Receipt from Louis Le Guen, [5 September 1803]
Receipt from Louis Le Guen1
[Morrisville, Pennsylvania, September 5, 1803]
J’ai Ce Jour 5. Sepbre. 1803 recu du General Hamilton, trois Cents Cinquante d’ollars, Pour Linterest d’un ân, Sur la Somme de Cinq milles d’ollars mentionnée au dit Bond. Morris Ville 5. Septembre 1803.
L. Le Guen
ADS, Yale University Library.
1. For an explanation of the contents of this document, see “Indenture between Alexander Hamilton of the First Part and Richard Harison and Aaron Ogden of the Second Part,” July 1, 1801; “Bond to Richard Harison and Aaron Ogden,” July 1, 1801; “Description of Account with Louis Le Guen,” June 8, 1802.