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Results 13501-13550 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have been honored with your Excellency’s Dispatches of the 16th, 21st, 24th, & 28th Ulto. Have...
Your known & laudable anxiety to promote the civilization, & happiness of the Indians, has...
I have recieved your letter of the 27th ultimo inclosing four paid draughts of the Treasurer No...
I have received with peculiar sensibility your friendly letter, of 11th. instant—because I knew...
I shall be under the necessity of drawing away a part of the troops now under your command to be...
13506[July 25. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
July 25. 1778. I was much amused, among some People here who understand a little English, to hear...
Treasury Department [New York], 5 Aug. 1790. Submits a contract made by William Allibone,...
Your session no doubt commencd on the last monday & the communications which you will have it in...
§ Transfer of Naval Appropriations. 1 June 1814. “In pursuance of the authority vested in the...
I recd your Favour of 17th Inst. last Evening. I have dispatched Expresses to Govr Trumbull Col....
I should have acknowledged the Receipt of your esteemed favor before this time—but I have Just...
It is His Excellency’s wish that you should if possible accommodate Lieut. Scudder who is lately...
§ From James Lloyd Jr. 21 March 1806, Boston. “By desire of Cap: Ezra Lewis, I transmit under...
In the Richmond Enquirer of the 21st. is an Extract from the Report of Secretary Hamilton, on the...
13515[Diary entry: 2 February 1796] (Washington Papers)
2. A sprinkle of Snow in the morning—cloudy afterwards with appearances of Rain. Wind So. W.
I return the two Commission, inclosed in yours of the 11th. signed. The contracted Law of N....
A short absence from town prevented me from informing you sooner of the fate of your note renewed...
Letter not found. 28 May 1801. Mentioned in Gallatin to JM, 29 May 1801 . Requests attested copy...
13519[Diary entry: 22 September 1770] (Washington Papers)
22. Rid to my Mill in the forenoon & afternoon. James McCarmack came here last Night & returnd...
A debt of 21,955,900. D bearing an interest of 1,310,401.50 is to be paid in 8. years, by eql....
My Ill state of health Since my arrival at Frederick town, and for many months before, renders me...
I have the honor of transmitting you a Report of the Trade of the United States of America within...
Monsieur Lewis Garanger Capt. of Bombardiers in the Army of France entered the American service...
We have opened a Subscription in this place to Support a Presbyterian Clergyman for his Service...
With pleasure we are informed in the public prints of your safe return from the seat of...
22 Dec r . 1782 Between 7 & 8 OC. this Ev g I visited M r Oswald—after some general Conversation...
I took the liberty in a Letter of the 11th of February, to inform your Honble Board of the...
You gave me leave the last year to deposit in Richmond the money then due you for negro hire. as...
Lt. Hook states to me that he is in real distress, and requests that he may be furnished with...
I received your letter dated the 31st of July, a few days after the nominations in the Revenue...
Yours of the 3d. instant, with copies of your two letters to Judge White now returned, were not...
At the same time that I acknowledge the receipt of your obliging favor of the 21st. Ult. from New...
16 March 1811, Washington. “Whereas by an Act of the Congress of the United States, passed on the...
I did myself the honour to Address You, on the 16th and 23d. Ultimo —Not on business of my own...
I have it in charge, from the House of Representatives of this State, to transmit to you a copy...
[ Mount Vernon, October 23, 1793. Letter not found. ] “List of Letters from G—— Washington to...
If I could take a Walk or a Ride to N. Y. in the Evening and come here again in the Morning how...
[ Philadelphia ] June 23, 1794 . “E. Randolph presents his compliments to Col. Hamilton, and...
[ Annapolis, 7 May 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Dudley. That I have sent on 2d. pr. spectacles to...
[ New York, August 21, 1790. On August 28, 1790, Hamilton wrote to Meredith : “I received your...
Yesterday, I received from the Post Office, under an envellope inscribed with your hand, but...
13542For September [1795] (Washington Papers)
1st. Wind westerly—some rain—A good deal fell in the Night. Cool. 2. Wind Northerly cloudy &...
I have recieved very thankfully the two copies of your pamphlet on the constitution of the US....
The Letter with which your Excellency was pleased to favor me, dated the 7th inst. was received...
Mr. John D. Burke, who is engaged in writing the history of Virginia is sollicitous to have the...
I have a Letter from the Baron D e Thulemeier of the 19 th. and a Copy of his Letter to you of...
13547[Diary entry: 10 June 1767] (Washington Papers)
10. Very warm & Sultry but no Rain. Wind for the most part Eastwardly but little of it.
Although I believe “the American Museum” published by you, has met with extensive, I may say,...
Your Letter, requesting an Account of the Prisoners in this State, I have duly received; and...
Mr Jay has the honor of informing the President of the United States, that yesterday afternoon he...