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Results 133251-133300 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
It is a very long period, since I first had the honor of being personally known to you. At that...
I have received & thank you for your very valuable observations on the commercial articles of the...
I have the Honour to inform You, that I arrived here in August last, from Boston, and a few days...
The number of seamen employed in American vessels may be deduced either from the hospital money...
In my preceding letters I have fully inform’d you of the a rrestation of several american Vessels...
I inclose you one of the Cincinnati Newspapers for your perusal. The piece relating to Wilkinson...
I inclose a letter from Messrs. Monroe & Pinkney with the communications recd. with it. Also a...
With this I forward the supplementary Statement suggested in my letter of the 30th: Ulto., in...
Your’s of the 2nd. of Feby. is the subject of my response. I am much disappointed on finding that...
Mr. Rodney not being at Washington I send you the inclosed because it requires to be acted on...
I wrote to you about a fortnight ago and transmitted to you a statement of an examination which...
Agreeably to the request of the Citizens on yesterday, I herewith transmit you a copy of the...
Least you should not have received the advice s ooner from any other quarter, I have the honor to...
I have not been honored with any Letters from you since my last of the 10 January, dispatched in...
I deem it proper to intimate to you that the lowest Sum to be paid for the passage of Mr...
The inclosed letter was sent to me on the supposition that some step might be necessary to be...
I recd. this morning your favor of the l4th. and inclose the printed copies of the Acts of Congs....
In answer to your letter of 12th. Inst. I take leave to submit the following observations on the...
Representations entitled to credit touching the execution of the duties of your office, connected...
I have to request that you cause a warrant in favor of John Henry Purviance to be issued, to be...
Be pleased to issue your warrant on the appropriation for the Contingent expences of the...
In compliance with your request of the 26th. March, I have the pleasure to send you the...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter, covering a Commission appointing me...
96. James Madison $276.84 1/ 2 Pour le compte de John P. Todd .....253. 276.84 1/ 2 MdBS .
The trial of Captain Whitby took place on the 17th. inst. at Portsmouth, before a Court Martial,...
Be pleased to issue your Warrant on the appropriation for the relief of distressed American...
Inclosed are a Letter from Consul Harris, another from the Consul at St. Iago de Cuba, and an...
By my letter of March 17 (No. 25) I had the honor to submit to you copies of certain...
I received your favor of the 17th. by the mail of yester day, You will find by my letter to the...
Yours of the 13th. came to hand only yesterday & I now return you the letters of Turreau, Yrujo &...
Governor Folch of Pensacola has recommenced his unfriendly proceedings towards the US. He has...
We had the honor to receive your letter of February 3d. on the 6th. instant, and are now to give...
I did not receive your letter of the 26 January concerning Capt. Fairchild until the day before...
I have shipped to your care in the Schooner Beggar, Richard Wallace, master, twelve boxes...
Be pleased to issue your Warrant on the appropriation for the Contingent expences of the...
Agreeably to an Act of Congress, entitled An Act for the more general promulgation of the Laws of...
When I was in the City of Washington in the early part of Octr last I obtained the Presidents...
Agreeably to an Act of Congress, entitled An act for the more general promulgation of the Laws of...
The inclosed letters I take leave to Submit to your View from Mr. Isaac. M. Heiligger with whom I...
Agreeably to an act of Congress entitled An act for the more general promulgation of the Laws of...
Your favor of the 21. with the letters returned under the same cover was recd. last night. As you...
It is only a few days since that I had the honor to receive your letter of Novr. last, covering...
My friend Mr. Graham has this moment informed me, that he forwards by this mail, his resignation,...
With this I have the honor to forward a list of American Vessels now depending for trial before...
Governor Folch, accompanied by two or three Spanish officers arrived in this City last Evening. I...
Yours of the 20th. came to hand on the 23d. and I now return all the papers it covered, to wit...
I have the Honor to inclose to you for the Information of the Government of the United States,...
We had the honor to inform you in our letter of the 22d. instant that, the British Commissioners...
Mr. Jonathan Ingersoll, of this town, who has a son (of the name of Henry Ingersoll) among the...
I have the Honor to transmit to you herewith Copies of several Papers relative to an...