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Results 13551-13600 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I received yours of April 30. Much Business has...
13552[Diary entry: 14 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
14. Rid with the two Miss Calverts & Mrs. Washington to the New Church at Pohick. Construction of...
13553[Diary entry: 14 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
14. Very warm with great appearances of Rain in the forenoon. In the afternoon a little fell.
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I have now before me yours of April 6, and 29, May...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook draft: Library of Congress I sent you per Capt....
AL (fragment of letterbook draft): Library of Congress I am much obliged by your kind Care in...
The advertisement, dated July 15, 1773, and signed by George Washington at Mount Vernon, was...
13558[Diary entry: 15 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
15. Rid to Muddy hole, Doeg Run, & Mill Plantations.
13559[Diary entry: 15 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
15. Wind in the Afternoon fresh from the So. West & great prospect of Rain but none fell here.
The subscriber, having obtained patents for upwards of 20,000 acres of land, on the Ohio and...
Inclosed you have a Letter from Mr Henry Hill respecting some Flour which I proposd Shipping to...
Two Thousand five Hundred and twenty Acres of land in Cumberland , commonly known by the Name of...
13563[July 1773] (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at Dr. Coopers with Mr. Adams, Mr. S. Elliot, Mr. T. Chase, and with Mr. Miffling...
135641773 July 16. (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at Dr. Coopers with Mr. Adams, Mr. S. Elliot, Mr. T. Chase, and with Mr. Miffling...
135651773. July 16. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. F. Dana came to me with a Message from Mr. Henry Merchant Marchant of Rhode Island—And to ask...
The kind reception I met with at your House, and the Hospitality with which you entertained me,...
13567[Diary entry: 16 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
16. At home all day. Mr. Tilghman came.
13568[Diary entry: 16 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
16. Wind fresh from the No. West & tolerably cool.
13569[Diary entry: 17 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
17. Went down to Colo. Fairfax’s White House to haul the Sein. Returnd to Dinner.
13570[Diary entry: 17 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
17. Grown more warm with but little Wind.
13571[Diary entry: 18 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
18. Mr. Tilghman returnd to Alexa., Miss Calverts, Mrs. Washington & self went to Pohick Church....
13572[Diary entry: 18 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
18. Turnd very hot again, Wind getting Southerly.
135731773. July [19 or 26.] Monday. (Adams Papers)
You will hear from Us with Astonishment. You ought to hear from Us with Horror. You are...
Boston, 19 or 26 July 1773. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John...
13575[Diary entry: 19 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
19. Mrs. Washington and the two Miss Calverts went to Alexa.
13576[Diary entry: 19 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
19. Very warm. In the Evening Rain but very little of it here.
As I neglected to have the Mortgage which you gave me on the day of March twelvemonths (of Sundry...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Daubenton, le Jeune, qui a l’honneur d’envoyer a Mr....
13579[Diary entry: 20 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
20. I went up to Alexandria and returnd in the Eveng.
13580[Diary entry: 20 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
20. Exceeding close and warm with Rain again in the Afternoon but little or none here.
I wrote to you on the 14th Ulto to which I refer, having heard nothing from, or of, Danl Jenifer...
13582[Diary entry: 21 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
21. Rid into the Neck and to Muddy hole Plantation.
13583[Diary entry: 21 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
21. Still warm, and again Showers but little or none here.
13584[Diary entry: 22 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
22. Rid to the Meadow at the Mill—to the Mill, & Ferry Plantations. Mrs. Barnes went away...
13585[Diary entry: 22 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
22. Cool Wind at Northwest all day. And quite clear.
I Received your favors of the 5th & 10th of this month, shall take care to follow your directions...
13587[Diary entry: 23 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
23. At home all day.
13588[Diary entry: 23 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
23. Turning rather warmer but still Cool.
when your letter came down I was at the Eastenshore to make Inquirey about the Tobo to know if it...
13590[Diary entry: 24 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
24. Mr. Calvert came here to Breakfast after wch. Mrs. Washington the two Miss Calverts & my self...
13591[Diary entry: 24 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
24th. Warm with but little wind, & that Northwest[er]ly.
having dispos’d of Three bbls of flour as pr Sales Furnishd, the neet proceeds of which I have...
I shall pass over in silence the Complementary introduction to your Letter, not because these...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I wrote to you per Capt. Osborne, and have little to...
LS : British Museum; ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I wrote to you on the 7th...
ALS : Public Record Office; letterbook draft: Library of Congress I am favour’d with yours of...
ALS (letterbook draft) and copy: Library of Congress It gave me great Pleasure to receive so...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I wrote to you pretty fully per Osborne, since which...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I received your Favours of March 4 and April 19. Mr....
13600[Diary entry: 25 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
25. Went up to Alexandria Church & returnd to Dinner.