132631General Orders, 20 April 1781 (Washington Papers)
The Honorable the Congress have been pleased to pass the following Resolve to which due attention...
132632From George Washington to Board of War, 20 April 1781 (Washington Papers)
Inclosed is an estimate of Military Stores which will be necessary at Fort Pitt—it is formed...
132633To George Washington from Elias Dayton, 20 April 1781 (Washington Papers)
Soon after I received your Excellency’s letter, the person who was the subject of it communicated...
132634From George Washington to John Durkee, 20 April 1781 (Washington Papers)
I was surprised to find by a Letter from Mr John Hurlbut of Wyoming that you had given permission...
132635From George Washington to William Heath, 20 April 1781 (Washington Papers)
It was exceedingly proper to order the men who left the Detachment under the Marquis, to be...
132636To George Washington from William Heath, 20 April 1781 (Washington Papers)
This being the day appointed by your Excellency’s orders, for the execution of Robert Maples,...
132637From George Washington to William Heath, 20 April 1781 (Washington Papers)
I have from the necessity of the case respited the two Criminals ’till Tuesday. In the mean time...
132638To George Washington from Samuel Huntington, 20 April 1781 (Washington Papers)
I am directed to transmit your Excellency the enclosed Copies of Letters, viz., one from his...
132639From George Washington to William Hutton, 20 April 1781 (Washington Papers)
To William Hutton Provost Marshal of the Army of the United States of America Whereas at a...
132640To George Washington from Samuel Holden Parsons, 20 April 1781 (Washington Papers)
It is now five Days since I have first walked from my Bed to the I have moved as fair as I have...