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Results 13501-13530 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have too long delayed, replying to Your Letter of March 20th. Whatever is written to You, by Your Parents, sincerely anxious as they are for your future welfare, and advancement in Life, you will receive as it is certainly meant in kindness and affection; I am sensible that Success cannot be commanded, tho it may be deserved; I am not insensible to the difficulties you have had to contend...
The remnant of our pilgrimage since we left you at M rs: Roberts’s door, stands thus— Monday Nov r: 16. lodg’d at Trenton—Tuesday, at M rs: Smith’s in Newark; where we found only the old lady and little Abby—M rs: Charles Adams was in New-York— Wednesday morning we reached that place— The roads began to be deep and reminded us that we were quite late enough in the season— Two days at New-York—...
William Shaw brought me your Letter the day before Yesterday. I had learnt before, by the public papers, the Death of mrs Bingham, and many have been my reflection upon it. [“]Health presuming, Beauty Blooming, ah how dreadfull tis to dye,” says fair Rossomond; that mrs Bingham was one of the most Elegant, and highly accomplishd women our Country has furnished, no one who knew her, will deny....
I am extreamly sorry to hear that you have been ill of your old Complaint: but was somewhat consoled at the same time by hearing you were better. Exercise of Walking or riding will be your Life in Holland. Our Affairs are assuming a face of good Humour which is very pleasant after so long a storm. We shall have Peace and good Gov t for some Years I hope— I long to learn your Intentions about...
After an interval of a few days less than Nine Months, I had the day before yesterday the happiness of receiving your number 28/19 dated 6. December last—I have regularly acknowledged the receipt of every scrap of Paper from you that has come to my hands—of your New Series I have the first seven numbers—but since then, only 10. 13. 14. and 19—So that numbers 8. 9. 11. 12. 15. 16. 17. and 18...
I send this day a packet, to your father containing the Journals and other publications of the day; with an Intelligencer, containing the account of our festival on Friday last.— That is to say, of the dinner— To morrow evening there is to be a Ball for the same purpose. One of the toasts drank at the feasts was “ An Union of Parties ,” which is like drinking the Millennium— I suppose they...
The Louisiana Government bill has this day pass’d, yeas 20. Nays 5.— It now goes to the House of Representatives, where we shall see what will be done with it.— On the final question this day taken I alone spoke against it, and was answered only by one member— He saw no Constitutional objection—because the clause authorizing Congress to make needful rules and regulations for the territory, and...
Received Quincy March 4th 1814 of Thomas B Adams Esqr Twenty-five Dollars and fifty Cents in full for one quarter’s interest on J Q Adams’s Note $ 25.50 MHi : Adams Papers.
Four days after I closed my last Letter to you, which was sent by the Iris, Captain Woodberry, I received your’s of 2. June, with all the tokens of the Doctor’s stuff upon it—I disliked the looks of this, I dare say as much as you did its taste—But as your letter was evidently written in so much better Spirits than the preceding number, as it assured me that you had recovered your health upon...
I received your favour of the 17 th: inst t: from New-York, and am happy to hear you had got well so far on your journey. I hope you will be equally punctual on your arrival at Philadelphia. I must request your attention to the memorandum, which I left with you last Spring; and that you would not forget to send my segars before the navigation closes for the Season. the numbers of the Gazette...
We have received and been entertained with your letters from Dessau, Magdeburg and Brunswic.— We hope to hear from you, to day or to-morrow, at Hamburg, where upon your arrival, you must have found abundance of letters, either to, or for you. You ask for news; but you are now so much nearer the sources of all the important news, that it must rather come from you to us, than go from us to you....
I have this morning received your manly letter of 25 th Ult.— I had long intended to write you but as you observe avocations have always intervened. Public business my son, must always be done by somebody.— it will be done by somebody or other— If wise men decline it others will not: if honest men refuse it, others will not. A young man should well weigh his plans. Integrity should be...
I have not written you a line since my return to Quincy. I have found full employ to get my House in order, and my Family arranged, against your Fathers return; which Was on Wednesday last; we have all once more assembled at the old Habitation in Safety; Without any accident, except to myself. I unfortunatly, got my foot in a hole in one of the carriages as I was getting out; and fell through,...
I now enclose together with a press copy of my last letter to you, the original of one addressed to your father, containing observations upon a french pamphlet, which I have sent him. This letter however is not to be sent to him, but to be published in the Port Folio, if the Editor thinks proper. Of course, without indicating either the writer, or the person, to whom it is addressed— My design...
M r Hindman of Maryland has requested a Letter from me, for M r Richard Cook of Anapolis, who will tell you our News. I have read your public Dispatches with great Pleasure. I find your Situation has led you to an Attentive Observation of the Events of the War and the Maneuvres of Politicks and your curious felicity of Expression enables you to represent both to great Advantage. Your Mother...
Yours of the 24th. ulto. with the draft on the Branch Bank for 3000 Dollars in received.—Messrs: Payne and Co wrote me lately mentioning the opinion of our friend Mr. Jos: Stall Senior, that there would be no dividend upon the Canal Shares next January.—I immediately answered them that if that was now their own opinion, I wished them to suspend further purchases on my account.—I say the same...
The House of Bird, Savage and Bird have stop’d payment, and probably the bill I drew upon them which you negotiated last November, will come back protested— In that case, settle the amount to be paid, with the indorsee duly entitled to it, who may call upon you; let me know the amount and I will send you a post note for it— Be careful to see that the protest and proceedings have all been...
Your Friend Quincy is married, truly married and to a Nyork Lady, by the Name of Morten, without Beauty and without Money, but amply compensated by the accomplishments of her mind and the Virtues of her Heart, as I am informd, for I have not the pleasure of knowing her. Having told you this peice of News, I shall proceed and would acknowledge the date of your last Letter to me, but I...
This very Day twelve month You lost sight of your native Land. Your Native Land is not I trust the less Dear to you, tho the account I must give you of some of its inhabitants will not tend to heighten your National Pride or vanity. A real American will remain Such under all circumstances, and in all Countries, but an Anglo American or a Frenchified American, is an unnatural Character, and...
There have been within the last Month a large number of arrivals at Cronstadt from the United States, and a sufficient proportion of them from Boston and Salem; but we have had the pleasure of receiving letters from Quincy, only by one—The Express-Captain Thomas—Who brought me your letter of 12. January, and a packet of sundries for my wife—We are apt to repine a little when we hear of a...
I am very much gratified to find by your favour of the 26 th: that your Journey from Brussels was so pleasant, and that you are so well satisfied with what you had seen.— I shall request Mess rs: Moliere to extend your credit with their correspondents at Paris. There is a Danish vessel going to Lisbon from Amsterdam in the course of three weeks or a month. I shall go to Amsterdam in a few days...
I would not omit writing you, because you seem to think you have been agrieved. I do not recollect what I wrote you, but I have Some Idea, that it was an enumeration of the various accidents you had met with, and advising you to more care and attention in future. I had no occasion to chide you for want of application to your studies, because your uncles your Aunts & your Brothers had been...
The duplicate of your Account for the year 1811. has at length reached me; but without comment or explanation—Part of it I therefore cannot fully understand—Upon that which is intelligible I shall not multiply remarks, recollecting the destiny which befell those that I had intended exclusively for yourself on a former occasion So far as I can judge I have less inducement to make in this...
I sent you by an American Gentleman who went from this place a few days ago to London, a cypher, with an explanatory sheet to enable you to use and understand it.—He will forward it by the first convenient opportunity; but I know not from whence—I hope it will reach you some time or other, but as it was not dated, and was not acompanied by any letter, you will perhaps be disappointed at...
The Washington, Capt. Brown, has at length arrived at cronstadt, and we have received the letters by her, which we had so earnestly expected, and for some time had abandoned the hope of receiving. Among them is your letter of 9. Feby.—numbered 13/4 which if accurate, leaves five still outstanding.—Three sets of my lectures came at the same time, and all in good condition. I have a letter from...
When you address me again, let it be by the endearing Epithet of Mother, instead of the formal one Madam; I Should have thought your partiality for your Friends the Quakers would have prevented your substituting any other Epithet. and now having in a few words setled a point respecting titles, a subject which has occupied a great Legislature for many days, and occasiond much warmth and Heat,...
I received yesterday your very laconic favour enclosing a draft upon the bank for 500 dollars which I shall pay over according to your directions. We are in great apprehension of being forced into a War. The last intelligence we have from the West Indies is that they capture and condemn all our vessels without discrimination— A Man arrived yesterday with an account of more than thirty sail...
My Heart Shall not reproach me so long as I live said the Psalmist; alass I cannot say so, for mine hourly reproaches me with not having written to you for a long time; I have to thank you for the Volm of debates in Senate upon a Question so interesting to every Lover of Justice, every Welwisher to the stability of our constitution, that the termination of it, must be considerd as having...
I received last week your favour of the 17 th: of last month, and found in it none of that tediousness which you seem to apprehend: indeed I suspect your fears were in some measure dictated by your indolence, and that you make them a pretext in your own mind, to relieve you from the tediousness of writing: but this pretence must not serve you: for I can assure you, that your Letters will...
Although I wrote you not more than ten days ago, having yesterday received your letter of 18. March, and having now an excellent opportunity to write, by a Gentleman who goes Passenger in Mr W. H. Gray’s ship Minerva, I cannot consent to lose it, and to omit renewing the assurance how truly and deeply we sympathize with you and your family at the affliction which your letter announces, and of...