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Results 133301-133350 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Genl. Carbery expecting to be in the City of Washington has been good enough to take charge of a...
Mr. R. Morrison, a gentleman from England, has lately arrived here, with the design of taking his...
Your favor of the 21st. was recd. by the last mail. The passport for Niemcewics went by the first...
I take the liberty to inclose to you three Surveys in order to Obtain Patents on them, and for...
I have shipped to your care, in the Sloop Harmony, Ellwood, Master, twenty two boxes containing...
It gives me pleasure to inform you, that your wine and nutts cast away on this coast in the Brig...
A gentleman holding Virginia military land warrants, having had the misfortune to locate them and...
It is only by telling you the truth that I can expect your forgiveness and the pardon of the...
The Hnble James Madison Esqr. To James Taylor paid U States duties on 40 Gals. white wine a 35/...
Immediately after my arrival at Syracuse, which was on the 14. Instant, I waited on His...
I have recd. your letter of the 27th inst: The views of Mr. Morrison, the subject of it, are so...
Mr. Thom, who heretofore was authorized to draw upon you for the sums awarded under the 7th....
Your letter of the 29th. ult has been duly received. As the case, to which it, has reference, in...
I had the honour to write you on the 2d of dec. last, since which I have recd. Mr. Jacob Wagner’s...
I am induced to apply to you on the present occasion by an incidental hint which fell in...
Your last communications were of Decr. 24 and Jany 9th. The bearer Mr. Hollins, intending to go...
I return you Monroe’, Armstrong’s, Harris’s & Anderson’s letters, & add a letter & act from Govr....
On the 3d. & 9th of January per H B M Ships Anson & Arethusia via Jamaica, I had the honor of...
Whereas our Friend and acquaintance Richard Carter Junr. having a prospect of making application...
On the 11th. of last Month I had the Honor to receive your letter of the 13th. of March,...
When Mr Monro came Minister from the United States to the french Government I was still...
There is not, I am well informed, by Capt Wm. Jones, and others, who have been lately at Canton,...
I recd. by the last mail your note fixing the time for your return. The Wasp has put herself into...
I had the Honour to address You on the Ultimo & expressed a wish that the Commission of Mr John...
I this day recd. by Capt. Johnson of the Brig Thomas of Newyork a letter from yr. Depart. of...
I had yesterday the honor of receiving your letter of the 20th. of Jany. last, enclosing a copy...
The accompanying letter of the 16 Ultimo is a copy of my last, which went by the Schooner Miles...
I recieved yesterday only yours of Apr. 27. with the letters of Armstrong, Turreau, Hull,...
I return you the pamphlet of the author of War in disguise Of it’s first half the topics & the...
Je me suis trés respecteusement fait un devoir d’avancer á Monsieur divers Depeches, le dernier...
Permit me to introduce to thee, the bearer, John Thomas 3d. as a candidate for a clerkship in...
We had the honor to receive on the 27th. of last month your letter of the 18th. of March, to...
I return you Monroe’s letter of Mar. 5. As the explosion in the British ministry took place about...
I thought not to have given you any farther trouble with my concerns till I could produce actual...
Captain Benjamin Richardson now of this City has some Communications to make relative to the...
J’ai l’honneur de vous renvoyer l’Exequatur que Monsieur Le Président a bien voulu accorder à M....
I herewith return the notes on a Controversial topic, which you wished to re-possess. And I avail...
I received this morning your letters with the papers enclosed for Mr. Jackson. You will see by...
The cases (under the convention of 1803) in which the trustees of the late F. L. Taney supposed...
On my arrival here, I found that the District Attorney was at Princeton, & I determined if Burr...
I arrived here yesterday after a passage of eighteen days from New Orleans. I came in the same...
I have just received f. the Schooner Crispin from washington, Seven Boxes & one Barrel being part...
J’ose prendre la liberté de vous remettre cy inclus un paquet de Lettres pour Mr Skipwith Et vous...
The appearances of rupture between this Country and Austria, which a few days ago gave some...
Permit me to have the Honor of introducing to you Mr W. Penn, the Bearer, who is a Descendant of...
I have had the honor to address You under date of the 27th: March last. Since that time, nothing...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the President’s Letter to the King of Holland...
Understanding that Henry Hill Esq, some time ago appointed Commercial Agent for the United...
The Office of Surveyor of this port having become vacant by the Death of Mr. Hugh West, I have...
Since my last respects of 24 Septbr., I hope that the renewal of my consular bond has taken...