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Results 13501-13510 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have for some months been expecting a cask of Scupernon wine which mr Burton of N. Carolina was so kind as to procure for me. I have not heard from mr Burton himself thro’ what channel he forwarded it, but Francis Eppes tells me he thinks it was either addressed to your care or to that of mr Johnson a merchant of Petersburg . I take the liberty of troubling you with this enquiry, and with...
Not being able to resist my itch for scribbling, I have undertaken, in concert with Judge Cooper and a gentleman of New York , to contribute to a magazine of which I take the liberty of sending you two Numbers . The first article of each is of my doing , and the “Reflections on the Institutions of the Cherokees” are from the pen of M r F. Gilmer so well known, and so piously attached, to you....
Your favour of 28 th inst. is rec d We had supposed that M c Mahon’s Gardening was forwarded per mail, when ordered by you, but upon examination, we find that the package had not been forwarded. It is now sent per mail, & we hope will arrive safe.— Baron Grimm’s Memoirs cannot be obtaind obtained here either in French or English.—We can readily obtain it for you from London or Paris .—The...
An indisposition which has considerably impeded my movements for a few weeks past, has prevented my having the honour of paying my respects to you as I have wished to do, and being about accompanying my sister Mrs Gardiner to Kennebec, I shall not be able to make my visit to Quincy till after my return towards the end of the month— I have for some time past thought of an undertaking which the...
Absence from home has prevented me from receiveing your very interesting letter of the 24th of May until within a few days. If any thing could add to the gratitude veneration, and respect I feel for one of the principal founders of my countrys freedom, it is your the great compliment and respect you pay me in that letter which I shall preserve with the utmost care while I live. The sentiments...
Receved of James Madison Esqr the Sum of 105$ for the Modelling of three Busts, Viz One of him Self one of Mrs Madison and One of Mr Todd. RC ( CSmH ).
M r Wilcocks , the American Consul at Canton in China , has sent me, by a late arrival from that country, a Chronological View, and Dialogues, with English translations, as specimen s to of Chinese Literature, or rather, of English advancement in it, which he desires me to present to you in his name— I avail myself of this occasion to renew the assurances of respectful consideration with which...
your kind letter was not more flattering to my vanity as an author, than grateful to those feelings, which yeild enjoyments far more precious, than any which flow from the mere praise of men. It was is delightful to find exemplified in you, the unfading charms of literature, and the juvenile lustre they cast upon the dignity of declining years. Your praise will ever be to me the highest...
Mrs Adams was kind enough to say to me, when I was last at your house, and when I was contemplating this journey, “You will let us hear from you.” It is grateful to me to remember this remark, and to use the privilege which it confers. You and herself very often rise to my thoughts among the number of those, upon whose characters I delight to dwell as proofs of mental activity, cheerfulness,...
They have at length found on the Books of the Bank, the dividend of 24 dollars due to your father, and have given me for it the check on the Branch Bank at Boston which is herewith enclosed—I shall pass over to the proper office in the War Department, the Affidavit in behalf of William Oliphant, and as soon as I can get information of what has been done in the case of Peter Ellins will inform...