James Madison to Edward Livingston, 24 July 1835
Montpellier July 24th. 1835
Dear Sir
Your valued letter of Novr. 4th. was recd. in due time and would have been promptly acknowledged, but for the daily expectation of being able to thank you at the same time, for the article so kindly provided for my crippled feet during the rigor of Winter. It happened, that a mistake which forwarded the article to Richmond instead of Fredericksburg delayed its arrival, ’till it became uncertain where a letter would find you, and a continuance of this uncertainty furnishes the apology I must tender for my apparent delinquency
I am now able to add to the thanks for the considerate kindness to which I am personally indebted, my congratulations on the prospect of a successful termination of our embarrassing relations with France, which at one time seemed to portend a painful issue; and on the reception which your great and anxious exertions to avert it, have procured on your return, from your Fellow Citizens.
Not knowing the resting place you may have chosen, I address my letter to the P. O. of the City, presuming if you should have left it, that your arrangements there will have provided for the Case.
Mrs M begs as she always does, to be joined in cordial regards & good wishes which we tender to yourself Mrs Livingston and Mrs Barton.
James Madison
RC (NjP: Edward Livingston Papers); FC (DLC).