Results 13551-13600 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
On Wednesday, the Chevalier De Pinto informed me that he had written to Lisbon, for Explanations...
I am very glad to learn by your Kind favour of the 9 th. that Boylston has sold his oil to...
If I were as fortunate as you are and could pass the Water from Dover to Calais in 3 hours, I...
The Books which I had the honour to request your Excellency’s acceptance of, (viz t....
Yesterday I was honoured with your Letters of the 4. and 10. Dec r. — The Act of Congress...
Under the 18 th of last October I did myself the honor and pleasure of addressing you, com̃itting...
I have just been honored with your Excellency’s favor of 15 ult o. , & am extremely obliged to...
Give me Leave to introduce to you, M r Anstey a Member of Parliament and Barrister at Law, who is...
Give me Leave to introduce to you John Anstey Esq Barrister at Law and a Member of Parliament,...
Je ne comptois pas avoir lhonneur de vous ecrire aussi tot après avoir recu une lettre de vous,...
I have rec d yours of the 12, but Yesterday, and wish it were in my Power to order the Interest...
I have delayed for some Time writing to your Excellency, being desirous of compleating some g. of...
I send you by M r. Joy, all the writings which have fallen in my way, against the slave trade— I...
J’ai reçu la Lettre Ministerielle de N. York que V. E. a eu la bonté de m’acheminer. Je suis...
Seven States only have been represented in congress since October, of consequence very few...
Enthusiasm is as necessary to the science of Politics as of Religion: without zeal in the Cause...
I lately wrote you a few hasty Lines just as the vessel which carried them was departing; and...
In your kind Letter of the 26. of Jan y. You ask an explanation of that expression of the...
I have received the Letter you did me the honor to write to me on the 27 th. of January—and...
My last to You was written the 2 d. Ult:— It acknowledged the Receipt of your Letters of 15. 17....
On the 4 th of December last M r Lamb delivered me the Letter which your Excellencies did me the...
I have the Honour of transmitting to your Lordship a Copy of a Letter of the twenty first of...
I am honored with yours of Jan. 19. mine of Jan. 12. had not I suppose at that time got to your...
Supposing Som one gentleman to be charged with the affairs of the united States of america in...
I received with Pleasure, your kind Letter of Yesterday, and although I cannot absolutely...
I may now give your Excellency a description of this place before I give you the two next volumes...
I have received the Letter you did me, the honor to write me, on the 23 d. of Dec r. and am much...
I have received your Letter, inclosing two Pamphlets one of which I have Sent to M r Jefferson,...
I have inclosed to M r Ramsay an Address to the landed trading and funded Interests of England,...
I had your very agreeable Letter of the 1 st. Octob r in course after it’s date, which I have not...
The Expences of Insurance on American Vessells; the Obstructions of their Commerce with Spain...
I was Sometime in doubt, whether any Notice Should be taken of the Tripoline Ambassador, but...
I should have paid the highest Respect to your Excellency’s Injunction of writing by every safe...
Your valuable Letter of Dec r. 30. is received, and has much obliged me. The Conduct of this...
Lady Countes Dowege Tankerfield Desires Mrs Wright to Wait on J no. Adams Esqr and Enquire of him...
Yesterday the Tripolitan Ambassador Sent a Message by a Doctor Benamor, an English Jew most...
I have desired Colonel Smith to go Express to Paris, to intreat you to come here without loss of...
My Friend D r Price has kindly permitted me to read his Letter and to inclose mine with it—...
On Monday Evening another Conference was held with the Tripolitan Ambassador, attended with his...
I Have Been Honoured with Your favour By Mr̃ Joy to Whom I Will Readily Render Every Service in...
The last Letter I had the Honor to address to your Excellency was of the 17 th: instant—conveyed...
The Envoy from Portugal, has received from his Court an Answer to his Dispatches relative to the...
At the last Conferences, as they call here what is understood in Paris by Ambassadors Days the...
I sincerely want words to express my sense of the honor done me by your letter; which I shall...
Your Favour of the 26 of Nov. by M r Peters, I had not the Honour to receive, till a few days...
In Answer to the Memorial You did me the Honour to deliver to me on the 8 th. Dec r: , I have to...
you have obliged me very much by your kind Letter of the Feb 27 th. The Americans are indeed...
I have been wishing to call upon you all this week, but the weather has been so discouraging as...
Among all the Pamphlets which have been written Since the Peace—I cannot recollect One, before...
Colonel Smith has been so good as to take charge of a printed copy of M r Dwight’s Poem and a...