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Results 13501-13550 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have for some months been expecting a cask of Scupernon wine which mr Burton of N. Carolina was so kind as to procure for me. I have not heard from mr Burton himself thro’ what channel he forwarded it, but Francis Eppes tells me he thinks it was either addressed to your care or to that of mr Johnson a merchant of Petersburg . I take the liberty of troubling you with this enquiry, and with...
Not being able to resist my itch for scribbling, I have undertaken, in concert with Judge Cooper and a gentleman of New York , to contribute to a magazine of which I take the liberty of sending you two Numbers . The first article of each is of my doing , and the “Reflections on the Institutions of the Cherokees” are from the pen of M r F. Gilmer so well known, and so piously attached, to you....
Your favour of 28 th inst. is rec d We had supposed that M c Mahon’s Gardening was forwarded per mail, when ordered by you, but upon examination, we find that the package had not been forwarded. It is now sent per mail, & we hope will arrive safe.— Baron Grimm’s Memoirs cannot be obtaind obtained here either in French or English.—We can readily obtain it for you from London or Paris .—The...
An indisposition which has considerably impeded my movements for a few weeks past, has prevented my having the honour of paying my respects to you as I have wished to do, and being about accompanying my sister Mrs Gardiner to Kennebec, I shall not be able to make my visit to Quincy till after my return towards the end of the month— I have for some time past thought of an undertaking which the...
Absence from home has prevented me from receiveing your very interesting letter of the 24th of May until within a few days. If any thing could add to the gratitude veneration, and respect I feel for one of the principal founders of my countrys freedom, it is your the great compliment and respect you pay me in that letter which I shall preserve with the utmost care while I live. The sentiments...
Receved of James Madison Esqr the Sum of 105$ for the Modelling of three Busts, Viz One of him Self one of Mrs Madison and One of Mr Todd. RC ( CSmH ).
M r Wilcocks , the American Consul at Canton in China , has sent me, by a late arrival from that country, a Chronological View, and Dialogues, with English translations, as specimen s to of Chinese Literature, or rather, of English advancement in it, which he desires me to present to you in his name— I avail myself of this occasion to renew the assurances of respectful consideration with which...
your kind letter was not more flattering to my vanity as an author, than grateful to those feelings, which yeild enjoyments far more precious, than any which flow from the mere praise of men. It was is delightful to find exemplified in you, the unfading charms of literature, and the juvenile lustre they cast upon the dignity of declining years. Your praise will ever be to me the highest...
Mrs Adams was kind enough to say to me, when I was last at your house, and when I was contemplating this journey, “You will let us hear from you.” It is grateful to me to remember this remark, and to use the privilege which it confers. You and herself very often rise to my thoughts among the number of those, upon whose characters I delight to dwell as proofs of mental activity, cheerfulness,...
They have at length found on the Books of the Bank, the dividend of 24 dollars due to your father, and have given me for it the check on the Branch Bank at Boston which is herewith enclosed—I shall pass over to the proper office in the War Department, the Affidavit in behalf of William Oliphant, and as soon as I can get information of what has been done in the case of Peter Ellins will inform...
Your very particular fav r 28 h Ult o Covering—“I know not from whom the inclosed letter to Wanscher comes—nor whether he is still living, I suppose, it is from Germany . and invoke your Charity to dispose of it according to Circumstances.—I do it, with the more pleasure—as it gives me New Occasion to Repeat to you—the Assurance of my Constant friendship and Respect.”— So unexpected address...
I was favor’d in its time with your obliging note of 25 th Dec r for which I return my grateful acknowledgements. Having for some years been in the habit of importing the different qualities of Murdoch ’s fine Madeira Wine, some of which I generally keep on hand for sale, but generally upon the orders I receive from many gentlemen in various sections of the United States , I take the liberty...
Had death not berefted me of my much esteemed friend & Patron, Doctor Wistar , the Contents of my present respects would ‘ere this have been comunicated to you, but being thus unfortunately deprived I hope from the well Known Kindness of your disposition that you’ll excuse the liberty I thus take It is now twenty three years past since I resided in the family of that good and great man, I...
Under cover to M r Dandridge I enclose two notes which you will be so good as to endorse, and after sealing my letter, you will be pleased to give it the earliest conveyance by the mail to Richmond . In renewing this kindness to me, be pleased again to accept the strongest assurances, that whether I live or die, you nor yours, shall never receive the slightest inconvenience from your goodness...
We have employed 4. hands 3. days in searching for slate, and came to what is of a proper thickness and fine color, but not in sheets of any size. I have no doubt we could obtain these, if we had now time to pursue it. but as other things press, and it seems very uncertain at what depth we can obtain such as ought to be used, we postpone it to the winter. I will send you a sample of what we...
I have been intending in some of my college visits to go on and ask a dinner of you, but latterly my daily rides have been in the opposite direction to explore a slate quarry a mile or two below Milton . why our family has not been to see yours cannot be said but for the lazy reason of never doing to-day what can be put off to tomorrow. I set out for Bedford tomorrow, and shall return just in...
I received a few days Since from Professor Fischer of Moscow , two Copies of his Essai Sur la Turquoise et Sur la Calaite , with a request that I would Seek to make one of them acceptable to M r Jefferson . In hastening to meet the request of M r Fischer I beg leave to profit of the occasion to bring myself anew to your kind remembrance. Among the lively recollections I Shall long retain of my...
Your letter of June 4. is received as the former one had been in due time. it was not answered because the effects of age oblige me to withdraw from all correspondence which is not of absolute necessity, and especially on subjects of the difficulty of that your letter presents. I am afraid, you are not aware of all it’s difficulties. there are 3. persons, known to myself, capable of deciding...
Your’s of yesterday was recieved last night. you need take no trouble about the flour balance, till you have it of your own; and as to the damaged 27. barrels I mean to bear my own part of that misfortune, so that you have nothing to make up on that account. I set out tomorrow for Bedford & shall be back by the 20 th . mr Bacon will be starting about that time for Missouri , and will want some...
Circumstances relating to gen. Kosciusko previously to his joining the America n Ar my. K. was born in the grand Dutchy of Lithuania in the year 1752 . His family was noble & his patrimony considerable. circumstances which he justly appreciated, for as belonging to himself they were never matter of b oasting and rarely subjects of notice and as the property of others only regarded as...
The citizens of the Towns of Braintree and Weymouth intending to celebrate the anniversary of our national birth on Saturday next, a procession will be formed near the new Meeting-house in Braintree at ten A.M., in which an address will be delivered: after which a dinner will be served in tents on the field—Several corps of Military will perform the duties of the day. The committee of...
This Letter will reach you I hope on Saturday evening and present you the sincere congratulations of your Mother who is truly happy to have given birth to a Son hitherto so worthy of her fondest affection—may evry future year add to the joy which at present fills her heart and insure not only her love but every blessing of which mankind is susceptible; the respect of your fellow Citizens, and...
About the 1 st week in May last I received a request from an old and useful friend, to whom I could not well refuse a kindness, solliciting from me a letter of introduction to yourself and another to M r W. C. Nicholas . and adding, that he would set out for some of the watering places in your state about the 10 th of that month. I accordingly gave him a few lines for each of you and committed...
Inclos’d you will receive your Mill account , which I believe you will find correct—The balance due to you I will make immediate preparation to discharge— as well as the loss sustain’d on the last 27 barrels of flour damaged in my Boat— Should you want more flour for your family use, we can procure it from the Back country waggons, and M r Colclaser will be particular in the choice of it—The...
Mr G. W. Campbell is going out as Envoy Extraordinary, and Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States to the Court of Russia. He is to embark at Boston in the frigate Guerriére, and I hope will find an opportunity to go out and see you, with Mrs Campbell, and their family at Quincy—You and my dear Mother will I am well assured take the more satisfaction in seeing them with the...
Two letters rec d from you directed severally to Mons r Cathalan Marseilles & Debures freres Paris , were committed to the master of the Ship Ea
1817  M r Thomas Jefferson In A/c with R. Perry . To  one pair Stock Brick moulds @ $13.00 1818  〃 one Bed Trussel @ 6.00 $19.00 Rec d of Joel Yancy
Being to set out in a few days for Bedford from whence I shall not return till about a week before our Rockfish meeting, I have been preparing such a report as I can, to be offered there to our colleagues. It is not such an one as I should propose to them to make to an assembly of philosophers, who would require nothing but the table of professorships, but I have endeavored to adapt it to our...
I know not from whom or what quarter the inclosed letter to Wanscher comes, nor whether he is still living. I suppose it is from Germany , and invoke your charity to dispose of it according to circumstances. I do it with the more pleasure as it gives me new occasion to repeat to you the assurances of my constant friendship and respect. PoC ( MHi ); on verso of reused address cover of William...
Soon after the date of my letter of the 21 st I recieved Bridgman ’s Index safely, and had taken for granted M c Mahon was coming with it. but as it did not come, I presume it has either been forgotten or is lodged by the way. in either case I ask your information & attention to it; and further that you will be so kind as to inform me whether a copy of Baron Grimm ’s memoirs (16. vols 8 vo )...
Being to set out in a few days for Bedford from whence I shall not return till about a week before our Rockfish meeting, I have been preparing such a report as I can, to be offered there to our colleagues . it is not such an one as I should propose to them to make to an assembly of philosophers, who would require nothing but the table of professorships, but I have endeavored to adapt it to our...
I must ask the favor of you to return the inclosed Certificate for me to the land office and to pay the usual fees (I believe 1. or 2. Dollars) which mr Gibson will reimburse according to custom. will you have the goodness whenever cotton can be had in Richmond to buy 2. of the smallest bales to be had for me and send one by the Milton boats and the other by the Lynchburg boats to the care of...
I was much rejoiced to see your name on the roll of Commis n to meet at Rockfish gap and to report to the legislature on the subject of an University . the day of our meeting will be important in the history of our country because it will decide whether we are to leave this fair inheritance to barbarians or civilised men. the subject of our consultations is vast, because it spreads over all...
Your favor of May 29. came to hand 2. days ago. age and a stiffening wrist render writing slow and painful, and oblige me to adopt almost a lapidary stile: this is the effect of an antient dislocation of the wrist. I have given up my farms to be managed by my family, and take no concern in them myself. I tried the Ruta baga when first brought from England and found it the best table-turnep I...
I was much pleased to see your name on the roll of Commissioners who are to meet at Rockfish gap on the 1 st of Aug. to report to the legislature on the subject of an University : because a dozen winters ago I had recieved testimony of your zeal on this subject in a letter you then wrote to me, in my answer to which I expressed
Counties on the Western waters.   Brooke   5,511   Ohio 7,735   Monongalia 12,442   Wood 2,586   Harrison 9,499   Randolph 2,743
The Commissioners for the University of Virginia having met at the tavern in Rockfish gap on the Blue ridge on the 1 st day of August of this present year 1818 and until the   instant when the attendance of a Quorum of   members enabled them to form a board, proceeded on that day to the discharge of the duties assigned to them by the act of the legislature intituled ‘An act appropriating part...
Some of the terms used in this table being subject to a difference of acceptation, it is proper to define the meaning & comprehension intended to be given them here. Geometry,  elementary, is that of straight lines and of the circle. transcendental, is that of all other curves; it includes of course Projectiles, a leading branch of the military art. Military architecture includes...
Your favour of 21 st inst. came to hand yesterday with fifty dollars for w h please to accept our thanks— Agreeably to your directions we have forwarded the above books per mail, w h we hope will come safely to hand.— The price of Walsh ’s American Register 2 Vols. is $6— We shall forward next week, per mail, an extensive Supplement to our Catalogue, w h is now in the press— M. Carey & son ✓ ...
I ought sooner to have thank’d you for your last biographical Notices, but you had before left me to take my own time for scribling, & must not complain for my Abuse of the License. The anecdotes you have given of the Destruction of the private Papers of Mr. Otis & Mr. S. Adams has rescued two important facts from being totally lost to Posterity. They confessedly were two very extraordinary...
enclosed is the money which mrs Welsh advanced upon your account which you will pay her, and get her to Sign the Receit enclosed. you have not sent your shoes to be mended—& Charl e s if bare foot I have no compassion for as he would not take the trouble to call upon the shoe maker, he ought to feel the concequence—I Shall expect to see you on Saturday your affectionate G M MHi : Adams Papers.
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 18th instant encloseing a note of one hundred dollars which shall be forwarded to Mr Vanderlyn immediately. Be pleased to assure Mr Todd that the painting of the President shall be taken good care of untill sent for. I remain Sir your Obedit Sert. RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM. Letter not found. John Vanderlyn (1775–1852) was a...
A life so much em p loyed in public as yours has been , must subject you often to be appealed to for facts by those whom they concern. an occasion occurs to myself of asking t his kind of aid from your memory & documents. the posthumous volume of Wilso n ’s Ornithology, altho’ published some time since, never happened to be seen by me until a few days ago. in the account o f his life, prefixed...
Mr Otis Said Such a “Writt of Assistance” might become the Reign of Charles the Second in England, and he would not dispute the Taste of the Parliament of England, in passing Such an Act, nor of the People of England in submitting to it; but it was not calculated for the Meridian of America. The Court of Exchequer had no Jurisdiction here. Her Warrant, and her, Writts never were Seen here. Or...
D r Coxe ’s election comes on the first Tuesday of next month. They talk of deferring the election for chemical professor to the first Tuesday in September. I am not sufficiently instructed to know the causes of this inconvenient determination. I send you, ad interim , a Syllabus of lectures of which I have delivered two courses. They have produced very complimentary letters of approbation...
SYLLABUS Of the Lectures of Thomas Cooper , Esq. M. D. as Professor of Geology and Mineralogy in the University of Pennsylvania . Of the characters of mineral substances, as distinguished by the sight, the touch, the taste, the smell, the hearing. Of the means of distinguishing mineral substances artificially; by the file, the knife, the blow-pipe, the mineral acids: by their crystallization...
Being about to send to the press a work entitled, “Travels through the United States in the years 1812, –13, –14, –15, –16, –17 & 18, including a statistical view of each State at the close of the year 1817,” I have taken the liberty to solicit permission; to dedicate it to you. Among the Sages and Heroes, to whom we owe our national existence; I have ever been taught to revere the name of...
enclosed is a Letter which you will see contains a request to me; and through me to you. the ploughing with the Hiffer is not yet out of date. were the object an office, I should refuse to medle with it, but as it is only a simple renewal of a midshipman from one ship & station to an other, I would hope no great interest necessary; particularly as his Health has sufferd severely in this...
I am honoured, this day, with your obliging favour of the 17th: instant. Have the goodness, dear sir, to send to me the Mss &c &c, to which your letter alludes, as soon as possible. With perfect respect & esteem your obedt. & very huml. st. My very best respects & regard to Mrs. Madison & Mr. Todd. RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM.
I thank you, Sir, for the paper you have been so kind as to send me , and I have read with pleasure the disquisition on the origin of our Indians. this long contested question seems no nearer it’s solution now than when first proposed. I am glad to see the ingenuity of others employed in such investigations, but have lost all interest in them myself . the advance of years tells me they are not...