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Results 1331-1340 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
J Madison has recd. the copy of "Essays on American Silk," with which Mr. Duponceau has obligingly favored him. Silk and Wine are precious staples to be added to the stock already possessed by our Country; and whoever contributes to the introduction & establishment of either, by such valuable instruction as distinguishes the "Essays" has a just claim on all, for the thanks which an individual...
I have duly recd. with your letter of the 20th. a copy of the "Report on a State’s Bank." Not venturing to pronounce on the merits of a plan, wch. is to be tested by a fuller experience than can yet be consulted, I can only express my acknowledgements, for the communication, and my wishes, that if adopted, the patriotic views, of its authors, may be accomplished With esteem & friendly respects...
It is with much pleasure, I acknowledge the receipt of the New Constitution of my native State. I had hoped for more, and that the Lowlanders would have met the up land Virginians with the free hold restriction in the Senate—but presume under existing circumstances this was a point that our lowland friends are not yet prepared to meet. I hope Sir, that notwithstanding the Constitution has some...
Above and annexed, I send for your approval, my check on the President & Directors of the Literary Fund, for Five thousand dollars, part of the Annuity due the University of Virginia for 1830. Most Respectfully Your most Obt Servant NB. The number of Students now at the University, I understand is about 140, all doing well nothing has as yet occurred this session to be much regretted of, save...
Yours of the 19th. is just recd. It was not amiss that you paid Waller’s drafts wch. were due tho’ he had no authority to draw on you. He will have notice not to repeat this irregularity. I subjoin an authority to draw my shares of the Late dividend and the Turnpike Stock. Wm. A. is hereby authorized to receive my share of the Dividend, as declared on the first day of Jany 1830, by the P &...
If copies of the Lives of Arthur Lee & E. Gerry should be Deposited with you for me, Be so good as to pay for them & apprize me that you have done so. You will oblige me also by forthwith sending me a Ream of best ungilt Letter paper. FC (DLC) .
The Nat. Intelligr. of the 19th. gave us the pleasure of finding that you had arrived at Washington in safety, and advancing in convalescence. We left Richd. full of anxiety, produced by the reported effect of what happened to the Steamboat, on your feeble condition I hope this will find you at Oakhill with continued improvement in yr. health and happy in that of Mrs. Monroe & all around you,...
I take the liberty of transmitting to you a report on a proposition to establish a financial bank in this State. I humble conceive that the proper employment of the prerogative in question would yield to Virginia the means of amelioration to an incalculable extent—If the Moneys paid for the credit of that portion of the Sovereign right, which has been unjustly ceded to a favored few, in the...
Yesterday morning Mr McCrea died greatly regretted, he was perfectly resigned and entirely conscious of his condition as I understand– He requested shortly before his death that he should be burried with the honors of War– He is to be interred to day but I have not heard whether his request will be regarded– I have noticed the weather since your departure with reference to your travelling and...
I have not the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with you but as you Marrid a near Relation of mine I hope that will be a sufficient apology for the liberty I have taken to introduce myself to you in this way, as it may suit your convenience to Call on me with your Lady on your return from the convention home, I assure you both it would afford myself & Mrs. Payne great Pleasure if you would...