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Results 13471-13500 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Yesterday at the Ministers Levee, one of the foreign Ministers put into my hand a Leyden Gazette,...
M r Preston has at last found and Sent me, your Letter. D r Bancroft Spoke to me, about Commodore...
I last Night received the letter you did me the Honour to write me the 28 th of Octr I have the...
The Chevalier De Pinto, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, from Portugal, after a...
Since my last of the 3 d of August I am favoured with yours of the 26 th of June, 6 th of July,...
Referring Your Excellency to what we had the Honor to address you the 4 th: Ins t: We have now to...
This address you from Paris. on my arrival my first care was, without loss of time to deliever...
I have received your Favour of the 4 th of this Month and am surprised to hear of the bad...
I wrote you largely by Cap t. Cushing who sail’d from hence about 3 Weeks ago. I therein take...
There is no better Advice to be given to the Merchants of the United States, than to push their...
I have not had the Honor of writing to you, since I have embarked in this Business, as you must...
We acknowledge the Receit of Your Esteemed Favoúr of the 12 th. Inst t. advising ús your further...
I wrote to you on the 11 th. of Octob. by mr̃ Preston & again on the 18 th. of the same month by...
Vos lettres, notre Cher ami, nous seront toujours fort agreables. nous aimons votre françois, vos...
’Tis my duty to write you as well as my inclination— The first point I will not urge further than...
I was Yesterday honoured, with your Letter of the 14 th. of October, accompanied with the...
I Should have added in my Letter of this day, that Shelbourne professes to be steady to the...
I wrote you Yesterday advising My Bill on you to M Grand N o. 6 for Two Hundred pounds Sterling—...
I have repeatedly forgot to mention to You That in Sep r. 1783. D r. Holyoke then President of...
Congress on Wednesday last made a House and chose M r. Hancock President but he being absent they...
I presume on the Circumstance of being not intirely unknown to your Excellency, to offer to you...
Your favor of the 5 th. came to hand yesterday, and Col o. Smith & Col o. Humphries (by whom you...
I beg pardon for troubling You on a very disagrable Subject, but not being able to procure a...
Your very friendly Lett r of the 26 th August ’84, wou’d not have lain so long unnoticed, had not...
The generous Exertions of the Marquis de la fayette, having obtained prosals for introducing a...
I have received your Letter of Yesterday and I wish it were in my power to give you a...
Je dois réponse aux honorées vôtres des 1 er. & 10 du cour t. J’écris ce fois à Mr. Cerisier afin...
The Subscriber, Minister Plenipotentiary, from the United States of America, has the Honour, to...
The Commissioners for American Claims having notified to me, that, by Virtue of the Power given...
Last Night I received your Letter of Nov. 29. inclosing another written at sea give me Leave to...