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Results 13451-13500 of 184,431 sorted by author
134517th. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Bartlett’s. There were 15 persons at Table, of whom I was not acquainted with Mr....
1345219th. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon the younger Mr. Montréal came here. Mr. Artaud dined at Mr. Rimbert’s. Stay’d at...
13453Friday 3d. (Adams Papers)
Pleasant weather. A fresh breeze from the S.W. The Captain intends to go to Spain to search the...
1345411th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Hilliard entertained us all day, with a couple of Sermons, upon the whole armour of god. The...
1345529th. (Adams Papers)
Attended parson Wibird the whole day. He recommended very highly humility, or spiritual poverty;...
134569th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Stay’d at home all day. The young gentlemen from Mr. Rimberts dined here. Cloudy weather.
The John Adams is to sail from the Texel on the 25th: of this Month, and Mr Dallas, who is to be...
1345811th. (Adams Papers)
Finished in the forenoon, the second Book of the Cyropaedia; which I began, the 2d. of this...
13459Thursday March 1st. 1787. (Adams Papers)
Charles went to Boston this morning: in the afternoon, I was at Foster’s chamber; he introduced...
1346023d. Monday. (Adams Papers)
This afternoon Mr. D went and took a ride. Walk’d in the summer garden after supper. Cloudy...
Abby S. Adams returns home in company with Mr Fuller. I have requested him to pay her expenses on...
1346218th. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon I took a ride, with White, to see our class mate Eaton. We spent about an hour with...
I expected to have this letter from Quincy, where it was my intention to have gone yesterday in...
13464Wednesday February 1st. 1786. (Adams Papers)
Slept none last Night. Felt unwell all day. Went in the evening to Mr. White’s but nobody was...
I have received your two letters of last Week, with a dozen copies of my letter to Mr: Otis—And...
1346616th. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Thermometer in the morning at home 29 academy 32 degrees below 0. Stay’d at home all day.
Know all Men by these Presents that I John Quincy Adams of Boston in the County of Suffolk,...
1346813th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Dined out with Mr. Artaud. Rainy stormy weather. Went to the Clubb in the evening.
Mr Dallas goes off with our Dispatches at three O’Clock to-morrow morning; and the John Adams is...
134709th. (Adams Papers)
I did not attend meeting this day for several reasons. At home the whole day; it was extremely...
The bearer of this Letter, Mr. D’Hauteval, is a french Gentleman from the Island of St. Domingo,...
Paris. Hotel du Nord, Rue de Richelieu—Saturday 4. Feby: 1815. I arrived here at one O’Clock this...
I have received my kind friend’s letters of 3 d , 16 th: and 19 th: of May, and am impatiently...
1347422d. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Judge Sargeant’s, with Mr. and Mrs. Shaw. Mr. Porter and his lady are there upon a visit...
The enclosed Card has two very coarse drawings of a device, of which I wish to have a Seal...
134766th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Went in the forenoon with Mr. Artaud to take a walk. Mr. D stay’d at home all day. Cloudy weather...
134773d. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Gummer arrived there at about 8 o’clock in the morning. Here people generally change their...
In answer to your obliging Letter of the 8th. instt I have only to renew the request that you...
After an interval of considerable anxiety, arising from the lapse of time, since I had heard from...
On Sunday Evening, immediately after I had closed my last Letter to you, I came on board this...
1348120th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
In the forenoon Mr. Wolff came to pay a visit to Mr. D. In the afternoon I went with Mr. Artaud...
Silver oz. Pwt $ C $ C 1 Large Coffee Pot 36 10 at $1,12 per oz to John Adams 40,88 1 Tea Pot 14...
1348313th. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Dr. Kilham at Mr. Carter’s. This is a very friendly, obliging old gentleman, about 73...
1348415th. (Adams Papers)
Between 9 and 10 in the morning, I went to the President’s, and was there admitted examined,...
Within a few days I have received your kind favours of 19. Feby: and 10. Decr: last; the first of...
1348627th. (Adams Papers)
This morning Miss Nancy return’d, upon hearing Lucy Cranch, was here, as they are very intimate...
1348719th. (Adams Papers)
At about 7 1/2 in the morning I set out for Cambridge, and arrived there just as the Clock struck...
1348810th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
This morning we went to see the palace at Oranienbaum, and then dined and after dinner set off in...
13489[March 1786] (Adams Papers)
Between 9 and 10 in the morning, I went to the President’s, and was there admitted examined,...
1349028th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Stay’d at home all day. Mr. D. went out in the afternoon. Rainy weather.
1349127th. (Adams Papers)
Sunday. Mr. Adams dined with Mr. de St. Olympe’s and spent the evening at Mr. Jefferson’s. At...
13492Sunday June the 24th 1781. (Adams Papers)
Nothing remarkable in the forenoon, Mr. Thaxter din’d at Mr. Sigourney’s; I din’d at home, after...
1349316th. (Adams Papers)
Two persons in the town, died in the Course of this day. A young Woman by the name of Bradly, and...
Your journals down to the 30th of August inclusive are received; and this day the memoirs of Lord...
134959th. (Adams Papers)
All the forenoon down in the Library; reading and writing. Pass’d the afternoon at my uncle...
I have just received your letter of the 28 th: of last month, and though I have not yet read it...
I received yesterday your Letter N 1. dated the 15th. instt. with its enclosure, and am much...
Your letter by M r: Paleske of 28 Feb y: though short gave me great pleasure as it was so long...
1349931st. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Allen, and Mr. Quarles, two clergymen, dined here to day. In the afternoon Charles went over...
1350023d. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Davies preach’d in the forenoon from Matthew V, 20. For I say unto you, that except your...