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Results 132611-132620 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The Secretary of State has the honor of sending to the President a letter from Colo. Smith; upon which he is now in conference with Mr Hammond and the result will be communicated to the President in the morning. AL , DNA : RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters; LB , DNA : RG 59, GW’s Correspondence with His Secretaries of State. Samuel Smith’s letter to Randolph of 29 March, sending information about...
From the appearances of Several fires the last night there is reason to apprehend that the Enemy have destroyed the Works & evacuated Verplanks point. I have Sent out Several parties to make discoveries & to harrass them if possible. In obedience to your Excellencys orders the Brigades will move into the Highlands. Permit me to Suggest on Account of the great Scarcity of Forage in the...
Captain Peery who commands a Company at Lewis-Town writes me as follows—“Lewis Octr ye 5th 1777. This morning 36 sails of the Enemy’s Ships went past this Town up the Bay, and this Evening 47 more were seen from the Light House Standing in for the Cape, and While writing being nine OClock find by the Lights in the Bay and firing Signal Gun they have Anchored in our Road.”—Captain Peery Says...
Your Excellency will doubtless be surpris’d at being address’d by a Stranger, & particularly from so distant a part of Europe as Ireland, but distant as it is, the Universal Benevolence of General Washinton’s Character is well known, & his firm attachment to the welfare of mankind, & even to individual right & happiness, has embolden’d me to lay before Your Excellency the Cause of two Orphans,...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the President of the United States & encloses the drafts of two passports for the President’s signature. One for the Schooner Commerce, now in this Port; and the other for the Schooner Eagle at Baltimore. Colo. Smith of Baltimore has applied, thro’ the Secry of State, for a Passport for a small vessel (name & Captain not known) to be sent...
I have little to inform your Excellency of but even that will be more agreeable to you, I emajin than not to hear from us at all. I have intiligence almost dayly from the likelyest places for news. The Troops lyeth mostly as they did when I wrote you of the partys going to Cow neck which is still confirmed, & that a party had gone to Joyn Governor Tryon on the East of the Island. besides the...
In consequence of the measures taken by this Government to Engage a number of Indians of the Penobscott, St Johns and Mickmac Tribes in the Service of the united States of America agreable to the desire of your Excellency, Seven of the Penobscott Tribe have Inlisted for the Term of one Year, and have arrived here on their way to New York. As they were very poorly Cloathed, and would not...
as I was an applicant for the Office to which Major Bush was appointed, and by whose demise a vacancy has taken place, I take the liberty to renew my application —should I be so fortunate as to be the object of your choice, my best endeavors shall not be wanting to deserve the favor—on the other hand, should any one be preferred before me, I shall again chearfully submit; being firmly...
Je renvois La Letre du General Wayne qui m’a honoré de Son Ordre pour Le joindre a Mount Holly je L’ais repondû que çela ne se pouvoit pas vû que la Cavalery restente avec moi forme un peti nombre pour Les Services et quentout je ne trouverais pas plus de 18 Homs de quels jais envoie Les melieurs sur Le chemins de Philadelphie pour assurè les passages du Transport des Beuvs qui marche pour...
My last to you was of the 1st instant since which I have received your favor of the 25 Jany. You will probably have received mine long before this time of the 14th ultimo which will satisfy you that I received duly your favor of the 26th December. I now enclose you (in confidence) three Copies of letters written by our friend Lincoln to Govr Bowdoin which will shew you in a more connectd State...