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Results 132611-132620 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your favor of Feb. 7. is recieved. you mention having enclosed in it one of your proposals for publishing the print of the Declaration of Independence, but none came. I sent to the door keepers of Congress to know if they could inform me of the terms of subscription , but they could not. I shall be glad to become a subscriber, & will comply with the terms whenever made known to me. Accept my...
I received yours of the 24th. of Jany. with the enclosures, & esteem myself honored by your confidence. The general idea among us relative to the treaty with Great Britain has been, that Dr. Franklin scarcely extended his ideas beyond the hopes of a long truce, guaranteed by our Allies, without the acknowlegement of our Independence, or a settlement of the line of our Inland boundaries:—That...
132613[Diary entry: 30 May 1774] (Washington Papers)
30. Much such a day as yesterday but the wind pretty fresh from the So. West.
Being Just informed by Consul Wm. Lee that the American Ship Charlestown Packet is to Sail from Bordeaux on the 20th. inst., I have only time to have the honor of handin g you here inclosed a Copy of part of my Correspondan ce with the Commry. of the french Navy in this Port & with H. E. Genl. Armstrong M. Pry. & D. B. Warden Esqre., Consu l of the U. States at Paris, relative 1o. to the Two...
The Society for promoting Agriculture, lately established in this City, having done themselves the Honor of electing you a corresponding Member, have charged me with the Care of communicating the same to you. It is with particular Pleasure that I fulfill this Injunction, & doubt not that you, after having so eminently contributed to the Establishment of the Independence of our Country in the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Je vous ai parlé dans une de mes dernieres, de 2 Lettres de Change Americaines protestées. Voici ce que les mêmes Amis me marquent en date d’hier. “Par le Courier de Mardi dernier, nous reçumes une Lettre de Mrs. Sellonf. & Perrouteau, nos Correspondants à Paris, avec avis que Mrs. J. Cottin & fils & Jauge avoient offert...
ALS : Yale University Library Most earnestly have I wished for the Definitive Treaty to arrive, and Congress to find a resting place, that they might then have time to recall you, and our little Family be once more joined, the Treaty I am told is come, but when Congress will settle no one can say, they have lost much of the Confidence of the People since they began to wander, your old Friend...
You will have received my letter of Nov. 22. two or three days after the date of yours of the 26. and this will in a great measure have answered yours. I therein expressed a wish to obtain Dr. Taylor’s bonds backed by some other responsible person, because two responsible persons are always necessary to secure ultimately against the accidents which may happen to one of them in the course of a...
I have a few days since written to you transmitting you a letter which I addressed to the first Consul for tho I had got various Notes and observations under his eye, in an informal way—Yet I had reason to fear that what I wrote to the Minister particularly on the subject of the debt had not reached him, besides that I believed that he could not pass over a more direct address to him...
We have just receivd a letter from Mr Rush of the 20th of october, communicating one from the Spanish ambassador in London to him, of the preceding date, stating that he had been informd confidentially that the Florida treaty had been ratified. It does not appear that the information had been imparted to him, from Madrid or London or by whom. It being possible that it might have been receivd...