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Results 132631-132660 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
The feeble state of my health will but just permit me to acknowledge the rect. of the letter you...
If M. Dalbarton be really Jerome Bonaparte, he will have satisfied thereof the minister of his...
It is suggested to me (indirectly from the person himself) that Jerome Bonaparte is at Baltimore,...
9 August 1803, Falmouth . Encloses a list of American vessels arriving in his district from 1...
9 August 1803, Barcelona . “It appears to be Certain that the Tripoline Ship So long detaind in...
9 August 1803, Barcelona . “I have duly Rec’d your private favour of the 28 of May and altho the...
Enclosed is the list of American Shipping arrived in my district for the 6 Months ending the...
I did myself the Honor to address a line lately to your Excellency, Since the date thereof, the...
Mr. Monroe ayant eu la bonté depuis le 1er. Mai der de voulloir bien m’appointer pour vous...
Your friendly favor of the 1st. inst. is recieved with that welcome which always accompanies the...
Your esteemed favour , accompanying the German pamphlet by Angermann, on the preservation of...
The fluctuating state of the Commerce, and Government of this Country, has till now prevented the...
Enclosed are some private letters and all the public communications of importance enough to meet...
10 August 1803, New York . Encloses his bond “with two good sureties,” as required by the...
I herewith transmit you the Bond with two good sureties, required of me by the Consular act,...
I am very sorry that I was so remiss, as to delay looking out for the wood screws until I had an...
Agreeable to your desire I wrote for two pipes best wine for you & one for myself which I am in...
Your favor of the 2d. came to hand on the 8th. I shall willingly communicate to you all I know on...
In the last interview which I had … with you in Washington on your return to Annapolis, you...
I expected to have been presented to the King at the last levee according to the intimation of...
A knowledge that there exists a disposition to misrepresent all the facts relative to the late...
11 August 1803 , “ Fauquier Court House .” Recommends Dr. James Wallace for a medical post at New...
Mr. Fitch proposes to set out from hence for the Missisipi about the 1st. of October, and to go...
I arrived here after a long & tedious journey & found the yellow fever in the city : I did not...
I have the honor to enclose copies of a letter from the collector of Charleston, and of my...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments & thanks to mr Jackson for the pamphlet sent him . the...
I recieved yours of the 6th. yesterday and am happy to hear of your recovery. mr Barnes had...
On the 29th. ult. I recieved from mr Madison a petition on behalf of Saml. Miller under sentence...
I have been honored with your Letter of the 6th. ulto. and feel the sincerest joy on the...
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your circular letter of July the 20th....