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Results 13551-13600 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
13551 Franklin, Benjamin Wister, Daniel From Benjamin Franklin to Daniel Wister, 14 July 1773 1773-07-14 ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I received yours of April 30. Much Business has...
13552 Washington, George [Diary entry: 14 July 1773] 1773-07-14 14. Rid with the two Miss Calverts & Mrs. Washington to the New Church at Pohick. Construction of...
13553 Washington, George [Diary entry: 14 July 1773] 1773-07-14 14. Very warm with great appearances of Rain in the forenoon. In the afternoon a little fell.
13554 Franklin, Benjamin Bache, Richard From Benjamin Franklin to Richard Bache, 15 July 1773 1773-07-15 ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I have now before me yours of April 6, and 29, May...
13555 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Deborah From Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin, 15 July … 1773-07-15 ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook draft: Library of Congress I sent you per Capt....
13556 Franklin, Benjamin Smith, Joseph From Benjamin Franklin to Joseph Smith, 15 July 1773 1773-07-15 AL (fragment of letterbook draft): Library of Congress I am much obliged by your kind Care in...
13557 Note on an Advertisement for Land on the Ohio River, 15 … 1773-07-15 The advertisement, dated July 15, 1773, and signed by George Washington at Mount Vernon, was...
13558 Washington, George [Diary entry: 15 July 1773] 1773-07-15 15. Rid to Muddy hole, Doeg Run, & Mill Plantations.
13559 Washington, George [Diary entry: 15 July 1773] 1773-07-15 15. Wind in the Afternoon fresh from the So. West & great prospect of Rain but none fell here.
13560 Washington, George Advertisement of Western Lands, 15 July 1773 1773-07-15 The subscriber, having obtained patents for upwards of 20,000 acres of land, on the Ohio and...
13561 Washington, George Lamar, Hill, Bisset, & Company From George Washington to Lamar, Hill, Bisset, & … 1773-07-15 Inclosed you have a Letter from Mr Henry Hill respecting some Flour which I proposd Shipping to...
13562 Jefferson, Thomas Notice of Sale of Wayles Properties, 15 July 1773 1773-07-15 Two Thousand five Hundred and twenty Acres of land in Cumberland , commonly known by the Name of...
13563 Adams, John [July 1773] 1773-07-16 Drank Tea at Dr. Coopers with Mr. Adams, Mr. S. Elliot, Mr. T. Chase, and with Mr. Miffling...
13564 Adams, John 1773 July 16. 1773-07-16 Drank Tea at Dr. Coopers with Mr. Adams, Mr. S. Elliot, Mr. T. Chase, and with Mr. Miffling...
13565 Adams, John 1773. July 16. Fryday. 1773-07-16 Mr. F. Dana came to me with a Message from Mr. Henry Merchant Marchant of Rhode Island—And to ask...
13566 Adams, Abigail Warren, Mercy Otis Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren, 16 July 1773 1773-07-16 The kind reception I met with at your House, and the Hospitality with which you entertained me,...
13567 Washington, George [Diary entry: 16 July 1773] 1773-07-16 16. At home all day. Mr. Tilghman came.
13568 Washington, George [Diary entry: 16 July 1773] 1773-07-16 16. Wind fresh from the No. West & tolerably cool.
13569 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 July 1773] 1773-07-17 17. Went down to Colo. Fairfax’s White House to haul the Sein. Returnd to Dinner.
13570 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 July 1773] 1773-07-17 17. Grown more warm with but little Wind.
13571 Washington, George [Diary entry: 18 July 1773] 1773-07-18 18. Mr. Tilghman returnd to Alexa., Miss Calverts, Mrs. Washington & self went to Pohick Church....
13572 Washington, George [Diary entry: 18 July 1773] 1773-07-18 18. Turnd very hot again, Wind getting Southerly.
13573 Adams, John Hutchinson, Thomas 1773. July [19 or 26.] Monday. 1773-07-19 You will hear from Us with Astonishment. You ought to hear from Us with Horror. You are...
13574 Adams, John Thomas, Hutchinson Chrispus Attucks to Thomas Hutchinson, 19 July 1773; 26 … 1773-07-19 Boston, 19 or 26 July 1773. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John...
13575 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 July 1773] 1773-07-19 19. Mrs. Washington and the two Miss Calverts went to Alexa.
13576 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 July 1773] 1773-07-19 19. Very warm. In the Evening Rain but very little of it here.
13577 Washington, George Mercer, James From George Washington to James Mercer, 19 July 1773 1773-07-19 As I neglected to have the Mortgage which you gave me on the day of March twelvemonths (of Sundry...
13578 Daubenton, Edmé-Louis Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Edmé-Louis Daubenton, 20 July … 1773-07-20 AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Daubenton, le Jeune, qui a l’honneur d’envoyer a Mr....
13579 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 July 1773] 1773-07-20 20. I went up to Alexandria and returnd in the Eveng.
13580 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 July 1773] 1773-07-20 20. Exceeding close and warm with Rain again in the Afternoon but little or none here.
13581 Washington, George McMickan, Robert From George Washington to Robert McMickan, 20 July 1773 1773-07-20 I wrote to you on the 14th Ulto to which I refer, having heard nothing from, or of, Danl Jenifer...
13582 Washington, George [Diary entry: 21 July 1773] 1773-07-21 21. Rid into the Neck and to Muddy hole Plantation.
13583 Washington, George [Diary entry: 21 July 1773] 1773-07-21 21. Still warm, and again Showers but little or none here.
13584 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 July 1773] 1773-07-22 22. Rid to the Meadow at the Mill—to the Mill, & Ferry Plantations. Mrs. Barnes went away...
13585 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 July 1773] 1773-07-22 22. Cool Wind at Northwest all day. And quite clear.
13586 Newton, Thomas Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Newton, Jr., 22 July … 1773-07-22 I Received your favors of the 5th & 10th of this month, shall take care to follow your directions...
13587 Washington, George [Diary entry: 23 July 1773] 1773-07-23 23. At home all day.
13588 Washington, George [Diary entry: 23 July 1773] 1773-07-23 23. Turning rather warmer but still Cool.
13589 Hill, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Hill, 23 July 1773 1773-07-23 when your letter came down I was at the Eastenshore to make Inquirey about the Tobo to know if it...
13590 Washington, George [Diary entry: 24 July 1773] 1773-07-24 24. Mr. Calvert came here to Breakfast after wch. Mrs. Washington the two Miss Calverts & my self...
13591 Washington, George [Diary entry: 24 July 1773] 1773-07-24 24th. Warm with but little wind, & that Northwest[er]ly.
13592 Cox, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Cox, 25 July–9 October … 1773-07-25 having dispos’d of Three bbls of flour as pr Sales Furnishd, the neet proceeds of which I have...
13593 Warren, Mercy Otis Adams, Abigail Mercy Otis Warren to Abigail Adams, 25 July 1773 1773-07-25 I shall pass over in silence the Complementary introduction to your Letter, not because these...
13594 Franklin, Benjamin Bache, Richard From Benjamin Franklin to Richard Bache, 25 July 1773 1773-07-25 ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I wrote to you per Capt. Osborne, and have little to...
13595 Franklin, Benjamin Cooper, Samuel From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Cooper, 25 July 1773 1773-07-25 LS : British Museum; ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I wrote to you on the 7th...
13596 Franklin, Benjamin Cushing, Thomas From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Cushing, 25 July 1773 1773-07-25 ALS : Public Record Office; letterbook draft: Library of Congress I am favour’d with yours of...
13597 Franklin, Benjamin Danforth, Samuel From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Danforth, 25 July 1773 1773-07-25 ALS (letterbook draft) and copy: Library of Congress It gave me great Pleasure to receive so...
13598 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, William From Benjamin Franklin to William Franklin, 25 July … 1773-07-25 ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I wrote to you pretty fully per Osborne, since which...
13599 Franklin, Benjamin Winthrop, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Winthrop, 25 July 1773 1773-07-25 ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I received your Favours of March 4 and April 19. Mr....
13600 Washington, George [Diary entry: 25 July 1773] 1773-07-25 25. Went up to Alexandria Church & returnd to Dinner.