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Results 132611-132620 of 184,431 sorted by author
Yesterday I was honored with your Excellency’s Favor of the 9th Instant. My future applications for Ordnance and Ordnance Stores shall be to General Knox as your Excellency directs—He has sent me two Orders on persons in Jersey for a Quantity of Shot; As I neither know the persons nor any person in Jersey whom I can request to forward it to me, I am under the Necessity of beging your...
Letter not found : from Philip Schuyler, 27 July 1779. GW wrote Maj. Gen. John Sullivan on 29 July: “Inclosed I transmit you extracts of two letters of the 7th and 27th instant from Major General Schuyler with interesting intelligence.”
Your Excellencys favours of the 24th and 29th april are this moment come to hand. Tomorrow Evening I shall finish batteaux Sufficient to Carry the remainder of Gen: Thompsons Brigade to Canada But as we can build only four a day the troops must necessarily be detained some time unless part of the Batteaux should return from Canada which I ordered to be done when the first left this—To Supply...
I do myself the Honor to enclose you a Letter under flying Seal for the president of Congress—I have Nothing farther to communicate than what your Excellency will find contained therein. I should be extremely happy if only one Troop of Horses could be spared for this Department. As we have not any Field pieces in this Department, I have applied to Colonel Mason at Springfield for twelve, to be...
By Capt. Goforth who arrived this Morning I am honored with Your Excellency’s Favor of the 9th instt & by Mr Watts with that of the 10th. The Resolutions of Congress for a farther Supply of Money to be sent here I received on the last Ult. & dispatched It by Express to Canada together with the Other Resolutions that were transmitted me by the same Conveyance. I am happy That Your Excellency...
General Arnold in a Letter of the 24th Ultimo from Tyonderoga advises me of the Necessity of sending ten or twelve Gunners, and as many Gunners Mates for our armed Vessels—As none can be spared from the Artillery; they are not to be had at Albany or its Vicinity and I know not of any place nearer than New York where they can be procured, will your Excellency be so good as to order them up with...
On the 22d I was honored with your Excellency’s Favor of the 17th Instant, and the same Evening the Nails and Lead arrived here, 31 Boxes of the latter I gave in Charge to Colonel Wynd, who left this, with his Regiment Yesterday Morning. the Remainder is gone with General Sullivan who sailed hence with Irwin’s and Wayn’s at 8 this Morning. Dayton’s is not returned from Tryon County, nor have I...
A few Days ago I was honored with your Letter of the 27th Ultimo by Bennet—I was so greatly indisposed then that it was with Difficulty I could do that Business which was indispensible: I am since much better—A copious Discharge from an internal Imposthume in my Breast has given me great Relief, and I have Reason to think it is healing, as my Cough is greatly abated, and I gain Strength so...
Being on the point of embarking for this place, when I was honored with your note, of the 14th : inst:, and much engaged, I neglected to send you all the memorandums, I had made when perusing your report. The novelty of the Subject, the ingenuity Evinced in its discussion, the pleasure it afforded, added to a sence of duty, induced me to examine the principles, and make the calculations. The...
On Friday Evening I received a Line from General Sullivan, Copy whereof I have the Honor to inclose; by the Contents your Excellency will perceive that we have Reasons to believe the next will announce his Arrival at Crown point. Yesterday Morning General Gates introduced a Mr Avery to me, who applied to me for Money to carry on the Commissary General’s Department here—I asked if Mr Livingston...