must ask another copy of the same edition with a dictionary at the end. I inclose you 50. Dollars which, covers my balance if I keep our account right. but there is the article of the...
I recieved last night your favor of 15 th . am sorry my awkwardness in business gives you so much trouble. I had supposed that the promisee of a note endorsing the note, authorised the holder to write over his signature an authority to recieve the money. I now correct the error by inclosing you a power of attorney from my grandson g i ving as fully as I know how to express it a power for the...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Governor Plumer , and his thanks for the copy of his message, recieved yesterday. it is replete as usual with principles of wisdom. nothing needs correction with all our legislatures so much as the unsound principles of legislation on which they act generally. the only remedy seems to be in an improved system of education. he is happy in every occasion...
I did myself the honor to address a note to you under date of the 16th. Inst requesting permission to use part of your Letter to Col. Putnam—Since which I have recd. a Letter from Col. Putnam covering one to you which I forward; saying he had “presumed to make use of part of your Letter without your permission” As Col. Putnam has made use of it—(which I most sincerely hope will meet your...
Words are poor, and wholly inadequate to express the grateful feelings of my heart for your excellent letter, wreched in terms of no equivocal import, but wiping with a single Stroke, every stain pretence of public odium which envy and malignity had endeavoured to fix on the character of Genl. Putnam. Such testimony, from such a source, tho’ of a negative kind, is all the occasion required, to...
I have received your Letter of the 16th. My letter to Col Daniel Putnam of the 5th. is at his and your disposal. You may publish any part of it, or the whole at your discretion. I wish the young Gentleman of the Age would undertake an analytical Investigation of the Constitution of the Army at Cambridge and of the detachment from it at Bunkers Hill and Breeds Hill on the 16 and 17th of June....
I am now to ask from you my annual supply of fish. that is to say 6. barrels of herrings to be forwarded by the Lynchburg boats to the care of Archibald Robertson merchant of that place and 6. barrels of herrings and 1. of shad to be forwarded to Milton by the boats of that place, and to be so good as to send me a note of the cost that I may provide payment. Accept the assurance of my antient...
I find it impossible to get a copy of Madison ’s map without linen or rollers, and as it is indispensable to have one at the meeting of the Commissioners for the University I must pray you to get me one of those which you say can be had with linen & rollers. I should prefer one with the borders of the county counties coloured, but not the body.   the agent who has them, will roll one very...
I had the pleasure to rcve your Request for a few articls from Canton which I have orderd—I thank you Madam for your Congratulations on the Marrage of my Son he requsts me to present to you his best Respects as Dos also Mrs. Bentzan & my Daughter I have the Honnor to be / Most Respetfully— / Madam your obd Set MHi : Adams Papers.
I have recd. your favor of the 10th. inclosing, in behalf of the Historical Committee of the Philosophical Society, a prospectus of the first vol: of their Transactions. I wish the Committee to be assured that I am fully sensible of the merit of such an Institution; and that it will afford me pleasure to promote its objects, if opportunities occur for adding to its store of historical...
the Brick layers got here yesterday and will begin to lay Some time this evening— I Should be glad you Could make it Convenient to Come to the building to day— the dormetorries will be laid of f to day—the Circle next the Road is Staked of f So that you Can See how to fix on the level RC ( ViU: TJP ); addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esquire Monticello ”; endorsed by TJ as received 18 June 1818.
I was favord by the last mail with your esteem d letter of the 12th: current enclosing a piece of Slate which I lost no time in submitting to the judgment of the best skilled Quarrier in this City; ( M r Baker Beaven ,) he has no doubt but it will work well provided there be enough of it to make it an object—I have engaged him to go immediately to Monticello and rece i ve your...
The bearer of this M r Baker Beaven is the Gentleman who I have employed to examine your Quarry of Slate & who I am persuaded you will find entirely qualified to discharge that duty— I have written you more fully by this day’s mail on this subject to which I now refer you In haste RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ as received 21 June 1818 and so recorded in SJL .
The next Statute produced & commented by Mr Otis was the 15th. of Charles the Second, i.e. 1663, Chapter 7. “An Act for the Encouragement of Trade.” Section 5. “And in regard his Majesty’s Plantations beyond the Seas are inhabited and peopled by his Subjects of this his Kingdom of England.” for the maintaining a greater Correspondence and Kindness between them, and keeping them in a firmer...
I could almost wish your Letters were filled with observations on any other books than Novels which I am afraid occupy more of your time than I think strictly good for you—However as you tell me that you find it too warm to read much now and that you intend to walk out in the evenings I will only say that I recommend you most earnestly to study something more worthy of you and more calculated...
You tell me that the highest prize in the Lottery is only 5000 dollars therefore you have not purchased my Ticket as I wished to make an experiment of your luck I suppose you think 5000 dollars a paltry prize however I should like you to purchase me a ticket in any of the Lotteries in which you can procure one for $4 and 50 Cents, or 5 which I see advertised in all the Boston papers and beg it...
I have recd. yours of the 10th. inst: preceded by one on the same subject; and have just recd. 2 packets from Cincinnati, as shewn by the post mark. They are addressed to me without letter, or any indication that they were to be forwarded to you. One of the packets consists of several pamphlets, which with the exception of the two herewith enclosed, were heretofore sent you by J. P. Todd. The...
Col. Danl. Putnam knowing how anxiously I feel for the honor of his Father’s memory, (& my relation); was kind enough to transmit to me, your obliging favour, to him, under date of the 5th inst—As there is no name existing that could give such effect to the Public mind as yours in this case—I have a great desire to obtain your consent to use the third, & perhaps the fourth paragraph—to...
Words are poor, and wholly inadequate to express the grateful feelings of my heart for your excellent letter, couched in terms of no equivocal import, but wiping with a single stroke every pretence of public odium, which envy and malignity had endeavoured to fix on the character of General Putnam. Such testimony, from such a sourse, tho’ of a negative kind, is all the occasion required to...
If your Letter of 20. May were the only one from you upon my files yet unanswered, every look at its date would give me a pang of self-reproach—How then shall I acknowledge at the same time the receipt of those of 31. Decbr. and of 2. 8. 13. 29. January, and apologize for not having replied to them sooner—During the Session of Congress, your indulgence would readily account for my...
Frank Carr avails himself of M r Jefferson ’s kindly proffered attention to letters from M r Terrell ’s friends, and asks the favor of him to put the enclosed in a way to reach him. F. Carr tenders sentiments of high consideration. RC ( ViU: TJP-CC ); addressed: “M r Jefferson Monticello”; endorsed by TJ as received 16 June 1818 and so recorded in SJL
a letter from the shadows of 41. to 43. (for these I suppose are the years of our births) is like one of those written from the banks of the Styx , it is so long since we have exchanged salutations, that I had almost been afraid to hazard mine to you without inclosing in it an Obolus as postage for Charon . I wish too that your letter had given a better account of your health and situation. to...
Your favor of the 11 th Ins t is received inclosing the two notes I had forwarded for your signature as also one in favor of Tho s J Randolph , which shall be attended to, but as I before informed you, it is necessary that I should have his check to enable me to draw the n t prd s and apply it towards the payment of the old note—It would be the better plan and subject to no possible abuse, to...
Your letter of May 21. is just now recieved; and I have to thank you for the elks you have been so good as to offer me: but the advance of years has taught me to wind up old cares rather than engage in new ones, and I have lost all interest in things of this kind. for the same reason I will pray you to take no further trouble about the Panther’s skin as mentioned in your letter, as the object...
In 6 or 8. days I sett oute for Saint Louis in the Missouri Territory houses are in Grate demand there and money more plenty than in Richmond , for 6 months past I have been makeing arangements for the Trip and shall be able to commence worke as soon as I arive there, my asortement of Ironmongery Suffitient for 10 or 12 plain houses arived at new Orleans 10 of Aprail and will be at Saint Louis...
I have deferred, Sir, my thanks for the compliment of your volume on Italy , until I could read it, and return them avec connoissance de cause . I have now read it with great pleasure, and not without edification: for altho, as the preface observes, that country has been the theme of so many pens that novelty on it’s subject is difficult, yet these wrote on Italy as it was before the Corsican...
Your father has intended writing to you several days but something or other perpetually occurring he has not yet fulfilled his intention—And finding nothing to do I shall devote half an hour to your and in the first place tell you how much I am flattered by the improvement which I am informed has taken place in your appearance and manners and which your Grandmother obligingly attributes to my...
a hand vice some German steel to be chosen by the bearer. RC ( ViHi : Preston Family Papers); dateline beneath signature; written on a small scrap; at foot of text: “M r James Leitch.” Not recorded in SJL .
I send you by M r Johnsons Boat a small Bundle of Books shipped to my care by M r Carey of Philadelphia .—They reached me only a day or two since & this is the first conveyance which has presented itself—   I am always glad of an opportunity to render you service— Very respectfully sir Your assured friend & Mo: Obd: Servt: RC ( MHi ); addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esq Monticello”; endorsed by...
But once Since You left us, have I received a line from you. Twice I have written, and twenty hundred times twenty; thought of you, and Sometimes with an exclamation, what can be the reason that H. does not write? now you who have Eyes, fingers at command, and the pen of a ready writer, ought to employ them, when they are So much Sought after. I presume they are so: and that you have Some...
You know we are engaged in the establishment of a Central college near Charlottesville , and we are sure you will have your children educated at it. on that ground we claim a right to give you occasional trouble with it’s concerns. we wish to cover our buildings with slate, and we believe all our lands on Henderson’s & B. island creeks to be full of what is excellent, we wish therefore to get...
Your favor of May 30. came to hand yesterday and I now return the two notes signed, & with them a 3 d of which my grandson is endorser, which I will pray you to date & put in at it’s proper time. In my letter of Apr. 21. I mentioned the sale of tob o to mr Robertson amounting to 887.34 out of which I should have to pay him about 500.D. and that the balance should be remitted you. when I came...
I have the honor in the name & by order of the Historical Committee of the American Philosophical Society, to enclose to you the prospectus of the first Volume of their Transactions, now in the press, & at the same time to solicit your valuable aid & assistance towards the important Objects of their Institution. As you live in a state where no similar Establishment yet exists, you cannot, as a...
hommage de l’Auteur, a tribute from the author, RC ( MoSHi: TJC-BC ); dateline at foot of text; at head of text: “a Monsieur Th. Jefferson ex-president des Etat Unis”; endorsed by TJ as received 11 Sept. 1818 and so recorded in SJL . Translation by Dr. Genevieve Moene. Enclosure not found.
I have promised you, hints, of the heads of Mr Otis’s Oration, Argument Speech, call it which you please, again the Acts of Trade as Revennue Laws, and against Writts of Assistants as Tyrannical Instruments to carry them into Execution.— But I enter on the performance of my promise to you not without fear and trembling; because I am in the Situation of a Lady, Whom you know first as my Client,...
I have the honor of enclosing to you the Prospectus of the first Volume of our Historical Transactions now in the press. You will see by it that your Alumni are not idle, & you will, no doubt, rejoice in the good effects of the encouragement which you have constantly given to our Society , & particularly to this Committee , who Still solicit the continuation of your patronage. RC ( DLC ); at...
IN THE PRESS, AND WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE COURSE OF THE PRESENT YEAR, By Abraham Small , No. 112 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia , TRANSACTIONS OF THE Historical and Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society , Held at Philadelphia for promoting Useful Knowledge. VOL. I. A bout
Your Letter of the 25 last Month; contains some particulars relating to my property the condition of my Estate in Boston, which as you anticipated, were not altogether welcome None however that gave me so much concern, as your declining ill management of it for the future.—Yet as it is so essential to your happiness to be relieved from it I cannot insist upon your retaining it any longer; and...
We have been honor’d with your valued favor of the 13 h ult o and on the 23 d ult o we valued upon M. Patrick Gibson , as directed by him, $2387.69.—@ 1 d. S t being for The principal of your bond to Mess N & J & R Van Staphorst $1000.—with Interest to the 1 day of January
No man could have written from memory Mr Otis’s Agument of four or five hours in length, against The Acts of Trade, considered as Revenue Laws, and against Writts of Assistance, as tyrannical Engines to carry them into execution, the next day after it was Spoken. How awkward then, is an Attempt to do it, after a Lapse of fifty Seven Years? Nevertheless, Some of the heads of his discourse, are...
Permit me to enclose to you a copy of my message to the legislature at their present session—& to assure you that I am with much respect & esteem Sir, RC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Hon Thomas Jefferson Monticello V a ”; endorsed by TJ as received 20 June 1818 and so recorded in SJL . Enclosure: Plumer , Message from His Excellency The Governor of New-Hampshire, To The Legislature, June 4, 1818...
I had the pleasure to publish your letters to Mr. Tudor, presenting subjects for national paintings—much to my own satisfaction & to the gratification of the American people. I respectfully acknowledge the reception of your very interesting letters to Mr. Wirt—they shall have a conspicuous insertion in my next Register. Grateful for the honor conferred by those communications, / I am, sir,...
The enclosed letter from Mr. Bache, the post-master at Philadelphia, ought, I think, to be communicated to the President of the U.S. As it is not improbable that an application for pardon, in the case alluded to, may follow him, on his tour. Taking it for granted that, some channel of communication between him and your department, during his absence, has been settled between you, I have...
I received Yesterday your kind Letter of the 23d of May with a Copy of your Letter to President Monroe of the 21. of May. Neither myself, nor my Family have been able to read either with dry Eyes. They are Letters that would do honour to the pen of Pliny. I had before been indebted to the Politeness of Mr Brinley for the Pamphlet. You ask “Whether any dissatisfaction existed in the public mind...
J’ai eu l’honneur de vous faire passer en février d er au moyen de M r Beasly , consul des Etats unis d’amerique au havre de grace , mon envoi annuel de Semences. Il était composé de 73 Espèces differentes qui m’ont parues manquer à votre collection et devoir vous être agréables. J’y ai Joint comme de coutume une liste de nos desiderata et quelques brochures que J’ai cru devoir vous...
I have received the Letter which you did me the honor to write to me under Date the 29 ult. I am happy to find that Mr. Delaplaine has succeeded in obtaining a good Likeness of you for his national work the Heads and Lives of illustrious Persons of America.—I hope he will meet with that encouragement which the magnitude and usefulness of the work so justly merit.—I shou’d be glad to see the...
It was the wish of my lamented Husband, that after his death, small tokens of his affection & remembrance should be presented to each of his dearest & most esteemed friends… this sacred request of his, must plead my apology to the most valued & most highly venerated of his friends & Patrons, for presuming to write to him this note, & offering him a little braid of General Humphrey’s Hair, with...
lest you should not have noticed the inclosed, curious dispute at Soleure —respecting the late, venerable dec d Gen l Kosciusko ,   of which probably you have—or may soon expect to learn, from his Relative or Confidential friends I judge it proper to inclose it, for your Goverment most Respectfully & sincerely RC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esq r Monticello”; endorsed by TJ as...
some time past, I ventured to write to you on a subject that may perhaps be of great utility to the commercial world; but have receiv’d no answer. It is almost with a trembling hand, that I write a second time: the dread of not being noticed by one of the first Men in the united States, intimidates my mind. But the nature of the case induces the measure. If not mistaken, I have discovered a...
Attatched to the Philosopher whom I address from my earliest years, permit me to lay before you, a letter addressed to President Monroe concerning the antiquities in the West. Perhaps I am committing an error, by intruding on that dignified repose, which by your distinguished services in the cause of literature, your country and of the freedom and happiness of mankind you so richly merit. To...