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Results 132611-132640 of 184,431 sorted by author
Yesterday I was honored with your Excellency’s Favor of the 9th Instant. My future applications...
Letter not found : from Philip Schuyler, 27 July 1779. GW wrote Maj. Gen. John Sullivan on 29...
Your Excellencys favours of the 24th and 29th april are this moment come to hand. Tomorrow...
I do myself the Honor to enclose you a Letter under flying Seal for the president of Congress—I...
By Capt. Goforth who arrived this Morning I am honored with Your Excellency’s Favor of the 9th...
General Arnold in a Letter of the 24th Ultimo from Tyonderoga advises me of the Necessity of...
On the 22d I was honored with your Excellency’s Favor of the 17th Instant, and the same Evening...
A few Days ago I was honored with your Letter of the 27th Ultimo by Bennet—I was so greatly...
Being on the point of embarking for this place, when I was honored with your note, of the 14th :...
On Friday Evening I received a Line from General Sullivan, Copy whereof I have the Honor to...
I have the honor to inclose your Excellcy copy of a paper written by a friend in Canada in a tory...
I wrote you from Albany early in the present Month, and inclosed copy of a writ served on my...
Yesterday I was favored with a Letter from General Gates of the 7th instant, continued to the...
Since I wrote you from Saratoga, I have not been able to learn what is become of General St Clair...
I am to acknowledge the Honor of your Excellency’s Favor of the 4th Instant. I have long since...
I do myself the Honor, to transmit you Copies of General St Clair’s Letters to me of the 30th...
Both your Excellency’s Favors of the 15th Instant were delivered me Yesterday. The Letter for...
Inclose your Excellency a Letter for Congress under flying Seal, which you will please to peruse...
Your Excellency’s Favor of the 18th Instant I had the Honor to receive on the 28th—I cannot plead...
Since my Letter of this Morning Mr Livingston my Aid de Camp whom I sent to Albany to hasten up...
I am happy that you have escaped the danger with which you was threatened by the fire in the...
I have communi[ca]ted to Colo: Harrisson my sentiments on the Subject of General Starks letter...
Letter not found : from Philip Schuyler, 18 June 1779. GW wrote Schuyler on 9–11 July: “On sunday...
I did myself the Honor to write Your Excellency on the 26th Ult: which I sent by the Way of...
Your letter by last nights post is come to hand, but not that relative to the Election in the...
An Hour after the Post was gone the Express arrived with Your Favor of the 28th Continued to the...
I am just now informed by a person from Tryon County, that the Enemy are actually got to Oswego...
Colo: Warner succeeds so fast in sending Men to Canada. From the County of Berkshire in the...
This moment an express is arrived from New Hampshire, conveying the happy intelligence contained...
Your Excellency’s Favor of the 31st of July, I had the pleasure to receive this Morning. I am...