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Results 13501-13550 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have for some months been expecting a cask of Scupernon wine which mr Burton of N. Carolina was...
Not being able to resist my itch for scribbling, I have undertaken, in concert with Judge Cooper...
Your favour of 28 th inst. is rec d We had supposed that M c Mahon’s Gardening was forwarded per...
An indisposition which has considerably impeded my movements for a few weeks past, has prevented...
Absence from home has prevented me from receiveing your very interesting letter of the 24th of...
Receved of James Madison Esqr the Sum of 105$ for the Modelling of three Busts, Viz One of him...
M r Wilcocks , the American Consul at Canton in China , has sent me, by a late arrival from that...
your kind letter was not more flattering to my vanity as an author, than grateful to those...
Mrs Adams was kind enough to say to me, when I was last at your house, and when I was...
They have at length found on the Books of the Bank, the dividend of 24 dollars due to your...
Your very particular fav r 28 h Ult o Covering—“I know not from whom the inclosed letter to...
I was favor’d in its time with your obliging note of 25 th Dec r for which I return my grateful...
Had death not berefted me of my much esteemed friend & Patron, Doctor Wistar , the Contents of my...
Under cover to M r Dandridge I enclose two notes which you will be so good as to endorse, and...
We have employed 4. hands 3. days in searching for slate, and came to what is of a proper...
I have been intending in some of my college visits to go on and ask a dinner of you, but latterly...
I received a few days Since from Professor Fischer of Moscow , two Copies of his Essai Sur la...
Your letter of June 4. is received as the former one had been in due time. it was not answered...
Your’s of yesterday was recieved last night. you need take no trouble about the flour balance,...
Circumstances relating to gen. Kosciusko previously to his joining the America n Ar my. K. was...
The citizens of the Towns of Braintree and Weymouth intending to celebrate the anniversary of our...
This Letter will reach you I hope on Saturday evening and present you the sincere congratulations...
About the 1 st week in May last I received a request from an old and useful friend, to whom I...
Inclos’d you will receive your Mill account , which I believe you will find correct—The balance...
Mr G. W. Campbell is going out as Envoy Extraordinary, and Minister Plenipotentiary from the...
Two letters rec d from you directed severally to Mons r Cathalan Marseilles & Debures freres...
1817  M r Thomas Jefferson In A/c with R. Perry . To  one pair Stock Brick moulds @ $13.00 1818...
Being to set out in a few days for Bedford from whence I shall not return till about a week...
I know not from whom or what quarter the inclosed letter to Wanscher comes, nor whether he is...
Soon after the date of my letter of the 21 st I recieved Bridgman ’s Index safely, and had taken...
Being to set out in a few days for Bedford from whence I shall not return till about a week...
I must ask the favor of you to return the inclosed Certificate for me to the land office and to...
I was much rejoiced to see your name on the roll of Commis n to meet at Rockfish gap and to...
Your favor of May 29. came to hand 2. days ago. age and a stiffening wrist render writing slow...
I was much pleased to see your name on the roll of Commissioners who are to meet at Rockfish gap...
Counties on the Western waters.   Brooke   5,511   Ohio 7,735   Monongalia 12,442   Wood 2,586  ...
The Commissioners for the University of Virginia having met at the tavern in Rockfish gap on the...
Some of the terms used in this table being subject to a difference of acceptation, it is proper...
Your favour of 21 st inst. came to hand yesterday with fifty dollars for w h please to accept our...
I ought sooner to have thank’d you for your last biographical Notices, but you had before left me...
enclosed is the money which mrs Welsh advanced upon your account which you will pay her, and get...
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 18th instant encloseing a note...
A life so much em p loyed in public as yours has been , must subject you often to be appealed to...
Mr Otis Said Such a “Writt of Assistance” might become the Reign of Charles the Second in...
D r Coxe ’s election comes on the first Tuesday of next month. They talk of deferring the...
SYLLABUS Of the Lectures of Thomas Cooper , Esq. M. D. as Professor of Geology and Mineralogy in...
Being about to send to the press a work entitled, “Travels through the United States in the years...
enclosed is a Letter which you will see contains a request to me; and through me to you. the...
I am honoured, this day, with your obliging favour of the 17th: instant. Have the goodness, dear...
I thank you, Sir, for the paper you have been so kind as to send me , and I have read with...