Results 1351-1400 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
1351Tuesday July 6th. (Adams Papers)
I was not able to write yesterday the wind blew so fresh; and not very fair, so that there was...
1352Thursday July 8th. (Adams Papers)
If I did not write I should lose the Days of the Weeks. Yesterday a cold wet day. Could not go...
1353Fryday July 9. (Adams Papers)
A fine day; but little wind; have been upon Deck the chief of the Day, engaged in reading...
1354Saturday 17 of July. (Adams Papers)
I have neglected my journal for a week. During that time we have had 3 calm days, some wet...
1355Sunday July 18th. (Adams Papers)
This Day about 2 oclock made land. It is almost a Calm, so that we shall gain but little. We hope...
1356Monday Morning July 19th. (Adams Papers)
A calm. The vessel rolling: the wind freshning towards Night. We hope for a speedy passage up the...
Early in the morning a pilot Boat came of to us from Deal. The wind blew very high and the Sea...
Last night at Court one of the Ladies of Honour, told me, that the Supper was given, in a great...
Last night at Court one of the Ladies of Honour, told me, that the Supper was given, in a great...
1360[July 1784] (Adams Papers)
May not the Ascent of Vapours be explained, or rather accounted for upon the Principle of the Air...
1361July 10. 1784 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
May not the Ascent of Vapours be explained, or rather accounted for upon the Principle of the Air...
1362[August 1784] (Adams Papers)
Sett off, for London, had a tedious Passage from Helvoet, of near two days. Obliged to put in at...
13631784. August. 3. (Adams Papers)
1784. August. 3.
1364Aug. 4. (Adams Papers)
Sett off, for London, had a tedious Passage from Helvoet, of near two days. Obliged to put in at...
1365Aug. 7. (Adams Papers)
Arrived at the Adelphi Buildings and met my Wife and Daughter after a seperation of four Years...
1366Aug. 13. (Adams Papers)
Arrived at Paris, at the Hotel de York on the . In the present entry and the next, the blank...
1367Aug. 17. (Adams Papers)
Removed to Auteuil the at the House of the Comte de Rouault, opposite the Conduit. The House, the...
£ s d Auteuil Sept. 10. 1784. Drew an order on M.M. Van den Yvers in favour of my son J.Q.A. for...
1369[January 1785] (Adams Papers)
Last Evening the Marquis de la Fayette, lately returned from America, called upon me, in his Way...
1370January 31. 1785. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Last Evening the Marquis de la Fayette, lately returned from America, called upon me, in his Way...
1371[March 1785] (Adams Papers)
Saturday. Met Mr. F ranklin and Mr. J efferson at Passy, read the Letter from Mr. Carm ichael at...
13721785. March 19. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Saturday. Met Mr. F ranklin and Mr. J efferson at Passy, read the Letter from Mr. Carm ichael at...
Sunday. Went early to Versailles, and found the C. De V.—communicated to him my Errand and...
1374[May 1785] (Adams Papers)
Tuesday. At Versailles, the C. de Vergennes said he had many Felicitations to give me upon my...
1375Auteuil May 3. 1785. (Adams Papers)
Tuesday. At Versailles, the C. de Vergennes said he had many Felicitations to give me upon my...
1376Auteuil May [9 or 16] 1785. (Adams Papers)
Monday. The Posts within the Limits of the United States, not yet surrendered by the English, are...
Le Comte de Lusi. Minister of Prussia. Great Pultney Street. r De Tribolet Hardy. Secretaire de...
1378[March 1786] (Adams Papers)
March 26. Sunday, dined in Bolton Street Piccadilly, at the Bishop of St. Asaphs. Mr. and Mrs....
March 26. Sunday, dined in Bolton Street Piccadilly, at the Bishop of St. Asaphs. Mr. and Mrs....
1380Wednesday [29 March.] (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Blakes. Mr. Middleton and Wife, Mr. Alexander and Mrs. Williams, Mr. Jefferson....
1381London Thursday March 30. (Adams Papers)
Presented Mr. Hamilton to the Queen at the Drawing Room. Dined at Mr. Paradices. Count Warranzow...
1382[April 1786] (Adams Papers)
Mr. Jefferson and myself, went in a Post Chaise to Woburn Farm, Caversham, Wotton, Stowe,...
Mr. Jefferson and myself, went in a Post Chaise to Woburn Farm, Caversham, Wotton, Stowe,...
1384Saturday Ap. 15. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Brand Hollis in Chesterfield Street. His Mantle Trees are ornamented with...
1385Ap. 18. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Yesterday dined here, Mr. Jefferson, Sir John Sinclair, Mr. Heard, Garter King at Arms, Dr....
This is the Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington, and of my Reception at the Hague, by their...
Went with Mr. Jefferson and my Family to Osterly, to view the Seat of the late Banker Child. The...
1388Sunday. Ap. 23. (Adams Papers)
Heard Dr. Priestley at Mr. Linseys in Essex Street. Theophilus Lindsey (1723–1808) , minister of...
1389Monday [24 April.] (Adams Papers)
Viewed the British Musaeum. Dr. Grey who attended Us spoke very slightly of Buffon. Said “he was...
1390[June 1786] (Adams Papers)
On Saturday night returned from a Tour to Portsmouth, in which We viewed Paines Hill in Surry, as...
1391London June 26. 1786. (Adams Papers)
On Saturday night returned from a Tour to Portsmouth, in which We viewed Paines Hill in Surry, as...
1392[July 1786] (Adams Papers)
Last night, Coll. Smith and his Lady, took their Leave of Us, and went to their House in Wimpole...
1393London July 1. 1786. (Adams Papers)
Last night, Coll. Smith and his Lady, took their Leave of Us, and went to their House in Wimpole...
1394July [6] Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Clapham, at Mr. Smiths. Dr. Kippis, Dr. Reese, Dr. Harris, Mr. Pais, Mr. Towgood and his...
1395London July 8. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
In one of my common Walks, along the Edgeware Road, there are fine Meadows, or Squares of grass...
At Hackney, heard a Nephew of Dr. Price, who is settled at Yarmouth. It may be of Use to minute...
1397London July 20. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
“Every Act of Authority, of one Man over another for which there is not an absolute Necessity, is...
1398London July 21. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Maj. Langbourne dined with Us again. He was lamenting the difference of Character between...
1399July 24. 1786. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Went with Mr. Bridgen, Col. Smith, Mrs. Smith, to The Hide in Essex, the Country Seat of Brand...
Mr. Brand Hollis and Mr. Brand, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Adams, took a ride to...