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Results 133251-133300 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Having Just arrived in Town I avail myself of the opportunity to inform you by the Mail which...
In my first letter, I mentioned such circumstances of a political nature, relating to several of...
ALS : Harvard University Library Being desirous of thoroughly understanding M. Monthieu’s...
133254[Diary entry: 12 April 1771] (Washington Papers)
12. Wind still fresh and Cold from the West & No. West With a Muddy Sky.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Ayant dessein de publier, vers la fin de Septembre, un...
I intended to have waited on you, at your Office, today, on the subject of the enclosed letter;...
Providence, June 30, 1794. “I have recd. your Letter of the 19th instant.… Lawful evidence having...
In two packages, distinct from this letter, I return you your father’s meteorological diaries,...
I have received your letters of the twelfth of September and of the thirty first of August with...
[ Monticello, 12 May 1784 . Noted in SJL as received in Boston 19 June 1784. Not found.]
AD (draft): American Philosophical Society Autre Moralité des Echecs. Le jeu des Echecs est moins...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 23 d , informing me of the deposit of Dum-fish with mr...
I beg you would not consider yourself obliged to answer my Letters. Your Time is prescious, mine...
133264[Diary entry: 4 October 1769] (Washington Papers)
Octr. 4. Finished getting Fodder in the Neck.
Another consequence suggests itself as following the nullifying rule–I will illustrate it...
Your favor by the new line of Expresses I received, and should have answerd it thro’ the same...
After a long silence your unknown friend begs leave once more to address you, on a subject of the...
8 O’Clock A.M. By the observations made at Hull (Nantasket) the last evening at 6 o’Clock, the...
1st. That there can be no decisive enterprise against the maritime establishments of the English...
Yesterdays Post brought me your two Letters of the 8th & 13th Instant with a note from General...
I had the honor to write Your Excellency on the 29th inst. on which day I crossed to Long Island...
13327227th. (Adams Papers)
Finished the 5th book of the Iliad; containing, the gallant actions of Diomed es , who drives all...
133273[Diary entry: 27 October 1797] (Washington Papers)
27. Clear & pleasant—Wind Southerly—Mer. 56. Mrs. Crk. &ca. went away before dinner.
I think it probable that my stay in this Country will not be protracted beyond the 10th June, &...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. de Pio a L’honneur de renouveller Les assurances de son...
In the month of November last, a person of the name of Browne, (a merchant of Philadelphia)...
I have made Inquiry Concerning the 200 Hatchets Mention’d in your’s but has got no Information...
On my return to this place I found here your letter of Sep. 10. complaining of the outrage...
Your Letter of the 22 November, notifying to me that the President had determined that, upon the...
Prov. &c. Before the Honorable Robert Auchmuty Esqr. Be it remembered, that on the 29 day of...
J’aurois deja eu le plaisir de repondre de bouche a votre honnorée du 9 de ce mois Si la gelée...
The last time I had the honor to see your Excellency, you told me that in consequence of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Au lieu du rendez vous que nous nous etions donné pour mardi...
It is to be regreted that you had not sent sooner, when we might have sent you some of Coll....
133285[Diary entry: 2 February 1787] (Washington Papers)
Friday 2d. Mercury at 30 in the Morning—36 at Noon and 36 at Night. Very cloudy most part or all...
The importance of your Works to the operations of War will doubtless point them out as a proper...
After a very mature consideration, we are unanimously of opinion, that an answer be returned to...
I have advice of the ministers setting out from Boston for Philadelphia. You will therefore on...
§ Samuel Harrison Smith to Alexander J. Dallas. 28 September 1815, Treasury Department, Revenue...
I have received yours of the 20th. inclosing the letter of Mr. Tracie. He had before made a...
Yesterday I was honourd with your short, but very agreable favour of the first Instt. how...
133292General Orders, 4 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
For duty tomorrow the first Jersey regiment. For the day tomorrow Colo. H. Jackson & Colo....
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; Copy: Library of Congress I received the...
Your kind favour, May 10h, is an Additional proof of the friendly Concern in My Behalf for Which...
§ From John Dawson. 23 April 1806. “I call’d to see you on this morning, but you were engag’d. I...
In conformity to the wish expressed in your letter of the 18h inst. which I have had the honour...
I set out for Poplar forest tomorrow to be back on the 24 th and think it safe to send you my...
Mr. Adams gave me real Pleasure when he told me it was in my Power to render any Service to...
Natchez [ Mississippi Territory ] May 24, 1799 . “Immediately after I received your Letter of the...
I rise with Reluctance It has been industriously circulated that I am a Man of such Talents as to...