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Results 13501-13550 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
13501 Adams, John Carmarthen, the Marquis of From John Adams to the Marquis of Carmarthen, 2 … 1785-12-02 I have received with a great deal of Pleasure, the Letter, which your Lordship did me, the honour...
13502 Adams, John Jay, John From John Adams to John Jay, 2 December 1785 1785-12-02 Inclosed are Copies of private Letters, which have passed between Lord Carmarthen and me relative...
13503 Adams, John Chapman, George From John Adams to George Chapman, 3 December 1785 1785-12-03 I received in due Season your Letter of the 20. July, with a Copy of your Treatise on Education....
13504 Adams, John Jay, John From John Adams to John Jay, 3 December 1785 1785-12-03 I am anxious to convey to you, if I can, in as strong a light as that in which I, See, myself,...
13505 Adams, John Jay, John From John Adams to John Jay, 3 December 1785 1785-12-03 There is a Gentleman at Lisbon, who went and established himself there, as I believe partly with...
13506 King, Rufus Adams, John To John Adams from Rufus King, 4 December 1785 1785-12-04 I had the honor to write to you under date of the second of November, at which time the congress...
13507 Adams, John Jay, John From John Adams to John Jay, 6 December 1785 1785-12-06 If the Facts, which I have had the Honour to state to you in my preceeding Letters, are credited,...
13508 Dwight, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Dwight, [ca. 8-12 December … 1785-12-08 This letter accompanies to you the Conquest of Canaan. It is the wish of the writer, that this...
13509 Trumbull, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Trumbull, 8 December 1785 1785-12-08 I must apologize for delaying to acknowlege the honour of your letter of the 28 th. of April...
13510 Adams, John Jay, John From John Adams to John Jay, 9 December 1785 1785-12-09 I went to Court Yesterday Morning, if not in despair, with very faint hopes of ever receiving an...
13511 Adams, John Brown, Elizabeth From John Adams to Elizabeth Brown, 10 December 1785 1785-12-10 I have this moment received your favour of the 8 th of this month, inclosed a Letter from your...
13512 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Jefferson, 10 December 1785 1785-12-10 On the arrival of mr̃ Boylston I carried him to the Marquis de la Fayette, and received from him...
13513 King, Rufus Adams, John To John Adams from Rufus King, 10 December 1785 1785-12-10 M r. Hancock has accepted as President of Congress and will be here in a few days; Seven States...
13514 Adams, John Cranch, Richard From John Adams to Richard Cranch, 12 December 1785 1785-12-12 I am much obliged to you for your judicious Letter of Oct r. 15. you have described the Causes of...
13515 Adams, John Warren, James From John Adams to James Warren, 12 December 1785 1785-12-12 Your Favour of October 6. I rec d but Yesterday.— I had before written very fully to M r Jay, a...
13516 Adams, John Warren, Mercy Otis From John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren, 12 December 1785 1785-12-12 I am much obliged to you for your Letter and refer you to General Warren for what respects your...
13517 Barlow, Joel Adams, John To John Adams from Joel Barlow, 12 December 1785 1785-12-12 My friend M r Trumbull has done me the honour to mention my name to you in a letter which is...
13518 Lee, Richard Henry Adams, John To John Adams from Richard Henry Lee, 12 December 1785 1785-12-12 My Presedential year being ended I had left New York for this place (from which and from my...
13519 Adams, John Gerry, Elbridge From John Adams to Elbridge Gerry, 13 December 1785 1785-12-13 It was but last Week that I received your Letter of the 14 th. of July.— With regard to the Money...
13520 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 13 December 1785 1785-12-13 I have received a Letter from my Friend General Warren of Milton Hill near Boston, acquainting...
13521 Adams, John Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … From John Adams to the Marquis de Lafayette, 13 … 1785-12-13 I have received your favour of the 30 th. Ult o. and thank you for the extract enclosed— The...
13522 Adams, John Willink, Wilhem & Jan (business) From John Adams to Wilhem & Jan Willink and Nicolaas & … 1785-12-13 I have now to acquaint you that on the 29 Nov r. I accepted a Bill of M r. Tho s. Barclay. N o....
13523 Adams, John Jay, John From John Adams to John Jay, 15 December 1785 1785-12-15 There are mysterious Movements, of various kinds, that ought to be observed and reflected on,...
13524 Adams, John Mazzei, Philip From John Adams to Philip Mazzei, 15 December 1785 1785-12-15 In your favour of Oct r. 29, You inform me that The Marquis has observed in Germany, that the...
13525 Lotter, Christian Adams, John To John Adams from Christian Lotter, 16 December 1785 1785-12-16 It is with the greatest reluctance, most honor ble: Sir! that Your continuing Silence, forces me...
13526 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 20 December 1785 1785-12-20 M r Barretts Arrival at Paris, is a lucky Event, and his appointment by the Merchants in Boston a...
13527 Goodhue, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Goodhue, 20 December 1785 1785-12-20 Having an acquaintance with your good brother M r. Cranch, from being a fellow member of the same...
13528 Jebb, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Jebb, 20 December 1785 1785-12-20 I have been prevented from paying my respects to you hitherto by the feeble State I have been in...
13529 Tufts, Cotton Adams, John To John Adams from Cotton Tufts, 21 December 1785 1785-12-21 Your Favour of Sep t. 9 t I rec d. and Your Present of Neckar for which I return You Thanks and...
13530 Adams, John King, Rufus From John Adams to Rufus King, 23 December 1785 1785-12-23 I am much obliged to you for your kind Letter of the 2 d. of November, and hope that a...
13531 Austin, Samuel Adams, John To John Adams from Samuel Austin, 23 December 1785 1785-12-23 I am now to advise you, that John Rowe Esq r. Cap t. Patridge Cap t. Dashwood & myself have...
13532 Willink, Wilhem & Jan (business) Adams, John To John Adams from Wilhem & Jan Willink and Nicolaas & … 1785-12-23 We have before ús Your Excell s. most Esteemed favour of the 13 h. Inst t. , and have taken Duely...
13533 Adams, John Barrett, Nathaniel From John Adams to Nathaniel Barrett, 24 December 1785 1785-12-24 I am happy to learn, by your favour of the 10 th. that your prospects are satisfactory to...
13534 Adams, John Lee, Richard Henry From John Adams to Richard Henry Lee, 24 December 1785 1785-12-24 I am honoured with your Letter of 23. oct r. and I must confess to you, that the situation I am...
13535 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Jefferson, 27 December 1785 1785-12-27 Your favors of the 13 th. & 20 th. were put into my hands today. this will be delivered you by...
13536 Adams, John Mazzei, Philip From John Adams to Philip Mazzei, 29 December 1785 1785-12-29 I have found in the Remembrancer of the Year 1775, page 309, that a Petition was presented to his...
13537 Higginson, Stephen Adams, John To John Adams from Stephen Higginson, 30 December 1785 1785-12-30 Your obliging Letter by Callahan I received, and thank you for the information it contained. The...
13538 Storer, Charles Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Storer, 30 December 1785 1785-12-30 I made a mistake in my other letter respecting the Medical Society— ’Twas you who settled the...
13539 Jay, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Jay, 2 January 1786 1786-01-02 I have the Honor of transmitting to you herewith enclosed a Copy of a Letter of the 21 st:...
13540 Adams, John Jay, John From John Adams to John Jay, 4 January 1786 1786-01-04 I have only time to acquaint you, that since my last there have been some Appearances of an...
13541 Adams, John Jay, John From John Adams to John Jay, 4 January 1786 1786-01-04 A day or two after the receipt of your Letter of Nov r. 1 st. & that of President Lee. which came...
13542 Jones, John Paul Adams, John To John Adams from John Paul Jones, 7 January 1786 1786-01-07 On the 8 th. of October last M r. Jefferson wrote me a Letter approving of a proposition I had...
13543 Sarsfield, Guy Claude, Comte de Adams, John To John Adams from the Comte de Sarsfield, 8 January … 1786-01-08 Depuis mon Arrivée icy Jay etè occupé Comme vous Savez qu’on l’est toujours apres une longue...
13544 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Adams, John To John Adams from the Marquis de Lafayette, 9 January … 1786-01-09 I present You with my New Year Good Wishes so far as to conform ourselves to the European...
13545 Adams, John Willink, Wilhem & Jan (business) From John Adams to Wilhem & Jan Willink and Nicolaas & … 1786-01-10 I am honoured with your Letter of the 23 d of Dec r. and remember very well my giving the Credit...
13546 Cranch, Richard Adams, John To John Adams from Richard Cranch, 11 January 1786 1786-01-11 M r. John Jenks, the Bearer, has this moment inform’d me that he shall sail for London this Day...
13547 Bowdoin, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Bowdoin, 12 January 1786 1786-01-12 I am honored by your Excellency’s Letter of the 2 d. of Sept. by M r. Storer. The navigation Act...
13548 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Jefferson, 12 January 1786 1786-01-12 You were here the last year when the interest due to the French officers was paid to them, and...
13549 Church, Edward Adams, John To John Adams from Edward Church, 14 January 1786 1786-01-14 Notwithstanding the deep wound which one branch of our fishery had rec’d by an act of the british...
13550 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 19 January 1786 1786-01-19 I am favoured with yours of 27. Dec r. and am obliged to you for what you Said to the Count De...